What Makes a Good Article Writer?

The art of writing a good article is one that takes time, patience and practice. It’s not something you can do overnight or with the help of a few online tutorials. When it comes to writing articles, there are many things to take into consideration: what your audience wants to read about, how you want to write your content from a good article writer and whether or not you’re going for an SEO-friendly article.

If you’re interested in learning more about good article writing techniques and how they work on the internet, continue reading this blog post.

1. Volume of Content

The quality of quantity. There is no point in having great articles that are short; they need to be long enough to provide adequate coverage on the topic, but not so long that the topic becomes tedious and difficult for readers to follow. Generally speaking, more than 1200 words for a full article is probably too long, with most articles ideally falling between 700-1200 words.  

2. Accuracy

Writing good content is one thing, but writing accurate content is another thing entirely. According to this study, 70% of all mistakes made by authors happen in just five areas: Grammar usage (37%), spelling (32%), vocabulary use (10%), structure (8%) and punctuation mistakes (5%). The most common of these five mistakes was the misuse of commas and semi-colons, which accounts for nearly a third of all errors made. Keeping this in mind will help you keep your content free of red marks.

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3. Conciseness

In the early 1990s, writers were encouraged to pack as much information into their articles as possible in order to meet certain word count requirements set by publications. Today, it is very important that your article is short and sweet; the less fluff there is in your article, the more likely readers are going to be to read it thoroughly.  

4. Sentence Fluency

This is where the “readability” of an article writer really comes into play, and it’s something that should be focused on by all writers. Readers like to feel as if they are reading content that flows well together, with transitions between paragraphs being smooth and sentences transitioning into one another smoothly without any bumps or hiccups along the way.  

5. Overuse of Jargon

The use of jargon in articles is usually frowned upon since it tends to alienate readers who may not understand these terms. There are some cases where you can use technical or scientific words in your articles to make them sound more credible; however, this should never be substituted for clarity when writing about complex topics.  

6. Careful Use of the First Person

Using first person to describe your own thoughts or opinions on a topic should be used sparingly, if at all, especially in scientific articles.  However, using it to describe simpler pieces is perfectly acceptable as long as it doesn’t come across as pompous or self-serving.

7. Clarity of Ideas and Expression

The biggest mistake made by novice article writer tends to be ambiguity; it’s very difficult for readers to process information that isn’t straightforward and easy-to-understand. This means that every piece needs to be carefully worded so that readers know exactly what you’re trying to say (if not, then they will assume the worst).  

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Writing good articles is no small feat, but with so many readers out there looking for information on the Internet, you will find that it is well worth the effort. Getting your name known in an online community requires more than just posting comments and writing blog posts; you need to be writing informative articles filled with accurate content that is easy-to-read. If you follow these tips then your articles should improve dramatically over time.  

8. Conciseness

In the early 1990s, writers were encouraged to pack as much information into their articles as possible in order to meet certain word count requirements set by publications. Today, it is very important that your article is short and sweet; and the less fluff there is in your article writer, the more likely readers are going to be to read it thoroughly.  

9. Tense Consistency

Your writing should always remain consistent with its tense. This means that all of your references made throughout the piece must utilize either present or past tenses (or a mix of both), but never future tenses or any other verb forms. For example, “I will have been running for over five miles” does not work and could be stated as “I ran for over five miles.”

10. Spelling Errors

The English language is a strange one, and there’s no denying that spelling mistakes happen all the time in published works; however, it is still something you should strive to eliminate from your articles. As long as you are on the computer when typing up an article, there are spell-check software programs built into word processors on computers that can find most of these misspellings.  

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11. Grammar Mistakes

Grammar mistakes are some of the easiest errors to make while writing articles online since they can go unnoticed by readers for quite some time before being pointed out by other members. These mistakes include improper or faulty capitalization, articles in the wrong places or missing entirely, subject/verb disagreements between sentences, and so on. These can be fixed by simply reading your article writer out loud before posting it to ensure that everything sounds correct.

12. Visual Appeal of the Piece

Last but not least, having a visually appealing piece will help readers to see what you’re trying to convey when writing an article; this doesn’t mean that every single sentence needs pictures alongside them (although including them isn’t a bad idea), but it does mean that there should be some variation within your body paragraphs (different sentence structure with varied vocabulary is good) and the organization of ideas is key; for example, if you present information in chronological order then your readers will be able to follow along with less confusion.

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