Ways to Get Instant Followers on Your Instagram Page

Do you want to develop the recognition of your brand on Instagram? Use the tips we will present in this article and to get instant followers on Instagram to grow!

But first let’s get to know Instagram instant followers a little better

Although there has been a decline in user growth, Instagram maintains its position as the second most popular social networking channel after Facebook.

Instagram is the second most popular app for the iPhone, after YouTube. Of the one billion monthly Instagram users, 63% (approximately 63 million) log in daily for an average of 28 minutes. Of the 500 million people who follow Instagram stories every day, a third of them come from businesses.

For a brand that wants to reach new followers and increase its recognition, to get instant followers on Instagram is an ideal choice.

Here are 9 steps that will help you gain more followers on Instagram and increase your brand loyalty and recognition.

  1. Follow a specific content diary

When designing the content of your Instagram posts, you are working to generate fresh ideas and optimize your overall profile.

Take the time to create smart content that matches the seasons, the holidays, the upcoming events of your business and, most importantly, the overall goals of your business.

You can be flexible and publish spontaneously, without following a schedule. But having a library of ideas and a (temporary) program will make you better prepared instead of trying to publish something, under the pressure of work and various other obligations.

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Depending on the area of ​​your business, you may want to publish several times a day or several times a week.

So create a content design for your Instagram posts and follow it!

  1. Post images and videos in good resolution

Use only high quality photos and videos. Remember that Instagram, above all, is a purely visual platform. There is no room for blurry photos and videos or images that have not been cropped properly. Believe us, low quality content will not be liked by your potential followers.

  1. Experiment with different filters and dimensions

Just because your profile is professional and not personal, does not mean that you cannot use filters and different dimensions in the photos you post. Instead, you should use filters in your content. The more creative and original your photos are, the more likely users are to interact with your account.

You can go one step further and download photo editing applications and take your photos to another level. In terms of dimensions, use the landscape and portrait options. Try out the available size options for yourself and see what works best for your profile.

  1. Use Instagram Analytics to power your research

With a professional Instagram account (which is free), you will have access to detailed information that shows when your audience is most active.

Use this data to optimize your post schedule.

Instagram also gives you information about the age, gender and location analysis of your audience, which can be a starting point for your research.

  1. Add tags to your photos with to get instant followers who interact with your brand
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Another way to attract people who do not follow you is to add tags to your to get instant followers so that they appear in their tagged stream.

For example, if you have a gym and take a group photo after a Zumba class, tag each of the people in the photo. To get instant followers (some of whom probably have similar interests) will see the post and “discover” your gym.

Need more reasons to use Instagram to promote your business?

As with all social media, you need to find the right way to use that social network for the benefit of your business! Go to the 6th step of the guide.

  1. Optimize your Instagram resume with branded Hashtags and CTAs

Your resume is the section where users will find out who you are / learn more about your brand and possibly follow you at the end.

However, do not use expressions that indicate that you are desperately looking for new followers. For example, do not include phrases such as: “Follow people who follow me!” in your CV.

The purpose is to inform users who you are and why they should follow you. Make sure this section is updated when needed.

  1. Ask questions in your posts and include a CTA

At the end of each post, include a clear encouragement for action or a question to strengthen your commitment.

CTAs include things like:

  • Learn more – link in the CV!
  • Double click if you want to see more videos like this!
  • Follow us so you do not miss any of our new updates.
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You can also post questions. Let’s say you have a yoga studio and you post a quick video where a teacher shows you how to do a particular yoga posture. At the end of your caption, you could write something like: “Tell us in the comments which posts you would like to see in future videos!”.

This will keep your audience engaged, show them that you really care about what they want to see and give your ideas for what you might post in the future. If you need to get likes on your posts, you can Buy Instagram likes Greece for your posts and brand images as well.

  1. Add the Instagram Link to your website and sign your email

Make sure users who visit your website can easily find Instagram’s social media button. This can be a great way to promote your new Instagram account to people who visit your site regularly. You can also link your corporate account to Instagram and sign your email.

  1. Post your content on other social networks

Try posting Instagram content to Facebook as well, to get users back to your Instagram profile. Users who did not know that you are on to get instant followers in Instagram and follow you on other platforms will find out that you are also on Instagram, as long as it seems that the post was shared by the specific social networking channel.

Also Read: 10+ Essential Instagram Tools for Business

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