17 Unique and Effective Content Marketing Ideas

Content marketing has become the cornerstone from which one of the primary responsibilities in positioning a company in its market starts. In order to give the results expected of it, there should have a well-defined strategy that includes content marketing ideas aligned to the needs and interests of the target audience.

So we can capture their attention and provide a value that distinguishes us from the rest, granting us greater authority.

In this post, we are going to see in detail why you should work on this strategy in your company, and I will give you some content ideas so that it really helps you position yourself in the market.

Content Marketing Ideas: Basics

Whatever your answer, you should know that content marketing ideas are the basis of any digital strategy. Without them, social networks would be empty, websites would not make sense, and advertising campaigns and their return on investment would not have a positive impact.

A strategy with good content ideas is essential to give shape and coherence to the digital presence of a company.

If you do not add value, your audience will not know what you are capable of, and they will not know if you are the most appropriate solution for them.

Do you want to know where to start? Let’s see some previous steps.

Define objectives of your content marketing ideas and strategy

The first step of all is to set your goals. That is what do you want to achieve through your content? Some examples could be:

  • Increase your reach to create a mass audience to target
  • Capture leads.
  • Close final sales.
  • Fill a form
  • Make a call
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These objectives should be aligned with those of your company. Only then will your content become the positioning tool you need.

Find partners with more content ideas

If what slows you down when working on your strategy is the lack of resources, look for a partner. I know that generating good content is complicated and that it also requires time, people, or infrastructure. Therefore, a quick solution is to find partners to help you develop it.

For example: If you want to create videos, find someone who has a recording studio and professional material to do it. And reach a win-win agreement for both.

Content Marketing Bases

Another point that you should ask yourself before starting is what volume of content you are going to generate. Here I will give you some basic advice:

Create as much content as your resources allow to offer value and quality.

In other words, quality prevails over quantity. It is more advisable to publish less content, but that is of greater impact for your audience than a lot of content that does not contribute anything. Align your resources with a volume that allows you to offer utility.

If you have different targets, think about your most valuable audience because your resources may not allow you to reach all of them. In that case, it is better to hit one, the one with the highest value, than to tackle them all and not do it at all.

Ideas for Your Content Marketing

Now, we are going to see those content marketing ideas that you can apply to your company or business:

  1. Less is more.

It is not about generating content to be generated, but about creating that content that is so useful that it will generate in the user the feeling of wanting to receive another from your brand.

  1. Diversify your content strategy.
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That is, it integrates people who work with you in creating them, each one providing information on what is good, and by that, I mean personnel from different departments.

  1. Web series of the company.

More and more brands are creating fictional web series, but why not create a fictionalized real web series about the day-to-day life of your company or certain processes?

  1. Create an ebook.

Where in 40 pages, you expose valuable knowledge related to the market you are targeting. If, for example, you are a fashion firm, you can create an ebook where you talk about new trends in clothing and jewelry combinations.

  1. Launch a podcast.

Just like you have written an ebook about something, in particular, create a podcast and, with at least a monthly frequency, generate content talking about news in your sector, interviewing relevant people in it.

  1. Analyze the 50 most common queries from your customers.

And, also, create a post to publish on your blog, responding to each of them.

  1. Work on your brand communication.

Through unconventional press releases, seek to tell stories that add value to your client.

  1. Carry out a market analysis on your sector.

It is extracting, for example, information that is novel and interesting for your audience.

  1. Generate visual content from other content.

For example, transform the content of your latest ebook into infographics or other creatives that highlight certain information.

  1. Organize industry events.

Where you talk about the evolution of the sector and bet on “coopetence”. Although it sounds strange, integrating the competition into your actions will improve your results in the long term.

  1. Use SlideShare.
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A social network that allows you to attach presentations to work on a brand through content. Raise a strategy in it, and put a collaborator or member of your company at the forefront.

  1. Develop stories aligned to your sector.

That is, share content that talks about him, what is happening, and that, at the same time, could interest your audience. It is another way to add value.

  1. Update your map of influencers and references.

Collect information about the materials they are generating to understand your audience better. And be able to generate more interesting content marketing ideas.

  1. Personalize your content in emails, proposals, communications.

The public likes personalization, so try to apply it whenever possible.

  1. Read at least one book a month that is not related to marketing.

It will help you to generate ideas from another perspective and to think more clearly.

  1. Develop a metrics plan to obtain data that gives you information about what is working and what is not.

That, in turn, will be content ideas to implement improvements.

  1. Make sure your content is accessible from any device.

Consumption on tablets and smartphones is increasing, so check that the text fits on the screen, the videos are not cut off, the buttons are well-read.


As I said before, read them all and stick with those that you can deal with according to your resources. Prioritize quality over quantity and think about the value and usefulness you could give the reader with each piece.

Now what? What will you do to improve or incorporate all these content marketing ideas in your company? Please share this information with your team and use it as a guide to shape your content strategy!

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