Conversion Rate Optimization: Turn Traffic to Consumers 

Are you concerned about the high bounce rates? Are you concerned about the low conversion rate optimization of your website traffic to customers? Are you agitated with the behavior of your potential prospects when they are about to touch the “Buy” section, but they do not?  

The journey from a click to conversion is long enough! According to the recent data, the average landing page conversion rate is 2.35% which is a big concern for E-commerce platforms. 

This article answers 3 important questions – 

➢ What is the framework to follow? 

➢ How to increase the conversion rate? 

➢ What is the significance of “TRUST”? 

Let’s start with the framework – The AIDA Model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action), which builds the foundation for the journey of CLICK to CONVERSION.

 A- Action

A-Attention AIDA 

D – Desire 

I – Interest 

 ➢ Attention: The content (Post, Article, Creatives) that you make will have to be attractive enough to draw the viewers’ attention. Your post has to make an impression on the viewers within the first 2-3 seconds so that they don’t just look at your post; they observe it.  

➢ Interest: Once you attract the customers, they will click on your link to check, “Are your promises real?” And then, they will start navigating through your website to get a good grasp of your offerings.

This is the perfect time to draw interest among them. The prospects will be drawn to your offerings if your website has the perfect structure, functionality, and optimization. 

➢ Desire: Once you make the prospects fall for your products, they will have the urge to buy them. 

➢ Action: This urge or desire to buy your product will make those prospects take action by pressing the “BUY NOW” button. 

NOW, how do you ensure that the visitors to your website will have the urge to buy your product :  

1) A perfect user interface: 

A well-designed and well-optimized interface of your website will influence the visitor to check all the corners of it. The use of perfect color schemes, fonts, layouts will enrich the overall website design, and the correct information in the right places can give your website an edge over the competitors. 

Here’s an example of Flipkart’s user interface. The website has the perfect color contrast and layout. They have put all the information in the perfect places, making it super easy for the visitors to navigate through their website. 

2) An optimized user experience: 

As an e-commerce platform, you will have to provide your prospects with a perfect experience. Your website has to be compatible with a mobile phone and PC. The mobile e-commerce sales are predicted to reach about 430 Billion US dollars in 2022.  

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Besides, almost 53% of the consumers who buy their products from e-commerce platforms depend on their smartphones. 

As an e-commerce platform, your website has to run smoothly on all types of smartphones. Visitors don’t tolerate any malfunctions while they are visiting a particular website. The website reloading page has to be real quick to address this issue. Visitors I love it when they can seamlessly navigate through your website, and they don’t have to waste their time. 

Almost 47% of the USA shoppers expect that the reloading time of an e-commerce page should be less than 3-4 seconds. 

See Also: How to Boost Landing Page Conversion Rates in 2022

3) Using the Scarcity Principle and limited availability:

According to Cialdini’s scarcity principle, if there is a perception of scarcity regarding a particular product among the consumers, there is a consequent increase in demand for that product shoots up, and people tend to buy it more.  

And just like that, you can show the tailormade message on your e-commerce platform, “Hurry up! Only 5 left,” or specify a specific timeline within which the availability of a product ends to create an artificial scarcity of a specific product. This tempts the customer to buy that product immediately. 

4) Call-To-Action Techniques

As an E-commerce platform, you can use a call-to-action approach to tempt visitors. “Call-to-Action” is a marketing term for the design which immediately responds to a visit to convert that into an immediate sell.

You can make red alerts saying “BUY NOW,” “PURCHASE IT NOW! HURRY UP,” etc.

These messages influence the visitors to make an impromptu decision to buy that product. 

5) The recent trend of Chatbots and Voice Assistants:  

Inclusion of chatbots or voice assistants in your e-commerce website can be the cherry on the top. A visitor of your website can have some doubts at any time. And a chatbot in that situation that can assist the visitor in navigation will increase your recall value and make the prospect your potential buyer. 

Another way can be introducing a live chat platform on your website where the visitors can directly talk with your company representatives. This will build trust among the customers in the long run, and they can become “loyal ones” from “regular ones.” 

Though the chatbot automatically messages a visitor on some websites, which can annoy him. 

6) Customization and Customization:  

This is the era of the “Metaverse.” And today, “Relationship marketing” stands out from the rest. To build a relationship with the customers, you need to provide them with a sense of belongingness. This can only be achieved by “Customization” and “Customerization.” 

Just look at “Lenskart.” They have perfectly integrated the “Virtual Reality” concept into their product development. How the users can use VR and try out different shapes and styles of spectacles is fascinating. 

Today, as an E-commerce developer platform, it’s becoming essential to include VR and AR tools to make visitors more involved with all the processes. It is the best way to gain their trust.  

We will soon create our virtual “META” world where people will not even visit the retail stores or modern trade stores. They will demand to try out the product before purchasing at their convenience.

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And you need to have a properly functioning system to address this issue regarding customer satisfaction. This can help you earn the valuable consumer “TRUST.” 

Almost 75% of cart abandonment occurs when the stores somehow fail to build trust. 

Also Read: How to Increase Products Revenue Using Advertisement?

7) AI in Digital Marketing: 

There may be instances when the visitor goes through your website and add your product to the cart but does not place the order. Here the AI comes into the picture. Netflix is using automation in its marketing strategy ideally.

Netflix’s intelligent AI can send personalized messages to consumers at perfect timing with special offers. The new age D2C companies can use this AI to create a difference. 

8) An “FAQ” Section:  

Every E-Commerce platform needs to include an “FAQ” section on its website. This FAQ section can address all the doubts of the visitors. This can satisfy the visitors and help them make the purchase decision.

The questions in this FAQ section must be product and usage-specific, and the answers should be relevant. 

9) Detailed Product Description: 

The visitors will buy your product from your platform only when they have detailed information about the product. From the product description, they must derive an idea about all its specifications.

But even after a detailed product description, sometimes the prospects hesitate to buy it because they are not clear about the outcomes. 

You need to add the “benefits” that the visitor can derive from the product after going through the description.  

10) Give the Customers what they want: 

Today, the consumers are way too much choosy. And as an E-commerce platform, to satisfy the demand of all types of consumers, you need to offer them numerous choices for a particular product.  

Let’s take a shirt as an example.  

You have to offer different sizes of the shirt, starting from Small to XXXL, different colors of the shirt, and even different textures. This will make sure that you are catering to different customer segments. 

11) A Review Section:  

68% of the consumers prefer to buy products from a particular website with a dedicated review section.

A review section that consists of all kinds of reviews (both positive and negative ones) with the pictures of the product clicking by the consumers themselves influencing the potential buyers.  

After going through the product specifications, usage, and benefits section, visitors directly jump into the Review section. And after observing this review section, they make their purchase decision. 

The critical point is that potential customers observe the excellent reviews and thoroughly go through the bad reviews before making any purchase decision. 

12) Proper Product Placement: 

Proper product placement can attract potential customers and enhance the design of the website. You will always want to showcase the best of your products on the landing page.

If you have given some discounts on your products or you have taken other sales promotion measures to incentivize your products for better sales; you need to show them on the landing page.  

Besides, you have to properly categorize all your offerings in a structured way so that the visitors can quickly scroll through the different offerings and place their orders. 

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If you visit the Amazon website, they have perfectly showcased all their discounted products on their landing page. They have a well-designed product category section where they showcase all their offerings. 

13) Customer Service Contact: 

Before purchasing a particular product, the visitors to your website will look for a customer service contact number. People nowadays do care about the post-purchase the behavior of the companies. This builds trust among the customers.

So, you need to mention several ways to contact the service center on your landing page. 

14) Ease of Payment: 

A significant part of making the potential consumers buy your product is introducing an easy payment method. 

For example, many D2C companies are partnering with RazorPay to make their payment procedures easy. An easy payment method saves a lot of time and effort for the consumers, and they feel satisfied with the system’s simplicity. 

Almost 57% of the online shoppers feel the checkout processes of most e-commerce website is long.

15) Use of eye-catchy pictures of all the products: 

The product images on your website should have high quality. The first impression is the last, and if you use hazy, unclear, low-definition pictures, these will create a bad image in the mind of the visitors, and they will close your website. 

Whereas high definition, eye catchy pictures will attract the prospects, they will be turned on to buy your product. 

16) A/B Testing:  

Lastly, it would help if you always carried on the A/B testing procedures to keep your website properly optimized. You need to keep on designing various website layouts and designs and try them out to find out which one is preferred by the visitors to optimize the conversion rate optimization.

The one that makes the consumers touch the “Purchase Now” button the most is the winner here. 


In today’s space, when E-commerce is playing a dominant role, and the D2C companies are at the forefront, the conversion rate optimization is getting tougher with time.

On the other hand, the market is getting more competitive daily. To stand out from the rest, you need to ensure that you provide the customers with the best user experience.  

You have to make the prospects spend sufficient time on your website, and this will only happen when you keep on conversion rate optimization to optimizing the website. 

Conversion Rate Optimization does not have a specific framework to follow. It is all about fine-tuning your website using several techniques so that the visitors start getting converted into consumers. The sense of “Trust Building” is at the center of all these tools and techniques. 

Your website is just a tool to build trust among the consumers. After the pandemic period, consumer behavior has taken a paradigm shift. Consumers are feeling a lot safer while purchasing online goods. Though in India still, 90% of the goods are sold in traditional distribution networks and modern trade stores, but the day is not far when people will stop visiting the outlets. 

D2C platforms are the cheapest option to reach out to the customers with your products, yet “Trust” is a concern, and your website is the only weapon you have.