How to Increase Products Revenue Using Advertisement?

Business persons should always focus on creating new plans to increase their sales. This is because higher sales will generate higher revenue for the business. This, in turn, makes the business more profitable and increase products revenue using advertisement. Making the business profitable is the main objective of all companies since the livelihood of the employees and the owners depends on it.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of marketing and advertising for a business. We will also explain how advertising can increase the firm’s product’s revenue over time. Reading this article will make you a better marketer and a better businessperson.

What is the Importance of Advertising?

If you have been living under a rock, advertisements are everywhere. If you step out of your house, you will see posters and banners of new films, events, and products on walls, billboards, and digital screens.

Although you might not leave your house because of the Covid pandemic, it still won’t stop you from seeing advertisements. You will see ads on any screen in your home – your television, smartphone, and computer.

Ads have become essential now because it is the only way (apart from direct product sales) to get to know about your product more of the customer base. If your targeted customer base does not know about your product, then never expect sales to pick up automatically after the product’s launch.

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Ads are guaranteed to increase sales revenue because they intend to direct customers towards your products. If you did not see an advertisement, will you buy that product from the store? There is a 99% chance that you will not.

Best Strategies to Increase Products Revenue Using Advertisement?

The targeted customer base should be made aware of it to increase sales. Therefore, you must first advertise in three forms – printed and digital. Printed ads are static, while video advertisements can be both (static images and videos).

After you are done with it, it is time to set your advertising plan into motion. If you are a business person and looking for some advertising strategies, follow these steps below:

  • Email Outreach

Email outreach is one of the most basic forms of advertising. In this method, you send emails to many people who fall into your target customer segment. The email will request them to check out their product or even inform them of any special offers and sales that might be going on. Therefore, planning a good email campaign is necessary for marketers. If you are looking for Digital Marketing services to promote your business in Bangalore, India, Get It SMS is a reliable online Bulk SMS in Bangalore. They offer feature-rich solutions, instant messaging, and inexpensive SMS services.

  • Google Ads

Google Ads is one of the most used advertising platforms. Google already has a billion users worldwide constantly searching for new information. Therefore, all of them can potentially fall into your customer base if the advertising is done correctly.

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Google will charge you for the number of times the ad is shown and the length of the ads. For example, a 30-second video ad will cost more than a 10-second video ad and even picture ads. The number of times the ad will be shown also depends on the amount in your Google Ads budget. The more your budget, the greater its geographical reach will be, along with it being delivered to more people.

  • Facebook Ads

Ever since its inception, Facebook has become one of the most used social media platforms used by people globally. While not as high as Google, it still has a large user base spread amongst three different platforms – Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

You can invest money in Facebook Ads to get your product shown to people across these platforms, similar to how Google Ads work. The more people will click on your ad based on its appeal, the more your impression (click) to conversion (purchase) rate will be.

  • YouTube Ads

Like Facebook and Google Ads, YouTube ads are most commonly seen at the start of a video or in its middle. This is a great advertising tactic since most people use YouTube to access their favourite video content for free. While as a user, it may be annoying to see ads at the start of every video (we know you face it too), the same cannot be said for businesspersons since conversion rates depend on your ad viewership.

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  • Influencers and Content Creators
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All of these social media and search engine platforms gave it to many content creators. It is because of these content creators that the platform makes itself sustainable. For example, when you show ads on YouTube, it gets displayed through a video of the creator. If a click is made or a purchase is made, the content creator receives a small share of the money you have paid.

Therefore, you can pay these Instagram influencers and content creators directly to feature their products or services in their advertisements. As a result, the conversion rate is considerably higher in this method.


Advertisements should be the bread and butter of every marketer out there. This is because the more appealing and click-worthy the advertisement is, the better its conversion rates will be. A higher conversion rate will generate more customers, increasing the revenues earned from product sales.

Also See:

Effective Methods to Do Online Advertising

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