The Complete Guide To Instagram Widget | 2022

Social media has made way for many changes. The most significant one being the marketing strategies of businesses and brands around the world.

They are constantly striving to boost their sales and revenue. The marketing matrix is also focused on that – from leveraging social media to digital marketing and offline advertisements, businesses are all over the place.

One huge driver of success has been marketing on social media platforms, especially on Instagram widget.

Content generated on Instagram captivates the attention of the viewers and keeps them hooked to it. Hence, the most effective strategy was to embed Instagram feeds in various marketing touchpoints.

With this blog, you will get great insights about Instagram widget, and you will be awe-inspired by this ultimate marketing strategy for 2022.

What is an Instagram Widget?

In simple terms, an Instagram widget is a tool that aggregates feeds from the platform via a specific connection type such as a hashtag, username or mention.

A social media aggregation tool can help you create an Instagram widget. Using them, you can not just collect, but also customize your widget as it suits your needs.

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The best part is, it gets updated in real time and can be a significant way to improve the performance of your website and other marketing touchpoints.

Why Must You Embed an Instagram Widget?

Social Proof Helps in Building Trust

The platform is used by users majorly for sharing pictures, reviews, and sometimes testimonials of brands. They also use Instagram to voice their opinions about their opinion about a brand. This helps in creating robust social proof.

This content can be displayed on your website to encourage your visitors’ trust in your brand, know more about you and also make a purchase.

Build Better Brand-User Relationship

Trust is the cornerstone of any dependable brand-user relationship. Users are no longer held back to ask questions from brands. Instead, they get in touch with them via social media, emails, or contact numbers directly to get answers for their query.

Consumers of the new age seek perpetual interactions to happen with brands.

Instagram has become their go-to platform, they share their opinions via posts, vidoes, or stories. Showcasing which on your website can boost your brand’s relationship with users.

Expand Your Reach

You can gather exponential reach by integrating an Instagram widget on your website or digital displays.

When people come across this content, fetching their attention and keeping them hooked to the content getting displayed, gets easy.

Further, when people are hooked to your content, they will be intrigued to know more about your brand and might as well spread a word about your existence to their friends and family. This will help in enhancing your reach to your targeted audience.

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Helps in Upselling

You can boost your sales significantly by embedding Instagram content on your marketing touch points. You can give people OOTD inspiration, showcase discounts(if any), display existing users’ experiences, reviews and ratings given by them.

This, apart from building trust and engagement for your brand, will enhance your conversions and revenue.

Instagram widget by displaying your products and services in action, makes winning trust more straightforward for the shoppers, while reducing cart abandonment and returns.

Humanizes the Brand

With Instagram widget, you will be able to display content created by the users and for the users.

By showcasing Instagram content, you can make sure that it is a brand that works with people and is not something that cannot be trusted.

By showcasing the content generated on Instagram, you add an emotive touch to the content and build a sense of belonging amongst the audiences. Furthermore, content generated on Instagram being aesthetically pleasing can alter the impact that your website generates on people.


Producing content can be a lot hectic and expensive. Here, directly resourcing content generated on Instagram can be a real deal-maker and minimize on cost.

Embed Instagram widget on your website and get real-time updated content every time your users upload anything on the platform.

This will curtail your content production costs down significantly and help you maximize your ROI.

How Can You Leverage Instagram Widget For Your Website?

There are tools that can help you in embedding Instagram widget on your website. Let’s walk you through some of them.

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Taggbox Widget

Taggbox Widget is a promising social media aggregation tool that helps in collecting content not just from Instagram but a diverse range of other social media platforms too.

Using the tool, you can easily collect content from multiple connection types like hashtags, mentions, tags, etc., which can later be curated into a personalized feed and be displayed on any webpage.

The best part about it is the actionable insights provided. You can know about your audience’s reaction to the content and make amends as required to enhance performance.


Tagembed, yet again, is a powerful aggregation tool. Their Instagram widget is made responsive, which means it is any screen compatible and can easily fetch attention of the visitors of your website with the impressive designs provided.

The best part about the tool is its affordability. You can literally maximize your performance and enhance your ROI with the tool.

Let’s Call It A Wrap!

Hope you found this blog insightful, time to work up your marketing game with Instagram widgets.

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