7 Effective Email Marketing Strategies to Generate More Sales

Email marketing is one of the most preferred modes for reaching out to clients because it is relatively low-cost and promises high returns. No wonder over 93% of B2B marketers use emails to distribute content.

Have your sales remained stagnant even after deploying an email campaign? Maybe your campaign isn’t backed by an effective email marketing strategy. The good news is you can change your email marketing strategy anytime since it involves low investments.

Wondering where to start? Well, here’s a list of seven email marketing strategies that will help you grow your sales.

  1. Sending Mobile-Friendly Emails
Sending Mobile-Friendly Emails

Source: http://fearlessflyer.com/practical-designing-tips-for-mobile-friendly-email-templates/

Did you know that 42% of emails are opened on a mobile device? That’s a large number by any means! So, the question is, are your emails currently optimized for the small screen?

Even if your email has excellent content, your email subscribers will never be able to interact with it unless it is optimized for the mobile screen. Naturally, your email marketing campaigns will take a hit, and so will your sales.

Wondering how you can craft the perfect email? Follow these tips –

  • Generate single-column emails
  • Justify your email text or keep it center-aligned
  • Use a readable font and size it properly
  • Ensure your emails have enough contrast to increase readability in both light and dark modes
  • Have an easy to tap Call to Action (CTA) button
  1. Keep the Subject Line Short

The first time your customers encounter email is not the inbox but the notification bar. This small space provides a small preview of the mail and usually includes just the email subject. Safe to say, whether or not your prospect will open the email depends on how impactful your email subject line is.

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An effective subject is short and addresses the purpose of the email marketing techniques right away. In fact, according to a study, 82% of experts agree that 60 characters is the ideal limit for subject lines!

Along with keeping your subject lines crisp, also try to capture the interest of your prospects by using their names, incorporating emojis, etc. Usually, the more interesting your email subject, the better the open rate.

  1. Give away Freebies
Give away Freebies

Source: https://longpeakmarketing.com/freebies-boost-small-business-marketing/

Remember, the main aim of an email marketing campaign is to generate interest in the product and gently nudge prospects further down the sales pipeline. And to do this, your emails should provide value.

Freebies are some of the best forms of value-added content since they not only increase your visibility in the target audience but also stimulate revenue from new and existing customers. Even among freebies, templates and tools are extremely popular, and they have a click-through rate between 26% to 66%.

Keen on deploying a freebie-based marketing strategy next? Start by figuring out the objective of your marketing strategy and the target audience. When that is clear, develop a freebie that provides the most value to this target group or solves a significant customer pain point. Usually, freebies like this nudge prospects to become paying customers.

  1. Segment Your Market and Send Personalized Emails to Each Segment

Your current email list most likely has an audience coming from different stages of the sales cycle. Naturally, their interests, pain points, and goals are different too. Hence, a single email list with the same content won’t work. So, what should you do instead?

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You ought to walk the extra mile and segment your target audience based on their buyer personas first. Then, you must personalize your email content based on it. Doing this helps you align your content to your prospect’s interests and also helps build trust with them. This pushes prospects down the sales funnel.

See Also: A Brief About What is Email Marketing?

  1. Include an Effective Call to Action
Include an Effective Call to Action

Source: https://doneforyou.com/best-call-to-action-phrases-and-examples/

Sure, you are sending over emails to establish a connection with your prospects, but you ultimately want to turn them into paying customers. Hence, you must include a gentle prompt to take action or a Call to Action (CTA) in your email, just like Brafton, a content marketing agency, did in their article templates (p.s. they saw an increase in revenue by 83% in a month after this).

Now, the question is, what is an effective CTA? Simply put, it is one that merges well with your email content and is in line with the potential reader’s interests. For instance, if your email has talked about email content marketing, and you want your customers to visit a link to download a freebie – a CTA like ‘Use this free template to get higher ROIs’ is more effective than a simple ‘Click here’ link.

  1. A/B Test Everything

Email marketing strategies are not one-size-fits-all kinds of solutions. They widely differ depending upon the nature of your business, your target market, etc. And hence, you must experiment a little before deploying a full-fledged campaign.

A/B test every single aspect of your email campaign strategy, including subject lines, tone, body text, closing text, layouts, etc., on a subset of your subscribers and check the impact each of these experiments has on your KPIs. Keep in mind that an effective strategy increases your email click rates, conversion rates, forwarding rates, open rates and list growth rates while reducing your email bounce rate.

  1. Reengage with Inactive Customers
Win Them Back – Email Marketing Strategies for Re-Engagement

Source: https://www.reachmarketing.com/win-them-back-email-marketing-strategies-for-re-engagement/

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If you’ve been keeping an eye on your email metrics, you know which prospects haven’t interacted with your emails marketing goals in a while. The good news is, you can target these leads and turn them into paying customers too.

The key here is understanding the reason for the low interaction and targeting messages to bring them back to the fold accordingly. For instance, if some email subscribers haven’t made a purchase yet, they could be waiting to trial the product. You could send over a free trial offer or a discount code and see if they engage.

Remember, you can always reach out to subscribers, ask them for feedback, and fine-tune your outbound marketing email content with their help.

Final Word

When an effective email marketing strategy backs your email target marketing campaign, your prospects are bound to convert. All you need to do is provide value, make your emails readable, make sure your mailing list is compliant with the GDPR and CANSPAM regulations, and test with the KPIs in mind before you arrive at a strategy that works for your business. No doubt, this takes some time and effort, but the high returns make it worth it.

Author Bio

Stella Simon is a Marketing Specialist working with Mail Prospects. Over this period, she has immensely contributed towards formulating effective multi-channel business marketing strategies. In her free time, Stella enjoys curating marketing-focused content and exchanging ideas on the same.

Also Read: Email Marketing Strategies – A Powerful Tool for Your Business