Think to Share Explains Amazon Advertising Campaign Strategy

E-Commerce is being defined and redefined at the moment.

There isn’t a bigger name in e-commerce than Amazon, and if you are to establish yourself as a seller, you must always have an Amazon advertising strategy.

This is not a strategy you can buy off the shelves, and there isn’t any ultimate guide to Amazon advertising. You need to experience and study Amazon yourself in order to succeed in this.

Before we go ahead with the Amazon advertising campaign strategy guide, let us understand how Amazon advertising works.

Amazon Advertising

Amazon vendors rely on pay-per-click ads as their advertising campaign strategy, wherein Amazon sponsored ads and Amazon native ads, as well as Amazon video ads, function in the pay-per-click model.

This is where brand awareness also plays a massive role because although the pay-per-click model works best with ads, no amount of Amazon headlines or Amazon product display ads can increase your sales unless there is brand awareness for your company and product.

However, there is no single Amazon PPC guide out there for everyone. It would be best if you devised your strategy on how to advertise your product on Amazon and ultimately sell that product.

In this blog, you will also find out how to sponsor products on Amazon with different types of ads.

Here are the tips to remember for creating the guide to amazon advertising campaign strategy:

One of the most important things you must remember while creating your Amazon advertising campaign strategy is how ads work on Amazon.

Amazon has many types of ads that you can sponsor.

  • Sponsored Products Ad
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The simplest form is the Sponsored Products ad, wherein the ad works as you sponsor a specific product. This makes your product appear in search results when people are looking for a particular product category. The ads even appear below the product page fold.

Depending upon the product’s popularity, you can expect good results from running this Amazon advertising campaign strategy ad. This is one of the most popular ways of advertising on Amazon.

  • Search Ad

The second type of ad is the Headlines Search ad, this type of ads not appear in the search results. Above the search results is a banner where you can place two to three products.

  • Product Display Ad

The third type of ad you must know is the Product Display ad. Instead of being a keyword-targeted ad, this type of ad focuses on products or interests. They appear in many places like product page folds, listing sites, and related product detail pages.

  • Interest-Targeted Ads

There are also Interest-targeted ads wherein if people search for any interest, your product might appear in that ad.

  • Keyword-Targeted Ad

One of the most popular types of ads includes the Keyword-targeted ad. This type of ad gets triggered and is visible whenever a particular keyword is typed.

This is effective because people usually do not type the product name while searching for anything. They instead type keywords. 

  • Product-Targeted Ads

Product-targeted ads also trigger only after the customer has visited a specific page. You can use these types of ads to target competitors.

Amazon ads are essential because you can successfully invest in them after knowing how they work.


Keyword is everything on Amazon; in order to be successful on Amazon, you must always have all the proper keywords for your product.

However, you can often find products where people overdo this and put every keyword in the product title. This might seem wrong or even annoying, but it gets the job done because whenever people such for anything remotely close, their product appears.

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Therefore, you must do proper keyword research for your product type and make sure to add these keywords whenever and wherever possible.

You should add these keywords in the title and the description; whenever you are trying to answer any query, you must never forget to add a few keywords to the answer.

If your company’s or product’s name has a keyword, that is even better because that will mean you are not leaving anything to chance.


The image is the first point of contact between the potential customer and your product.

One of the most common negative reviews customers give while reviewing products is that the product does not match the image in the product listing.

Therefore, you must always try to keep the image attractive and eye-catching; yet, you must not go too far off the rails and keep semblances of reality in the picture.

This is why you must continually invest in a photographer when you are trying to take product photos, as they know exactly how to bring out the charm in the picture.

You must also remember the more photos, the better, which is why your photos must show the product from every possible angle.

Another essential thing to keep in mind is the Amazon advertising campaign strategy guidelines. Your picture must be more than 1000 pixels etc.

You do not need to worry too much; you simply need high-quality photos that make people click on them.


Reviews are among the essential things that can make and break a company on Amazon.

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Reviews will be your best friend or your worst enemy as a seller when you are trying to sell your product on Amazon.

The simplest way to avoid bad reviews is to have good service wherein you make sure to pack the product nicely so that the customer does not have any problems, etc.

You must avoid paying the customer incentives for giving a good review as that can seem like fraud to the customer.

There are also ways by which you can resolve bad reviews.

If you have a bad product review, the simplest way to resolve this is to contact the customer directly.

You must give them options because people love options. Offer to replace the product free of charge by sending a new product or even ask them if they are happy with a refund.

After they agree to this, politely ask them to remove the review, be as honest as possible, and tell them that this review is causing their sales to drop.

Amazon is the most critical cornerstone in e-commerce today. From the most prominent companies who happen to be global giants to small local manufacturers and sellers, everyone is on Amazon’s advertising campaign strategy, and you should be too. 

Getting success on Amazon is not rocket science, but you must never forget the things we have mentioned above.

If you are someone who is a seller on Amazon and is finding it difficult to sell their products, then we are here to help you. We are ThinkToShare, we are one of the most reputed digital marketing companies in Kolkata. We will ensure to implement all our Amazon growth strategies to increase the sales of your products on Amazon.

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