5 Best Platforms to Increase Website Traffic

The first thing you need to do to increase traffic to a Travel website is to submit your Travel website to major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. They collect much information about websites from the web directories.

And whenever you submit your website to these search engines, they will index it for you and provide you with better visibility over the Internet.

These are some places to increase website traffic that you can use for your benefit. But before you start using these places to promote your website, you have to make sure that you know what your target market is and what keywords they use in searching for something over the Internet.

This is very important because your keywords will determine where people will come from the places you use for promotion.

Top 5 Places to Increase Website Traffic

  1. Medium

Now, many people have already come up with different ways on how to increase website traffic on a travel niche through a medium that is through blogs. This may work for some people, but for most of those who are interested in making money online, this can also do you no good at all because blogging is not a sure way to generate traffic.

Blogging can generate traffic, but that traffic will not be targeted, and it might only be random visitors. You need to make sure that your blog will generate interest from those looking for the information and content that your travel blog is bringing.

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The last way on how to increase traffic on a travel website through Medium is by writing articles. If you are good at writing, you can even submit them to different article directories on the Internet so that more people will know about your travel blog.

If possible, you can write on the same topics that you are discussing on your blog so that the chances of being found in a resource box will also be higher.

However, please do not copy articles that you have already posted on other websites because it may cause copyright infringement. Instead, just do a quick search on Google about finding free article directories, and then start submitting your articles.

  1. Reddit

Reddit has grown in popularity as the easiest and cheapest way to market a website. Sites like Reddit make it easy for travelers to share information about locations they have been to, events they have attended, and even photographs they have taken.

This can help the travel community to grow and thrive as more people take advantage of these websites to let the world know where they are going and what they are doing.

Travelers can get information on the best times of the year to go to certain places, how to avoid certain things while on vacation and where to find cheap accommodations.

  1. Guest posting

Guest posting is the best way to increase Website Traffic through Travel Guest Post. It involves leaving a blog entry on someone else’s website with your name and a link back to your website.

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This can increase your search engine rankings for relevant keywords. In addition, guest blogging helps you build an informative, engaging, and friendly relationship with other bloggers and attract potential customers to your site.

Another way is to visit blogs belonging to your target audience, looking to see if any of your links are clicked on. If these people are talking about your guest post and linking your page to it, this gives you the chance to promote your site and build relationships with potential customers.

Some of the Terms used to find Guest post Sites (Keyword= “Travel”):

  1. Travel write for us
  2. Write for us Travel
  3. Travel Blog Guest Post
  4. Travel Guest Post
  1. Forums

When it comes to increasing travel website traffic through forums, you have to remember that the more you post in them, the more visitors you will get. There are many various forums out there for people to use, and they are all accessible for the most part.

The people who put their time and effort into finding a Forum to use know what they are doing when it comes to Forums and can easily make Forums work.

To get the most out of increasing travel website traffic through forums, you will want to make sure that you find one related to your topic. The last thing you want to do is start posting on Forums that have no relation to your site at all.

This is just another way to end up wasting your time and be frustrated with the whole process. If you want to increase your Travel website traffic, you will need to tell the big forums apart from the random ones.

  1. Youtube
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You will need to make sure that you put effort into learning how to increase website traffic for travel niche through YouTube. The thing that you should do is learn how to utilize keywords in your videos. It is essential for you to not only use the right keywords in your videos, but you should also try to incorporate these keywords into your domain name, in the name of your website, and even in the URL.

Search engines will look at this and take note of it, as this means that you are providing targeted information to users looking for what you are offering.

Another helpful way of increasing travel website traffic through YouTube is to make your videos SEO-friendly. SEO is the art of using keywords within your content so that search engines can rank you higher. The more targeted your keywords are, the better your chances are of being rated highly.

Also Read: 7 Smart Social Media Marketing Tactics to Boost Traffic

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