Content Writing for SEO: 7 Top Things to Keep in Mind

As they say, again and again, SEO and content work hand in hand. The secret to getting organic traffic is getting your content to rank. You might rank, content and articles, but if that article is not SEO-optimised, there is no chance it will rank on Google.

So apart from the technical SEO needed to rank a blog, you need a content writer or a content writing for SEO agency in India that can do SEO content writing. This means you are writing for the target audience you want to reach. To better understand what content writing for SEO is, keep reading.

What is SEO content writing?

SEO content writing is writing intending to get your article ranked on Google. This also means researching the right keywords and writing the content with the right keywords interspersed in the structure.

When an article ranks, traffic flows into your website, and that’s the beauty of content writing for SEO. SEO content writing optimises the page’s content and ensures that Google can crawl the page easily. So that when someone types in a query about the same thing, your page can show up in the search engine page results.

If the articles your content writing agency writes are not SEO optimised, they will not stand a chance to up in the search results, and hence it is a loss of traffic for the brand. Bottom line – if a website wants traffic, it must implement SEO content writing.

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Why is SEO writing important?

So why is it important for your content to rank?

According to a newly published study, which analyzed billions of search results, 28.5% of the clicks went to the content that ranked no 1, no. 2 got around 15.7%, and no. 3 got 11%, respectively no. 4 got 8%. Not very surprising that the no 10th position got only 2.5% of the results.

Writing for SEO is a marketing technique that helps you rank higher and increase traffic. More traffic also means more relevant leads in your sales funnel.

Here are the seven most important things to keep in mind for SEO content writing.

  1. Make Sure You Know Google’s Algorithms.

Get a basic understanding of Google’s latest algorithms. Make it a point to write while keeping the basic rules of the algorithms in mind. This is what will help you rank and help you drive traffic to your website. If you ignore the algorithmic principles, then the chances of your content ranking will be extremely poor.

  1. Find the Right Keywords

For a keyword to be optimised, you need the right keywords. Having the right keywords in your article will help it rank for multiple keywords. Make sure you are using a mix of long tail and short-tail keywords. Using only high search volume keywords is not a good idea.

Make sure you also use long tail keywords with low competition and a decent traffic volume. In short, target the low-hanging fruits. For this, you can use Ahrefs or Semrush tool.

  1. Keep in Mind the Searcher’s Intent

Whatever you write, make sure you have met the searcher’s intent. This means that you have satisfied the pain point of your audience. Your consumer can search to find the price of a product or service, get more information about a term or concept, know more about a brand, or know the best product/service in the industry.

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It should offer the right answer based on the type of question you are trying to write for. If the user is looking for the best price, and your article is what the service is about, it will not serve the user’s intent. And hence Google will not rank it.

  1. Write Long-Form Content

If you write 500 words about a topic just because your SEO team wants some blogs published on the website, you can forget about that content ranking on Google. If you work with the best content writing agency, they will know that most content pieces that rank are long-form content and answer the user’s pain points well.

Long-form content always has a better chance of ranking since they explain everything in a more detailed format, giving the reader the chance to get value from the content. Every consumer is looking for value when they read a piece of content. Remember that.

Hence, if you are writing on a topic, ensure it is well-researched and answers almost every question the user might click.

  1. Use LSI Keywords

LSI keywords help search engines understand what the content means. For example, if you ask Google about race, how does it know whether it means “race” as in where you are running, or “race” means your history. LSI keywords help Google understand which content it should rank for.

As the best content writing agency in Gurgaon, we suggest using as many LSI keywords in your content and watching it rank better.

  1. Write Good Meta Information.

Every piece of content that you write needs a meta description. This will appear as a short description of 70 characters on search results (under your topic). Most people will read this meta-information to decide whether or not they should click on the blog. Think of it as reading a book’s back cover before buying it.

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So make sure you are putting as much information in the meta description so that the consumer is compelled to click on the blog link.

  1. Think of Humans and No Bots When You Write.

While those keywords will play a role in getting your content ranked, they will not ensure that humans read it. So offer value and do not write fluff content that does not make sense. Offer information that will help the reader do something better.

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