18 Smart Google SEO Tips to Rank Your Website Higher

If you’re looking for a way to get more traffic to your website to increase your online presence, then you need to start thinking about how to rank higher in major search engines like Google.

Google is the most popular search engine on the internet in terms of SEO.

I know you’ve probably heard a lot of advice about how to optimize your website for google search engines, but the truth is that there are just too many things happening on the internet for anyone to keep track of them all. So I decided to put together some simple and practical Google SEO tips and ranking factors based on my experience as an online marketer in this competitive niche.

There are so many search engine ranking factors that will help to rank better in search engines. We will discuss the SEO technique in the article given below and if you follow these webmaster guidelines for SEO strategies then people use search terms for the keywords to rank higher in the Google search engine.

If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to leave a comment below.

And remember: If you need help with something specific I will be happy to answer!

Amazing Google SEO Tips for Higher Ranking

1. Make sure you use keywords throughout your content

There has been much controversy among SEO professionals regarding the correct amount of keyword density (how often a word appears on a page) needed to rank well in search results. The problem with keyword density is that it can seem like a magical way to boost rankings without having to do anything else.

But what people don’t realize is that if you try using a high density of keywords in your content, they will end up looking like spam because Google won’t understand which words belong to each other.

This means that Google will think that you’re trying to trick users into clicking through to your site by manipulating their natural curiosity. We recommend keeping keyword densities under 20% unless you’re writing a piece of fiction. And even then we only suggest 15%.

2. Use H1 tags strategically

The title tag is the most important element of every web page. It’s the first thing visitors see when navigating to your page from search engine result pages.

They should not contain more than 2-3 lines, though, since it will make it difficult for readers to scan the text. Make sure to prioritize relevant keywords, and place these at the beginning of your titles so they appear within the first 60 characters.

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3. Optimize Images

It may sound silly, but optimizing images for search engine optimization can mean the difference between being featured at the top of the SERPs or getting pushed down among dozens of other competing businesses.

By adjusting image dimensions and file names, cropping photos, adding alt attributes, and resizing graphics, you can increase the chances that Googlebot sees your great photo content. There are also tools out there that allow you to automatically add alt tags to every graphic on your site, making it easier for crawlers to index them.

4. Include Schema Markup

Google now uses schema markup, a set of HTML codes, to identify certain types of information on a web page. For example, the following code tells Google that “the name of the movie” is one of the key elements of this article.

Since websites that include schema markup tend to perform better, we highly recommend including it in all of your articles.

5. Add Links to Social Media Pages

Social media marketing links can significantly improve the performance of a website. Not only will they get new readers to your blog, but they’ll also send traffic back to your site from Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

When sharing content via social networking sites, be sure to link directly to relevant pages rather than just posting the URL. Also, avoid promoting blogs or websites you haven’t personally created; people tend to trust personal recommendations over external ones.

6. Create Great Headlines

Headlines are an essential part of SEO. Without compelling headlines, no one would click on your posts. So why don’t more people write good headlines? Because they aren’t easy. Writing headlines requires creativity and some knowledge of how consumers behave online. Some quick tips:

  • Use the active voice to emphasize action instead of passive language. This makes your headline sound more exciting.
  • Use short sentences with strong verbs. Longer paragraphs help readers process the information.
  • Avoid clichés. If you use a cliché, someone else probably already did.

7. Write Like A Human Being

Don’t fall for the trap of thinking that writing for humans translates to boring copy. People love reading interesting things. Give them something worth reading! Remember that people don’t want to spend time reading long texts. Keep your copy concise while still delivering as many details as possible.

Most affiliate marketers make money from affiliate marketing just because they write for humans first.

8. Link to Other Websites

Including links on your website lets search engines know where your content came from. Search engines rely heavily on backlinks because they show that there’s the value behind the source.

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Make sure you only include quality backlinking sources, such as authoritative websites in related fields.

Backlinks are especially important if your site has been around for a while because older websites have more authority than newer ones. Read our guide to learn more about how backlink profiles work.

9. Optimize Your Images

Images are arguably the most important element of any piece of content. They drive engagement and attention. So when it comes to optimization, make sure your images load quickly, look beautiful, and scale well across different devices. These three steps will boost not only your conversions but your overall SEO performance too.

10. Use H1 Tags Correctly

H1 tags are the best way to grab the reader’s attention. But using H1 tags incorrectly could hurt your SEO. The next time you edit a post, check whether there are any errors in your H1 titles. It’s possible that these errors could negatively impact your rankings.

Make sure you add your primary keyword phrases in the H1 tag when writing it.

11. Include Keywords in URLs

Keyword-based URLs are great for two reasons:

  • They increase the number of clicks (and therefore potential sales)
  • They let search engines understand what your site is about

When you sign up for a domain name, do so at its exact spelling. There are plenty of examples of companies making costly mistakes by misspelling their names. Don’t let this happen to you.

12. Have A Clear Call-To-Action Button

A call-to-action button directs visitors towards taking some kind of action on your page. For example, a “Buy Now” button leads users directly into purchasing a product or service. You should use buttons sparingly on your website and never more than 1% of the total area.

13. Avoid Using Excess HTML Code

If you’re looking for ways to optimize your web pages for SEO, then take note of how other sites use code. Webmasters who add lots of extra codes could be hurting their own SEO. We recommend keeping the HTML code to just the essentials.

14. Monitor User Behavior

This tip is really obvious, but it’s also one of the most important SEO tasks you can complete. Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor user experience or behavior. If one group of people tends to visit certain pages more often than others, you know which pages need updating or restructuring.

15. Add Social Sharing Links

Social sharing is an important part of the digital marketing landscape. By adding social share buttons, you give readers easy access to share your content with friends and followers.

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Make sure you add links to popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. There is plenty of social sharing plugins that you can use on your website – one popular is Social Snap.

16. Submit Content Directly To Blog Networks

Blogging networks help bloggers get exposure for their posts by distributing them to thousands of blogs. Some blogging networks offer free accounts for new or smaller sites.

Others charge fees. Either way, submitting content to a blog network helps make your site rank higher.

17. Create Original and Unique Articles

There are several ways to create original and type of content articles for your business. One way is to find topics related to your industry and research. Then write about those topics based on your knowledge of the field.

Another method is to write quality content from scratch. This means starting fresh with a topic and creating informative and engaging content.

18. Optimize Page Titles and Descriptions

Page titles and description meta are extremely important when it comes to optimizing content. They appear in search results, so they have to be relevant, compelling, and descriptive. The first few words in your title tag are the ones that show above the fold on the SERP, so choose them carefully.

Your meta description tags come after the main headline, so they don’t have as much weight. They should describe what’s inside the article, not include the target keyword.

19. Core Web Vitals

The Core Web Vitals are essential to increasing your search rankings. These web vitals include responsive design, URL structure, clean code, fast-loading pages, XML sitemaps, broken links, etc. Core web vitals helps click-through rates and helps to prevent bounce rate too. It also helps to increase organic traffic to your website.

Make sure your site loads fast to give a good user experience. Google now gives websites lower ratings if they take longer than three seconds to load. So, speed matters. Use tools such as Pingdom, and GtMetrix to test your website’s speed. In order to get faster speeds, use caching. 

The core web vitals are important because they help determine where your high-quality content ranks in search results. So it makes sense that you would try to improve them.

By following the above-mentioned Google SEO tips you can increase your website’s ranking in search engine result pages. Let me know which tips you are going to try first?

Also See:

Why Keywords are the Heart of SEO?

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