Why Keywords are the Heart of SEO?

Those days are gone when people used to turn yellow pages of old books to collect information related to their specific requirements. Google is the internet library now where data from websites with keywords all over the world are gathered and always ready to serve people.

Nowadays, if people want to know about the “theory of special relativity by Albert Einstein” or a “chemist store near me” they immediately open Google and type on the search bar. It takes minimal time of ours and to be very honest, it is way much less hectic than going through any encyclopedia or address books.

But does anyone know how Google operates to pull the data out from every webpage and showcase it in front of people based on their queries? Keywords take an important role here. Each content contains some specific keywords that describe the context of the entire content body.

If you do not use proper keywords related to your topic, your content would not consider as SEO or Search Engine Optimization based. There would be a diminutive chance that your website blog will show up on the ranking pages of Google. All your hard work will add zero value if you cannot reach your target audience. Our body would not function if the heart stops pumping blood. We are alive because of our hearts. In the case of the website content, it is the keyword that makes the content alive. So, we can say that keywords are basically the heart of SEO.

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It is the best way to get the websites optimized for search. There is a program known as Google Spiders. The Google spiders start crawling from high-ranking websites to lower-ranking websites by clicking on every link that relates to the relevant topic. The smoother the crawling process, the higher your website will rank on the Google page. That’s how the Google spiders map the websites for Google’s data warehouse.

If you own a website, what would you prefer more? Do you want your website to be buried on the 100th page or do you want that your website will stay on the first two pages with other top-ranked websites? For doing so, you should be concerned about the content management system. You should be able to put the best way for implementing the keywords inside your content.

What are the Keywords?

Keywords can be a single word or it can be a long phrase that describes the context of your content that people usually search. Suppose you want to put content about “Bags” for your website and you particularly focus on “Black leather bags”. So, the respected keyword should be “Black leather bags”.

If people search this keyword on the search bar, there is a chance that your website will pop up on the first screen. But it depends on several characteristics such as the position of the keywords, meaningful and related phrase that helps generate traffic etc.

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Where To Put Up?

There are some key areas, if you put the keywords here, your website will surely rank higher.

  1. Page Titles: If you put keywords on the page title, it normally appears on the tab of your browser after opening the website.
  2. Clear URLs: Put the keywords on the URL of your website. Do not put random and meaningless letters there. If Google finds a keyword on the URL section, it will be easier to index your website.
  3. H1 Tags: H1 or Headline Tags are paired with the page title. A coder should definitely put keywords in H1 Tags as it says more about the context of your website.
  4. Alt Tags: If you add any image between your content, put a quick keyword description behind the picture that will help describe the image.

How Do Keywords Work?

As per the research, people find 20% of new topics on Google that are never searched by people before. So, you need to choose your keywords very carefully to reach your audience. There are competitive and non-competitive keywords generate conversion rate. The more the competition, the harder for your website to rank for the keyword. The more pointed the keywords are, the higher the chances of ranking.

To be more precise, if the search frequency is higher for a keyword then the competition also would be on large scale. If you use long-tail pointed keywords, the amount of search traffic would be decreased and your website will easily reach your target audience.

All you need is to find a skilled team that knows the proper strategy how to generate organic traffic to your website. Keyline Creative Services has come up with a solution for this. It is the leading digital marketing agency in Kolkata with more than 19 years of experience. We have a team of experts that will help your business skyrocket in the field of digital marketing.

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Each and every member are talented in their respective fields. Keyline Creative Services is here to protect the online marketing presence of your products and services. It is one of the best SEO companies in Kolkata. We promise to provide you with cost-effective and up to par results utilizing the latest technologies.

Also Read: A Beginner’s Guide: How to Do Keyword Research for SEO in 2021

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