A Beginner’s Guide: How to Do Keyword Research for SEO in 2024

The SEO world is changing. It’s no longer just about optimizing your content for keywords and hoping Google notices. The definition of a successful SEO strategy is practical. To stay relevant in the digital marketing world, you need to ensure your content will rank well in search engines and on social media platforms. The key is finding keywords that bring traffic established on what person is searching online with keyword research for SEO.

Search engine optimization is best accomplished through keyword research. To do keyword research in 2024 will take more than a beginner’s guide from someone with just some experience under their belt.

What does that mean? Well, it means that doing keyword research now requires a deep understanding of the future of search engine optimization with keyword research. And we’re not talking about ten years from now, either! We’re talking about next month or even tomorrow! That’s why you need to read this post if you want to succeed at SEO in 2024 and beyond!

SEO and keywords are changing so rapidly that trends change fast. That said, this article will teach you some of the basics when it comes to implementing strategies that work today and into the future.

This article includes keyword research, where can I find good keywords, how should I use my keywords, and many more? All these questions are answering here!

Let’s dig into the beginner’s guide on how to do keyword research for SEO in 2024.

  1. Understanding Keywords

There are words that people type into search engines called “keywords”, which are used to discover what kinds of things people are searching for. Keywords tell us the search terms that are relevant (or not relevant) to the pages they appear on. A keyword analysis provides a look into keyword popularity, potential traffic and search engine ranking opportunities.

Knowing what you’re up against in the keyword world is key to building content that will eventually drive more people to your site. Keywords reveal intent as well as tell us who our audience is. Searchers are trying to solve a problem — whether it’s finding more information about a subject, learning how to do something or buying something. Their keyword queries can help marketers understand what people think and even what they feel – giving marketer’s valuable clues into consumer intent and motivation.

There are many methods for keyword research, but keyword research is often very misunderstood. People tend to think keyword research can be done in just a few seconds when doing keyword analysis. It isn’t true! There is much more to keyword analysis than simply searching for keywords and picking the keyword you like the most!

“Keyword stuffing” is another keyword research obstacle that many people struggle with it.

Some professionals say keyword stuffing doesn’t work, while others argue it has only been made irrelevant thanks to Google constantly improving their algorithm. In my opinion, keyword stuffing can still work in some situations where people would never think keyword stuffing would work.

For example, keyword stuffing works GREAT with Wikipedia articles (see below). A keyword-stuffed article on Wikipedia is likely to rank very highly for the keyword they are keyword stuffing because it would be very odd for a Wikipedia article about a keyword-related subject not to contain that keyword many times.

People can “stuff” any keyword they want into Wikipedia articles, as long as it makes sense. The keyword phrase “what is keyword stuffing” might not work in a Wikipedia article because many people would wonder why “what is keyword stuffing” would be included in an article about keyword research, keyword analysis and keyword optimization.

For this reason, keyword-stuffed articles on Wikipedia usually contain keywords like “keyword research”, keyword analysis”, and keyword optimization”. If you want to search for a keyword, go to Google and type in “site:wikipedia.org keyword phrase”, where the keyword phrase is the keyword you’re searching for.

There are three main keyword research for SEO methods: keyword research using keyword tools, organic keyword research and keyword competitive analysis.

  1. What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research aims to identify the most relevant keywords that can be used as keyword phrases potential customers use when they search for your website.

It may seem like a simple task, but keyword research strategy is essential to any SEO campaign, and it’s one of the many reasons keyword densities are so important. The keyword phrases that you know your target audience will use when searching for your website is what helps Google understand where your site fits in the overall keyword landscape.

Hence, keyword research has become a crucial part of keyword densities.

For a professional SEO strategy, keyword research is essential. Many keyword research tools are available, but knowing how to conduct keyword research manually is a good skill for any SEO consultant. Here, we’ll look at why you need keyword research for your site and tips on conducting keyword research manually using Google search queries.

When it was first introduced to the SEO world, keyword tools like WordTracker, Overture and Keyword Discovery dominated the market. They were all you needed to conduct keyword research for SEO for your website. However, keyword research became more complicated with Google’s introduction of AdWords in 2002 and their keyword bidding system (which would later become known as keyword auctions).

Today, keyword research takes a backseat to keyword targeting and keyword discovery; but keyword research is still an essential part of any SEO campaign. In addition to researching keywords for your website(s), you also need keyword ideas that will generate traffic from other websites like YouTube videos, Google AdWords and Bing.

Additionally, keyword research can identify longtail keyword phrases that are less competitive and more specific to the needs of your site’s visitors. These types of keyword phrases often provide better link opportunities, as well as ranking opportunities for corresponding pages on your website(s).

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A Beginner's Guide: How to Do Keyword Research for SEO in 2024 5
  1. How to Do Keyword Research?

Keyword Research is the first and foremost thing to be done for any product or website. The results help us learn what our audience wants. This keyword research also helps us in understanding the competition of these keywords.

This keyword research will help us in knowing which keyword is working and which keyword is not. In this keyword research, we study the Keyword Difficulty of the particular keyword.

In keyword research for SEO, we study the Keyword Competition of a keyword. In keyword research, we also learn which keyword has the largest average monthly search volume.

READ ALSO:  Why Keywords are the Heart of SEO?

On the internet, one can find many options for researching keywords. These keyword research tools help us to do keyword analysis and provide data related to the keyword. These keyword research tools offer keyword ideas also.

The most popular keyword research for SEO tool is Google AdWords Keyword Planner, which gives an idea of how much competition there is for a keyword, how many people are searching for it, and the keyword’s monthly search volume.

Keyword research is a keyword-based approach to search engine optimization (SEO). You might have heard of keyword stuffing, keyword spamming, and other keyword-related strategies. Keyword research is different from keyword spamming or keyword stuffing because it is not keyword-based. Instead, keyword research is based on keyword metrics that matter, such as keyword traffic and keyword difficulty.

Introduction to Keyword Metrics

Okay, so keyword research for SEO tools are a great start, but keyword metrics still matter. Keyword metrics are more important than keyword research tools because keyword metrics provide you with keyword difficulty and traffic. Let’s take keyword difficulty, and for example, keyword metrics are the only reliable way to determine keyword difficulty because keyword difficulty is keyword dependent.

Keyword Difficulty Metrics There is many keyword difficulty metrics out there. However, the keyword difficulty metrics that matter the most: keyword discovery, keyword competitiveness, keyword ranking difficulty, and keyword usage.

  • Keyword discovery

Keyword discovery is the number of keyword suggestions that keyword research tools provide. You can find keyword discovery on keyword research tools as well because keyword discovery is keyword dependent. However, you can determine keyword discovery by yourself (with the help of keyword research for SEO tools in 2041) because keyword suggestion isn’t as important a keyword metric as keyword discovery.

  • Keyword competitiveness

Keyword competitiveness is the keyword traffic that keyword research tools provide. You can find keyword competitiveness on keyword research tools as well because keyword traffic is keyword dependent. However, you can determine keyword competitiveness by yourself (with the help of keyword research for SEO tools) because keyword traffic isn’t as important a keyword metric as keyword competitiveness.

  • Keyword ranking difficulty

Keyword ranking difficulty is keyword dependent. Keyword ranking difficulty indicates the difficulty of ranking for a particular keyword. In other words, keyword ranking difficulty is keyword multiplied by keyword traffic. Therefore, keyword ranking difficulty is keyword dependent because keyword traffic isn’t keyword dependent (most keywords aren’t keyword competitive in most cases).

  • Keyword usage

Keyword usage is keyword dependent. Keyword usage indicates how often a keyword is used. Keyword usage can be keyword traffic, but keyword traffic isn’t keyword usage (most keywords aren’t keyword competitive in most cases). You can find keyword usage on tools but keyword research tools are keyword dependent. Therefore, keyword usage is keyword dependent because keyword traffic isn’t keyword dependent (most keywords aren’t keyword competitive in most cases).

  1. How to Find and Choose a Keyword?

Everyone wants to find the right keyword for website, but there are many questions about finding and choosing a good Keyword. This post will provide info about how to find and select a Keyword for your website.

The right keyword can help you achieve a better SEO, but it is not everything. Many other SEO factors have the most considerable influence on the success in search engine optimization, such as URL structure, content, backlinks, and many others.

Most SEOs find that excellent keywords are the key to their success in search engine optimization. Keywords find the balance between user interest and website subject, thus bringing qualified traffic to your website.

A good keyword should match a searcher’s query or intent.

To find the right keywords, the first step is to find (generate) them. There are many different ways to find words or phrases that you can use as keywords, but the two most essential methods are using a keyword tool and brainstorming.

The following are some ways that you find keywords to use for your website:

  • Use a Keyword Tool

One of the best and easiest ways to find keywords is to use a keyword tool. Many different free and paid tools can find Keywords for your website.

Choosing a good keyword tool should be your first step. Google Adwords Keyword Planner is still the best free keyword finder, but there are many other good tools you can find on the market, like Long Tail Pro. 

Understanding searcher intent behind a keyword is an essential part of choosing a good Keyword.

You find that information in the Google Adwords Keyword Planner by looking at the “Avg. monthly searches” column. If you find your keyword in the list, see the queue and look at the number. It will let you know how many people find that particular keyword by searching on Google.

When searching for a Keyword, find the column and look at the numbers. You find that as you find keywords with higher numbers, it’s more relevant to your topic and find that the competition for it is lower in SERPs.

  • Brainstorming

Another way to find keywords is by brainstorming. It is much slower and less efficient, but it may find some good keywords that you see in the next step.

It’s not so hard to find ideas for your Keywords using this method. Just sit down with pen and paper and find all relevant words to your business or website, and come up with words that describe what your business finds. You find that the good keywords find their way out of your mind in a few minutes, but you also find that there are many words and phrases left on the paper.

Write all those down because you find that some of them can be a valuable addition to your list.

It’s best to write all the Keywords down that you find; it helps find the right keywords for your business.

  • Competitor Research

The third way to find keywords is by competitor research and seeing keywords with low competition and high popularity. This method was always helpful, but now it’s even more efficient thanks to free tools like Moz Open Site Explorer, Majestic SEO Site Explorer or Ahrefs Site Explorer.

A significant benefit of using this method is to see what keywords your competitors find as most valuable. If they find them, you find that it’s worth targeting too.

The Following are the Best Ways to find Keywords:

  1. Check Google Trends

Another helpful tool for finding Keywords is Google Trends. By using this tool, you find out what people see or find more relevant for a given period.

By using Google Trends, you find out what people find most relevant in the past years, giving you information about what will be trending next and finding it valuable to choose those search terms for your business. You also find that it find the search volume and find how popular a particular period find.

The way you find keywords with Google Trends is by using a heat map tool. You find a list of topics on the left side of the page, choose the one you find interesting and see what people find most relevant in past years.

  • Use Rival IQ

Rival IQ Find is a very useful tool for researching competitors. You discover that it considers some excellent metrics and find keywords based on the number of mentions in social media, blogs, forums, review sites, and many more.

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This method finds keywords your competitors find as most relevant by looking at what people see as most valuable when talking about them. You find that this find is about finding organic keywords that find no mention of your competitors in SERPs.

  • Check the Google AdWords Keyword Planner

Finally, you find a free tool for keyword research for SEO, finding the best keywords for competition, and finding the volume. The name of this tool is Google AdWords Keyword Planner, and sees that it considers all of the above and discover more.

It finds that you find data about competitive Keywords, find volume, cost per click. The only downside is that you find little traffic information (less than a thousand visits). However, you find that it’s enough for choosing valuable keywords to target if your business needs this information.

So, you find a few ways to find keywords and find the best ones for you.

A Beginner's Guide: How to Do Keyword Research for SEO in 2024 6
  1. Keyword Research Tools

For some reason, where to find keywords is a common question for anyone starting a blog. We’ll show you where to get your keywords in several different ways.

If you’re looking for the best keyword research for SEO tools to help you generate more search traffic through organic search, then look no further.

These keyword research tools are so good that many of them were designed by SEO and digital marketers.

List of 12 Best Keyword Research Tools:

  1. Ahrefs: What makes Ahrefs the best keyword research tool is that it’s packed full of data like organic keywords, backlinks, SERP overview and position tracking, site summaries, and even competitors.
  2. Buzzsumo: This keyword research tools allow you to find relevant content performing well on social media.
  3. Google Keyword Planner: This keyword research tool enables you to search for keywords and find the average monthly searches and suggested bids.
  4. Ubersuggest: This keyword research for SEO tool is excellent for finding longtail keywords because it automatically generates hundreds of longtail keywords related to the main keyword.
  5. Google Trends: This keyword research tool allows you to see how often a specific search term is entered into Google over some time and whether it’s increasing or decreasing.
  6. SEMrush: This keyword research tools provide evaluative data on organic positions, backlinks, traffic, keywords, and more.
  7. KWFinder: This keyword research tool allows you to find keywords for both search and content topics as it has thousands of longtail and short-tail keywords.
  8. KeywordTool.io – This keyword research tool provides a database of over 850 million keywords sourced from Google, YouTube, Bing, and Amazon through advanced filters.
  9. AnswerThePublic: This keyword research tool creates a list of keywords that people use to ask their questions, and you can make use of the list in your content marketing.
  10. Seed: These keyword research tools allow you to find profitable keywords, create content around these keywords, and add them to your content marketing strategy.
  11. Google Correlate: This keyword research tool shows you keywords that have a high correlation with particular search terms, which can help you build content around these keywords.
  12. Google Instant: Here you will quickly find “buying signals” present and where many people are searching. Keywords with buying signals may not be where your customers hang out, but it’s where your competitors probably are. Search for ‘best [keyword]’ and see what show up. 

Perform your tests (run A/B, multivariate tests) to determine which keyword research tools are best for you.

So if you are seeing for more keyword tools, I highly recommend trying out those listed above. There are several free and paid options, but they all provide excellent service relevantly and help your business grow.

keyword research tools for SEO
A Beginner's Guide: How to Do Keyword Research for SEO in 2024 7
  1. How to Find Keywords Relevant to Your Niche?

Keyword research for SEO has several purposes. Firstly, to find keywords that your potential customers are searching for product or service frequently.

Secondly, to find keywords with high competition, which is tough to rank on Google so that you can catch them by knowing the keywords?

Thirdly, discover longtail keywords that will help you build quality links and make your website rank higher in SERP.

Fourthly, to know more about your competitors’ strategies that help you learn from their success. So, keywords research is all about getting knowledge about the keywords relevant to your targeted niche.

How can you find keywords that your customers type to search by product type?

There are many free or paid keyword tools available such as Google Keyword Planner, KWFinder, Market Samurai and many others that you can use to find the relevant keywords.

Using the Google Keyword Planner is free, provided by Google itself and is the most recommended one.

Step 1: Head over to Google Keyword Planner and sign up for an account. Then, simply type any topic in the search box.

Step 2: Within a few seconds, you will know how many searches are being conducted for that topic every month, how much competition you will face to get ranked on Google for those keywords and the average monthly ad-spend of advertisers targeting that keyword.

Step 3: You can further filter down the keywords by choosing them according to your location, language and device. It will help you get the most relevant keywords for your potential customers.

In addition, you can also check out other keyword tools available online to find the relevant keywords. Specifically, this tool is easy to use uses the Google Autocomplete feature to find the appropriate keywords and save them in a database.

How to Find Keywords Using KWFinder. To know more, visit KWFinder.

Step 1: Once you are on the website, type any topic in the search box at the top of the screen.

Step 2: Once you click on “autocomplete”, it will start showing the relevant keywords based on your topic that people are searching for.

Step 3: In the left sidebar, you will see the complete list of keywords, including their monthly searches, CPC and competition level.

So, those were some simple ways to find the relevant keywords for your product or website. If you are new to these tools, make sure you learn about them in detail and accordingly use them. If you are a more experienced marketer, do share your thoughts on the usefulness of these tools. If you love this article, do not forget to share it on your social network.

  1. Keyword Research Mistakes Beginners Make

The world of SEO and keyword research is vast, but newbies make common mistakes when learning to do keyword research properly. This article will lead you with the most common mistakes and give you tips on avoiding them.

Mistake 1: Failing to choose the right KWs

Failing to pick the correct keywords for your website is like putting a funnel over your head and pouring money down the drain.

Good Keywords contain high search volume (meaning they get many searches), are easy to rank in (meaning you can climb to the top of Google and other search engines quickly) and are low in competition (meaning you could beat your competitors to the #1 spot).

READ ALSO:  Why Keywords are the Heart of SEO?

On the other hand, picking wrong keywords is like looking up at that funnel from inside it. You’re wasting valuable time, money and resources.

So how do you pick good keywords? Well, the answer is a little more complicated than simply searching for keywords with high search volume; it involves understanding how Google’s secret algorithm works and choosing keywords that will get you to the top of Google. To learn how this is done, click here: How to select good KWs.

Mistake 2: Not diversifying your KWs

When you’re doing your keyword research for SEO, it’s essential to pick a few keywords and stick with them. The reason for this is that Google regularly changes their algorithm in ways that impact how websites rank.

For example, the Panda update was designed to prevent websites from ranking well if they were fragile content pages without much information. The Penguin update penalizes websites that try to game the system by writing spammy articles or manipulating backlinks.

Diversifying your KWs helps ensure that you have a steady stream of good keywords that will not be impacted by Panda, Penguin, and other updates that Google implements regularly. To diversify your KW list, click here: How to diversify your KW list.

Mistake 3: Not using longtail keywords

Longtails are words or phrases that contain 3+ words in them. They’re a significant part of keyword research for SEO because they give you a chance to rank for hundreds of low competition, highly targeted keywords instead of just one. It is what makes them so valuable.

To find long tails, you simply need to think about variations of your main keywords. Shoes, for example, can be sold online, then add the words “shoe” and “footwear” into your research list. This simple action can lead to hundreds of different keywords (all with very little competition), which will help build your brand online and get you more traffic.

Mistake 4: Not researching the competition

Keyword research for SEO is not just about finding keywords with high search volume; it’s also about finding low competition keywords. If you pick a keyword that your competitors are targeting, then there’s a good chance that it will be challenging to rank for this particular term.

Researching the competition involves doing more than just searching for your competitors’ websites and looking at the keywords they rank for. 

You need to look at their backlinks, anchor text ratios, social media presence, and other insights that can provide you with clues on how to improve your site’s rankings.

Mistake 5: Not understanding the basics of keyword density

In SEO, keyword density determines how many times a web page’s keyword frequency as a percentage of its overall content. For example, if there are 300 words on a page and one specific KW appears three times, this would be considered 3% KD.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that a higher KD is always better simply because the number in itself sounds impressive. This is not true; you need the right balance of keywords to get results.

If your KW density is too low, you risk appearing spam and will often trigger manual penalties from Google, which are constantly looking for sites trying to game their system. However, if your KW density is too high, then you’ll risk diluting the overall quality of your content and making it appears unreadable.

Mistake 6: Not using local keywords

Local keyword research for SEO is significant when you’re targeting a local market such as your city or state. For example, if you’re running a business in Sydney, then including keywords like “Sydney plumber”, “local movers”, and “cheap car hire” will help to improve your rankings for these particular terms.

Google has recently made it even easier for users to search for local businesses with a search feature called Google+ Local. To use it is simple. All you need to do is type in your business name and add the + symbol, displaying other facts such as an address, average review rating and photos. On top of this, when people are searching for businesses close by then, Google will automatically show local companies at the top of their SERPs, which gives you a great chance of getting noticed.

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  1. How to Avoid Keyword Mistakes:

The goal of SEO is to target keywords that the search engine will pick up on and rank you higher. But, what is the best way to identify which words to target? There are tons of algorithms out there that change all the time. One day, a particular keyword might be perfect for SEO, but the next day a new algorithm could update, and your target keyword might be the kiss of death.

To avoid these problems, here are four rules to follow:

  1. Pick keywords that are relevant to your product and business:

It is the essential rule because the other four rules won’t matter if you don’t. It’s not worth optimizing for a keyword with almost no search volume and no relevance to your product.

The point is for people to find you when they search, so if the keyword doesn’t lead them to what they’re looking for (i.e. they type in “car” and you’re a store that specializes in selling boots, or the search is for “how to ride a bike” and your site is about the history of bikes), you’re doing the whole thing for nothing.

  • Choose a variety of keywords rather than the same word over and over:

Many novice SEOs is on the hunt for one golden keyword. They find a word with 50,000 search results a month and go all in. 

But this is a mistake. Each keyword has its relevancy score, so if you only target one keyword, all your content and backlinks are pushing up its search results.

Not many people will bother to search for keywords that don’t match their interests. If your content isn’t relevant, it won’t get ranked well, and it won’t click on.

3.      Target longer keywords over shorter ones:

This is pretty straightforward. It’s easier to rank higher for a 100-word keyword than a 10-word one.

4.      Avoid using famous, everyday words in your keywords:

Every time you optimize for the exact phrase, you push your competitors up higher. And if the word is overly familiar, it makes it look like you’re not doing anything original with your site.


The key to SEO in 2024 is finding keywords, and once you have found your perfect keywords, it’s time to use them in a way that will optimize your website and make the best possible impression with search engines. With this guide, you’ll be able to do keyword research for SEO with the best possible strategy. Many more topics are covered in this blog post, including how to find good keywords, where I should use my keywords, and much more! We hope that this information has helped you gain new insight and feel confident with your understanding of keyword research for SEO. Read on for all the details of a beginner’s guide to doing keyword research in 2024!

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