Best Practices for Keyword Research and Keyword Targeting

Finding out what you are truly optimizing for is the first step in search engine optimization. This entails choosing the keyword research —also referred to as search terms—that you want your website to rank for in search engines like Google.

Sounds easy enough, doesn’t it? If someone keyword searches for “widgets” or types in phrases like “purchase widgets,” I want my widget business to come up. Step three is next.

Regrettably, it’s not relatively that easy. When choosing the keywords, you wish to use to drive traffic to your website, keep the following in mind:

Search Volume

How many individuals (if any) are genuinely searching for a specific term should be the first thing to consider. You have a greater chance of reaching a larger audience if more individuals use a particular phrase. On the other hand, if no one uses a term, there will be no audience to discover your material through search.


It’s fantastic if a word is commonly searched for, but what if your prospects don’t fully understand its significance?

At first glance, relevance sounds simple: if you provide enterprise email marketing automation software, you don’t want to appear in searches for terms like “pet supplies” that have nothing to do with your industry.

What about phrases like “email marketing software,” though? This could, at first glance, seem like a perfect way to describe what you do. Still, suppose you’re targeting Fortune 100 organizations.

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In that case, the majority of traffic for this highly competitive phrase will come from people who are not interested in purchasing your product (and the folks you want to reach might never buy your expensive, complex solution based on a simple Google search). 


Like any other business venture, SEO requires you to weigh the risks and chances of success. Understanding the relative competitiveness (and opportunity to rank) for particular phrases is important for SEO.

To start, you must comprehend who your potential clients are and what they will look for online. If you don’t already know your potential customers, you should consider this for your business generally and for SEO Experts India.

You then wish to comprehend:

  • What sort of things are they drawn to?
  • What issues are they facing?
  • What terminology do they employ to describe the actions they take, the instruments they use, etc.?

Who else are they purchasing from (this refers to your rivals, but it might also refer to tangential, complementary tools; for an email marketing firm, consider other business marketing solutions)?

Once you’ve responded to these queries, you’ll have a preliminary “seed list” of potential keywords and domains, which you can use to generate more keyword suggestions and play with metrics like search traffic and competitiveness.

Start by entering the key phrases your potential clients and consumers use to describe what you do into keyword tools like Google’s own keyword tool, Uber Suggest, or WordStream’s keyword tool:

The essential notion is that in this initial phase, you’ll want to do several searches using various keyword research tools. You can find a more extensive list of keyword tools below.

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To find out the keywords your rivals are ranking for, and you may also utilize tools for competitive keyword research like SEM Rush. These programs analyze tens of thousands of search results and will display any keyword that one of your competitors has just begun to rank for in Google.

According to SEM Rush a keyword research tool, Marketo is a provider of marketing automation.

Once more, this isn’t only something you should consider for rivals. For content ideas, you may look at complementary products that cater to the same market. You could also analyze what keywords are bringing traffic to the large niche publishers that write about your subject (and that your prospects are reading).

Additionally, if you currently have a website, you probably already receive some traffic from search engines. If so, you may utilize some of your keyword data to determine the search keywords that are bringing in the most visitors (and which you might be able to rank better for).

SEM Rush (or similar tools, like SpyFu) can help you understand the phrases you’re ranking for and their projected search traffic on your website. Unfortunately, Google has ceased providing much of the information about what people are looking for to analytics providers.

This information is also made available by Google in their accessible Google Search Console interface. If you haven’t created an account, this is a handy SEO Services India tool for discovering search query data and identifying various technical SEO issues; more information on Google Search Console can be found here.

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When Google Search Console is configured, you may log in and visit this link to examine the search terms that are bringing visitors to your website:

These might be effective “seed keywords” to assist you in coming up with more unique ideas about what to target. They could also be effective phrases to focus on extra content promotion and internal linking (more on each of those subjects later).

It would be best if you worked to understand which terms you could rank for and where the best opportunities are once you’ve taken the time to understand how your prospects talk. What they search for, looked at the keywords driving traffic to your competitors and related sites, and looked at the terms driving traffic to your site.

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Why Keywords are the Heart of SEO?

A Beginner’s Guide: How to Do Keyword Research for SEO in 2021