5 Proven Tips to Improve Customer Experience on an Online Store

Improve customer experience is a priority when it comes to earning a fair market share in a competitive environment. SmartKarrot reports in one of its blog posts that 89% of the businesses are competing on customer experience. Poor customer experience is a sign of a no-go area for visitors as they don’t find it appealing and reliable to browse products and place orders.

Online store managers, owners, and marketing executives often face difficulties improving customer experience. It is the process of providing ease and comfort to the end-users in using the online store. A few general tips and techniques may not work well for an eCommerce website with different dynamics. The standard procedures do apply to all the stores. However, to achieve exceptional results, one must devise ways of appeasing their specific target audience.

Start with them, and continue testing and evaluating their effectiveness. As soon as you get hold of the concept of customer experience, find the pain points to relieve users with your customized strategies. 

Here are the Following 5 proven tips that can help you improve customer experience in an online store.

1. Improve Website Speed

Your online store’s time in loading altogether to the consumers’ device defines your website speed. Online buyers are getting increasingly impatient in visiting stores as they try to visit multiple stores and spend most of their time on the one that loads quickly.

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Test your website and carry out various speed optimization techniques to ensure your website performs well on varying devices and browsers. Try to examine different design elements like images and other visuals that are slowing down product pages to remove or optimize them for the better. It ultimately improve customer experience and brings more sales.

Selecting a web hosting service provider also matters the most in your online store speed and performance. I prefer reliable and dedicated servers to ensure your website runs smoothly and faster.

2. Highlight the Value Proposition

The end-user visits different stores and chooses to browse your store for the value you promise to deliver. You can achieve consumer attention by highlighting the value proposition. It isn’t easy to attract users if you sell products or services similar to others.

Find the gap, fill it with your expertise or value addition to the product, and convey it to consumers. Let them know the features or benefits of your product different from the available alternatives. There are other ways of projecting the additional value your product possesses. It can start with clear and concise headings or multiple subheadings, bullet points, or visuals. You can craft content blocks that portray the practical aspects or usage, benefits, testimonials, and use-cases.

The presentation of the value proposition must be clear. It must address the target audience. Let the end-users get what they are looking for. For example, if a product can be used in different ways, you must state it in the description. 

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3. Creative Product Copies

Put creativity at work while writing product copies to make the descriptions more appealing and convincing. It needs to gain consumer trust to accept that the product has the maximum value for money.

Please start with the price tag; make it clear, reasonable, and affordable. Add product photography to create an image in the consumer’s mind that removes the gap between their expectation and reality. High-definition product images often display a better copy of your product. Product photography and other design elements have the power to create a visual context for your development. The consumers get an idea of what they will get in the consignment. Pursue visual contexts that are nearest to genuine products.

Add complete product information that includes color, size, make, material, and other characteristics. Bring the key selling points of your products to the top to help customers recognize the difference and prefer your website.

4. Test Different Pricing Strategies

Product price is among the significant elements that may stop consumers for a while and reconsider their purchase decisions. The users who have half-done with their purchase may often review their carts before checkouts. If consumers face difficulties placing orders, you need to improve their experience by testing different pricing strategies to improve customer experience.

The most common example is offering competitive pricing that requires customers to share a competitor’s price and get an equal or lower price. You can try hiding prices to prevent the competitors from taking advantage of it. Some tools help you hide prices of specific products to increase user engagement, record their interest, find a price they are willing to pay, and get higher conversions. Other strategies to consider include price skimming and dynamic or premium pricing.

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5. Turn to a Mobile App

Put a step ahead of your competitors by launching a mobile application for your online store to improve customer experience. Let the customers experience fast browsing and navigation and hassle-free shopping on their smartphones. Turn your eCommerce store into an easy-to-use application that removes the hurdles of mobile compatibility with different smart devices and gadgets.

Having a responsive website is still mandatory if many of your customers come from organic results of search engine result pages. Creating an app will further enhance their experience if they want to be a regular visitor and keep your brand name on the phone as a reminder and a quick go-to place.

Before you move on spending a lot on mobile application development, you must survey whether the customers would like to install and use the app; otherwise, you may waste a budget that could have been used for better user engagement and retention.

Final words

Any feature or option you provide on your online store to facilitate users counts toward customer experience. Beginners can start with the 5 proven tips discussed above in the post to remove friction and provide a smooth shopping experience. However, the way your business is different, you must adopt a different approach to understanding consumers and personalizing their experiences.

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