How Gojek Clone Cubejekx 2021 Has Changed the On-Demand Business Industry

Doctor Patricia Addams is exhausted and drained after doing her 12-hour double shifts at a public hospital in New York City.  She then books a Mercedes Benz to head back home 20 miles away by using a ride-sharing app on her iPhone 11. When she is in the cab, she orders her favourite Citrus Shrimp and Avocado salad and Tomato Crevette using a separate food delivery with gojek clone app.

Right after ordering her soul-food, she calls up her physiotherapist and complains about minor wrist pain that is still recovering from a hairline fracture that happened months ago. After paying the Taxi Driver in cash, she realises she has lost her home keys somewhere and she doesn’t even have a spare key.

She then calls up her apartment’s security guard and gets a locksmith’s number. Doctor Patricia could have avoided all the in-between hassle of downloading multiple apps and trying to call people by just simply installing the Gojek Clone App CubeJekX 2021.

It is the one-stop solution to all of your customers’ on-demand service requests. Patricia could have also booked an appointment with a barber with this exact same app to get her A-line bob haircut. It is a miraculously multi-faceted feature-rich app and all it requires is a single login.

And one of the biggest benefits of Gojek Clone App CubeJekX 2021 is that all the service requests can be tracked in real time. With this feature, the customer doesn’t have to wait in anticipation and with utmost cluelessness as to when the order would be delivered.

If you aren’t yet convinced about the Superpowers of this App, then listen to this

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The App Owner earns even when he is deep in his sleep at night because Apps like Gojek work on commission-based business models. Every single time an order is placed on this app, the App Owner earns a certain percentage of the bill amount as commission. And it is the Service Providers that pay the App Owner for every order received.

The App Owner enjoys the sole authority to decide what commission rate to charge the Service Provider with based on the nature of the service rendered. Also, a professional can register to render more than one service on the app.

For example, John Smith of Minnesota is a fitness coach who loves dogs dearly and hence he takes Dogs for long beach walks as a part-time job and also gives them foamy baths with Oliver’s Choice Dog Shampoo with Oatmeal, Aloe, and Shea Butter.

The App Owner doesn’t want to restrict a professional from pursuing his passion as long as one possesses a qualified degree to render other services as well. Because it is all about the order volumes, the more the number of orders placed the more the App Owner stands to earn as commission. 

Worried that you’ll lose out on business just because your customers don’t have a smartphone? Gojek Clone App is here for your rescue!

The app has an in-built feature to allow the customer to directly call the Dispatcher Panel and place the order through the phone call only. It is not just the stationary that your customer can order via phone calls but also book an appointment with a psychologist. Your customer can even avail services online through your website.

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And not to forget, there is yet another important medium through which taxi rides and food delivery can be made feasible even during this tough Pandemic period – Kiosks! These Android-based Kiosk units are installed on-site to facilitate self-ordering. This measure has proven successful in maintaining social distancing.

You and your business have hit rock bottom because of the Covid-19 Pandemic? And these Government induced Covid restrictions are pushing you over the brink? 

Take a deep breath! This app is your guardian angel as it has introduced corona-specific features to ensure social distancing and high-hygiene standards at all times. These new features have restricted the number of passengers that are allowed to travel per ride and the Taxi Driver can’t even start the ride before uploading a selfie with the face mask on.

Not only this, no cancellation charges will be levied on either of the two – Rider and the Taxi Driver, if the ride is cancelled because the other person has violated the Covid safety protocol by not wearing a mask.


Build your Gojek Clone App with us to taste the sweetness of cosmic success that you’ll achieve. Cubejek Technolabs has established a reputation of being a truly transparent and reliable company. We not only provide Licensed Source Code for one domain along with the purchase of the Package but also strictly adhere to our Non-Disclosure Policy. Everything that’s tagged confidential stays confidential at Cubejek Technolabs!

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