How Does A Super App Like Gojek Shape Your On-Demand Business?

The COVID-19 pandemic served as a test of fire for many businesses. Their longevity, their immunity to such global catastrophes, and their capacity to sustain during these crucial times we’re all put to tough scrutiny. There were many businesses that were once thought to be indestructible but they collapsed under the weight of the pandemic. However, on the contrary, some businesses by using super app like Gojek shape that were never thought to be successful suddenly saw an unprecedented boom during the pandemic.

In all of this, there were some businesses that lay on both sides of the spectrum. One of the best examples for this business is the multi-services applications that are deservingly called. 

The Change In The Landscape

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the pandemic has completely altered the landscape of all businesses. Tourism which was considered to be one of the most lucrative segments had come to a screeching halt because of the increase in awareness and the affordability of travel. People were no longer commuting to offices. Restaurants that promised dining experiences in a different ambience had not seized to exist.

On the other hand, people started to order food from restaurants that they did not know of. Cloud kitchens started to expand and this meant that people with just a kitchen could make a profit from restaurant food delivery without having a facility for dining in. People also started to order basics like a grocery using mobile applications. Telemedicine has seen unprecedented growth in the past few quarters. The consumption of on-demand entertainment had also drastically increased.

The steady increase in e-commerce consumption is a resounding testimony to the fact that people might not step out of the convenience provided to them by the pandemic through on-demand applications. Some e-commerce companies that have also depended on physical shops have resorted to turning their physical shops into fulfillment centers. Restaurants that served food as a utility have seen a considerable drop in the number of footfalls.

The Advantage That Super Apps Had:

Super applications, since they were perched on both ends of the spectrum, made both profits and losses but they were able to balance everything out nevertheless. The taxi booking industry which was on its juggernaut roll was now minion, especially in front of the segments like grocery delivery and restaurant food delivery that had started to look at enormous peaks in performance and profit during these times. Therefore, super app like Gojek did not suffer as much as other single service applications during this pandemic.

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What Should The Super Apps Watch Out For?

Some people would like to call it inertia and some people would like to call it a hangover. But whatever be the terminology, people will take some time to snap out of the lifestyle changes that the pandemic has caused. While it could be, on one side, attributed to the pandemic itself, a considerable chunk of the credit has to be given to the convenience of the on-demand business office.

Therefore, super applications cannot afford to operate the same way they did before the pandemic. When a business space becomes crowded, it becomes inevitable to have a standout factor to ensure that you distinguish yourself from the competition. 

Given Below Are Some Segments That You Can Consider For Your Super App Like Gojek

Taxi Services

It might seem like a bit of a contradiction when we talk about taxi services. While the industry has faced a massive slump, it cannot be denied that the industry will experience a resurgence like never before. People will opt for safer and more private methods of transport as opposed to public transport. It is quite possible that even offices will want to engage taxi services to ensure maximum safety for the employees. Therefore, starting a taxi service as a part of your multi-service offering would be a great business idea.

Food and Grocery Delivery

The food industry has not in any way changed its intensity of consumption. Retaining the volume, it has only changed its shape. The reason why both food and grocery delivery were put in the same bracket is because of the fact that one is dependent on the other. If people stop ordering at restaurants, it is naturally going to increase the consumption of groceries. In either case, there is a high demand for delivery executives and local grocers will also want to capitalize on this new opportunity.

Household and Handyman Services

The need for plumbing and electrical services has not reduced but has, on the contrary, increased because of the spike in usage. People, however, have the share of inhibition in letting random people into their houses. Making the entire ecosystem organized by ensuring the identities, verifying the vaccination status, and giving a feedback mechanism makes this one of the most lucrative services that you can offer for your customers. It also ensures that specialist electricians and plumbers do not run out of jobs.

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Financial Services

Financial services could be considered a little bit tricky but it is one of the best services that most multi-service applications have capitalized on. With the rich data that you have, it is possible that you can partner with some traditional financial institutions and provide loans or micro financing services for customers with very low default rates. It will also ensure that the finance is quick. This presents a better alternative than the traditional financial services with swiftness and dependability on repayment. This comes in at a time when most people struggle to find some source of income, and a financial service would be a welcome service for them.


We all saw how massive the growth of e-commerce was in the past few years. The COVID-19 pandemic served us a silver bullet for the e-commerce industry. People who were quite inhibited to the idea of buying something online have started to completely depend on e-commerce because of the convenience and rather, because of the conditional imposition as physical shopping was banned. This has led to a massive increase in the number of people consuming goods over e-commerce, and with the delivery ecosystem that the super app like Gojek has built, they should also consider partnering with local players for e-commerce services. This will also save considerable costs in terms of warehousing.

The Essential Features of A Super App Like Gojek

The Essential Features Of A Super App
How Does A Super App Like Gojek Shape Your On-Demand Business? 3

In all of this, the skeleton of the super application remains a constant. As you may have guessed, there are three distinct applications, one for the user, one for the service provider/business, and one for the delivery executive. In addition, there should also be an administrator panel where the admin should be able to take care of all the aspects of the app.

The registration for all the parties should be made simple. They should be able to sign up either using that email address or phone number or existing credentials like Google and Facebook. The sign-up should immediately create a profile for them that will store all the important bits of information including the history of orders/services offered, the payment details/banking information, the identity, and a record of the reviews given/received.

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The super app like Gojek should be integrated with a versatile payment gateway that can accept payments from multiple payment instruments including but not limited to credit cards, debit cards, Internet banking, and wallets. The payments made to the service providers of businesses using the app should be quickly credited to their bank accounts. The promptness of this process serves as a passive catalyst for increasing the number of businesses tying up with your super app.

The GPS is considered the epicenter of the on-demand revolution. The GPS should come in handy in helping users understand where exactly the service providers are, helping the business understand where exactly the user is, aiding navigation for the service providers and drivers in unknown territories, and above everything, in combination with artificial intelligence, even predicting the demand.

It might not be possible for the super app like Gojek to employ all the people who provide a service. They depend on service provider partners and gig workers for their deliveries. Therefore, it is important to maintain a democratic ecosystem. This is adequately taken care of by the review and rating system. The service provider will be able to read the user and the user will also be able to read the service provider. This possibly pushes the better quality of service and professional behavior.


It is undeniable that super apps will dominate the services space in the near future. It might not be destructive enough to displace players like Uber from their throne of supremacy, but it will still cause a dent. If you are one of those aspiring entrepreneurs who would like to build a business empire out of these super app like Gojek, it all starts with you investing in super app development.

Instead of building the app from scratch, you could consider going for a white label Gojek clone app. The white label Gojek Clone Script is easy to customize and it can be made to have the features, both technically and visually, of your choice.

All you need to get in touch with a company that specified in the development of white label Gojek clone. They will take it to understand the requirement and present you with a perfect solution that will not change this lucrative space of super applications!

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