Facebook Ads for E-commerce: 7 Effective Strategies

For eCommerce companies looking to differentiate themselves from the competition and expand their online presence, Facebook Ads for e-commerce are a need. The problem is that many internet shops are unsure of where to start. They lack the knowledge necessary to even begin an advertisement from scratch, let alone decide where to focus their advertising money. But to assist you launch your campaign, we’re going to reveal seven efficient Facebook Ads ideas for e-Commerce in this piece.

We’re going to get right to it and discuss the seven methods that eCommerce marketers cannot afford to overlook when creating Facebook ads right now.

1. Use dynamic product ads

You must utilise Facebook Ads’ dynamic product ad feature if you want to succeed! This function will be quite helpful to you if your eCommerce site sells a lot of different products. Each user is shown a different set of products depending on their own interests, hobbies, and demographics using machine learning. So you may achieve the same goal with just one ad set as opposed to creating hundreds of different ads, dynamic ads help.

Utilising the catalogue sales aim already? Therefore, even if you weren’t aware of it, you were using dynamic adverts.

However, consider what Facebook has to say about dynamic advertisements and the user-available targeting options:

  • Consumers who have demonstrated interest in the kinds of goods or services you are offering but have not yet made a purchase from your company or visited your website are reached by dynamic adverts for large audiences.
  • Consumers who have demonstrated interest in particular products on your website or app are reached by dynamic advertising for retargeting, which nudge them into doing the desired action.

Benefits of dynamic ads

If you’re still not persuaded that dynamic ads are essential, consider these four advantages:

  1. The best thing about dynamic ads is that they are exactly that—dynamic! This indicates that companies automatically provide consumers with relevant content based on their specific behaviours and interests.
  2. You’ll appreciate that dynamic advertising update itself continuously. You don’t need to build and launch numerous campaigns because machine learning will do this for you.
  3. Retargeting: Dynamic advertisements may be quite effective for retargeting visitors who visit your website or app but do not make a purchase and guiding them further down the sales funnel.
  4. Find new customers: Users who have never visited your website or used your app may express interest in your goods or services (or those that are comparable to what you offer). You may target these users with dynamic advertising thanks to their comprehensive audience targeting!

2. Facebook Multi-Product Ads

The use of Facebook multi-product advertisements will also help your Facebook advertisements for eCommerce. The great thing about these advertisements is that you can showcase several products in one advertisement. As a result, if a customer sees one pair of rain boots in your multi-product advertisement, they can scroll down and see other items that may pique their interest even further.

As an alternative to displaying numerous items, you may utilise multi-product advertising to highlight various aspects of a single product. These can be used as Dynamic Ads, or you can make your own special ad sets.

3. Install the Conversion Tracking Pixel

The installation of the conversion tracking pixel is another method that should be used. You inquire, “What is this?” The idea behind this pixel, a little piece of code you submit to your website to track users’ behaviour, is actually rather simple, despite how difficult it may sound. can provide information on the user’s route to the site, the products and pages they visit, and much more.

Check out some further useful details Facebook provides on this eCommerce tactic:

The Facebook Ads Manager and the Facebook Analytics dashboard both provide tracked conversions, which may be used to evaluate the efficiency of your conversion funnel and determine your return on ad spend. Additionally, you can create bespoke audiences using recorded conversions for dynamic ad campaigns and ad optimisation. As soon as you define custom audiences, we may use them to find additional Facebook users who are most likely to convert and advertise to them.

There are three ways to track conversions with the pixel:

  • standard events, or defined visitor activities that you report by invoking a pixel function,
  • custom events, or defined visitor activities that you report by invoking a pixel function,
  • Custom conversions are visitor behaviours that can be automatically recorded by examining the referral URLs of your website.

4. Run retargeting campaigns

How frequently have you added items to your online shopping cart while browsing products only to remove them later and move on to something else? You might start noticing Facebook Ads for e-commerce for the particular things you have in your cart after doing this. This is probably because the company uses Facebook Ads for e-commerce retargeting, a type of eCommerce approach.

For those who have previously expressed interest in your goods, these retargeting advertisements serve as a helpful reminder. Although they had every intention of buying anything, perhaps they got busy or preoccupied. Your retargeting campaign can provide them the final push they require to complete that transaction.

5. Create a Lookalike Audience

Facebook is remarkably intelligent. Based on the behaviours and online behaviour of comparable people, they understand what consumers like and want. Fortunately, you may benefit from this cunning on your own. You can use all of the user data that Facebook gathers when you build a Lookalike Audience for your Facebook Ads for e-commerce.

Their algorithms are aware of which other people might be interested in your goods or services based on historical user behaviour.After that, you may create an advertising plan that specifically targets those individuals.

6. Use video to tell your brand’s story. Facebook ads for e-commerce for online stores

Every advertisement does not have to promote a certain commodity or service to the audience. Did you realise that you may connect with customers and share the history of your brand with Facebook Ads?

We advise against boring users with extensive backstories. However, a little movie that conveys the essence of your company can do wonders for building familiarity and brand visibility.

7. Custom audiences are a great way to strengthen customer relationships

Your effort is not finished just because someone has once bought one of your products. Through the usage of specialised audiences for your Facebook Ads for e-commerce campaigns, you can continue to interact and engage with them.

As Facebook explains:

To engage with people who have already expressed interest in your company or product, you can create a personalised audience using a customer list. It is composed of details you’ve gathered about your consumers and given to Facebook, known as “identifiers” (such as email, phone number, and address). Facebook hashes this data before using it.

The hashed data is then matched with Facebook profiles through a process known as matching, allowing you to advertise to your customers on Facebook, Instagram, and Audience Network. The greater the match rate (i.e., our capacity to make matches) is, the more information you can supply. Facebook does not acquire any new personal data about your clients.

You have it now! You should start using these seven Facebook Ads for e-Commerce methods right away.

Let’s Talk More About eCommerce Social Media Marketing

It’s a great idea to have your Facebook Ads for eCommerce up and going. But there are so many crucial components of a productive social media marketing strategy for eCommerce enterprises that it is worthwhile to investigate. And with all of them, we’re here to assist! In addition to managing Facebook advertisements, we also manage Instagram ads, TikTok ads, Pinterest ads, and a lot more. Here is a summary of Google Ads Vs. Facebook Ads for e-Commerce In 2023 to help you decide which is best for your online store.

Click here to read about eCommerce companies that used Blue Water Marketing’s social media ad management services to boost their store sales.

Alternatively, you can use this link if you’re ready to start achieving the same outcomes for your company.