5 Essentials to Successfully Run Facebook Ads

Social media is the most successful method for increasing impressions, clicks, and conversions in digital advertising. Facebook Ads in particular stands out – in certain situations, it is seven times more costly than the next most affordable social media advertising platform (Twitter).

You may advertise on Facebook for as little as $5 per day and achieve substantial results.

That sounds fantastic, doesn’t it?

The talk about the methods for Facebook ads and benefits of digital marketing will be kept simple. These are the same methods and lessons we’ve used to develop our own paid advertising campaigns, newest news and insights.

Types of Facebook Ads

1. Image Ads

2. Video Ads

3. Poll Ads

4. Carousel Ad

5. Slideshow Ads

6. Collection Ads

7. Instant Experience Ads

8. Lead Ads

9. Dynamic Ads

10. Stories Ads

11. Messenger Ads

Advantages & Disadvantages of Facebook Advertising

Before we go into the intricacies of Facebook advertising, I wanted to offer this great list of Facebook advertising advantages and drawbacks from the Moz blog, which aided us in determining how to proceed with Facebook Ads for Buffer.


  • Campaigns are simple to track
  • Increased traffic immediately Complete control over your daily budget and maximum Cost-per-click
  • Return on investment in a flash (You can easily define a cost per conversion and understand what your profit is)
  • Additional targeting possibilities, such as towns, regions, age, likes/interests, and income bracket, among others.
  • Simpler to configure than Google AdWords
  • The capacity to contact people early in the purchasing process, before they are aware of a need, but also subtly capturing those who are conscious of a requirement
  • You may utilize photos and videos to pique your target market’s attention and aid in selling your items and services.
  • The cost per click is quite low, depending on the industry (on average, less than $0.61 per click).
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  • It can be pricey if not set up and handled properly, but not as much as Google AdWords.
  • Depending on your target market, a sizable portion of your huge potential audience may be insignificant. Unless you select a lifetime budget, you will not be able to target your advertising.
  • Those that operate in B2C marketplaces will find this the most suited.
  • Reaching out to consumers too early in the purchasing cycle may result in a lower conversion rate.

How to Get Started with Facebook Advertising?

You may access your Facebook Ads dashboard by visiting https://www.facebook.com/ads/manager or by pressing the dropdown arrow in the upper-right corner of Facebook and selecting “Manage Ads.”

Understanding the Dashboard

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You can control every part of your Facebook advertising experience from the ads dashboard. There is a great deal here! This is where all of the key tools, menus, and buttons are located.

Facebook Ads are highly adaptable, with 11 distinct versions available to help you address various business challenges, from generating traffic to your website to contacting individuals in your local region.

The following table summarizes the many types of ads accessible to Facebook marketers, and throughout this chapter, we’ll go through each type in detail.

  1. Increase the visibility of your posts
  2. Increase the visibility of your Page
  3. Direct visitors to your website
  4. Conversions on your website should be increased
  5. Increase the number of times your software is downloaded
  6. Increase app engagement
  7. Attract customers in your neighborhood
  8. Increase the amount of attendees at your event
  9. Encourage others to take advantage of your offer.
  10. Acquire video views
  11. Lead generation for your business
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How to Decide Your Ad Type

When you create a new Facebook ad (by selecting the green button on your advertising dashboard), you’ll see 11 distinct options, each with a distinct focus on promoting your company or Page.

The overall layout for each will be similar: you’ll begin by selecting the sort of advertisement (the aim), then targeting the appropriate audience and budget (the ad set), and then creating the advertisement itself (the ad).

How to Build a Budget for your Ad

Within the budget settings for your Facebook ad, you’ll have control over two critical elements: the amount you are willing to spend and the day on which you wish to begin paying. Additionally, there are additional, precise customization choices available at this point for individuals desiring even greater control over the specifics of delivery.

Facebook’s default recommendation is a daily budget of $20.00. You may customize this in various ways, including selecting a “daily” or “lifetime” budget and changing the amount you wish to spend.

The daily budget you establish is the maximum amount you will spend on any given day. The budget you specify for the duration of your ad is the maximum amount you will spend. When you select a lifetime budget, you’ll also need to specify an ad’s start and end dates. The option of constant advertising has been removed.


We thank you for giving the time to peruse our information. As I said previously, there is a lot to learn about Facebook – we would love to help you in certain way we can. If you have any questions or tips, you’d want us to know. Additionally, if you notice anything that has changed regarding Facebook Ads after we published them, we would appreciate the heads-up. Things move quickly!

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What has been your Facebook Ads strategy?

What type of outcomes are you observing?

Please share your thoughts in the comments. There, I’ll chat with you!

Also Check: How to Add Facebook Widgets and Buttons to Your Website

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