Digital Marketing vs Affiliate Marketing vs Social Media Marketing – Explanation


Social media marketing and affiliate marketing are like small branches of the whole tree. And the entire tree is a digital marketing industry. These three departments of digital marketing vs affiliate marketing vs social media marketing have a common name, like marketing, but the features and targets are different.

A digital marketing specialist has many earning opportunities. They can start a blog and sell the items through affiliate marketing. Else they can simply provide digital marketing services or social media marketing services to any company. Affiliated marketing is a good passive income source. And social media marketing is a great way to promote your business.

Digital Marketing vs Affiliate Marketing vs Social Media Marketing

You must know what the difference between them is? Because unless you do not know the exact features of these three separate departments, you can not figure out the best earning option for you. So I am starting with digital marketing.

Digital Marketing:

Digital marketing is a marketing way by which you can start to do the marketing on various platforms. In digital marketing, digital stands for digital technologies. When you use the social media, PPC, and mobile application type digital ways to reach your audiences, this is called digital marketing.

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Different Departments In Digital Marketing:

As I already told you, digital marketing is like a big tree, and social media and affiliate marketing are like branches. So undoubtedly, there will be many more components present in this single department. Hence for every digital marketer selecting a suitable domain is very much required. When you want to be an industry specialist, you must start with small progressive steps.

Here are a few different departments of digital marketing.

  1. Search Engine Optimization:

Your page ranking is the most important thing. The work of an SEO expert is to rank the page and bring traffic. Whatever digital marketing branch you are in, you can not overlook the importance of SEO.

  1. Content marketing:

Everyone knows the content is the king. So once you want to build up a strong bond with your audiences, you only have to use content marketing strategies.

  1. Social Media Marketing:

Social media marketing is for branding and advertising. Once you want to promote your business, there is no better platform than the social media platform.

  1. Affiliate marketing:

Show your product expertization and sell the products. This is the target of an affiliate marketer. Simply you are selling some branded products and earning the commission from the main company.

  1. Email Marketing:

When you want to build up a substantial number of authentic followers, then email marketing is the best tactic. This is because you are sending the newsletter to your subscribers. And this will surely bring traffic to your website.

  1. Pay Per Click

It is like buying the traffics rather than believing in organic traffics. Google Adwords is the best platform where you can put the pay-per-click advertisements and bid on the targeted keywords.

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Affiliated Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is a branch of digital marketing. This process is run like a regular commission earning process. You are promoting a product and earning a commission from the main company. This is also a simple way to make money online. Your promotional tactics are key features of this type of marketing.

Networks In Affiliate Marketing:

You will be surprised when you will know about affiliate marketing, and there are many parts. It means one branch which has many other sub-branches.

Here are two major types of networks that you can use for your affiliate marketing.

International Networks:

You have to start with internal networks when you want to promote international brands.

Here are the names of a few international networks for affiliate marketers:

  • Peerfly. co
  • Gumroad
Domestic Networks:

For any novice affiliate marketers, the domestic networks are the best starting place. Among all the domestic networks, Amazon is the best place to start.

Here are the names of a few domestic networks.

  • Amazon
  • AdPlexity
  • Vcommission
  • Trootrac

Social Media Marketing:

Social media marketing is the key part of digital advertisements and brand promotions. When you want to incorporate the call to action, then you must apply social media marketing strategies and promotional work. If you like to start your career in digital promotional works, social media marketing is the best place to start.

Different Career Opportunities In Social Media Marketing:

Social media marketing is part of digital marketing. But itself, social media have additional career opportunities for social media marketers.

Here are a few social media career options for you.

  • Social Media Marketing Manager
  • Social Media Marketing Executive
  • Social Media Marketing Analysts
  • Social Media Marketing Specialist
  • Social Media Marketing Coordinator
  • Marketing Copyright
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Digital Marketing vs Affiliate Marketing vs Social Media Marketing Which Is The Best?

When you are going through the services of famous digital marketing firms, you will find all of these services in their service lists. Most digital marketing firms offer social media marketing services. But affiliated marketing is entirely person-based. Bloggers and social media marketers are doing affiliate marketing.

Now I think the entire subject of digital marketing vs affiliate marketing vs Social media marketing is clear for you. Selecting the earning options depends on your areas of interest. So before picking the topic, analyze the factors first. Then do the rest.


Many of the new digital marketers can not find the exact area of interest. Because unless you do not know the job roles, you can not select the domain. All of the Digital Marketing vs Affiliate Marketing vs Social Media Marketing have separate types of job roles and responsibilities. But if you like to be a digital salesperson, then affiliated marketing is the suitable area for you. So which branch are you going to select? Do not forget to share your favorite digital marketing domain in the comment section.

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