Digital Marketing – Let’s Briefly Explain the Basics and Differences

Why Did We Bring This Up?

Digital Marketing: All of a sudden and by accident, it turned out that many do not know the definition of this concept. A hilarious situation happened: a client came to us with the words:

“We need complex digital marketing, send a commercial proposal (commercial proposal), descriptions, presentations … after we will approve the estimate.”

To which there was a simple answer from our side:

“OK. Do you just have a complex-complex or do you still have a pool of wishes? “

Of course, the dialogue continued for some time, and in the end, we received a frank admission that the person did not know what this word meant. We, of course, explained and discussed everything, but it is precise because of this situation that I want to devote a separate article to this definition.

So, first of all, let’s formulate a common understanding. So, I translated it into English. Digital means “digital.” Digital marketing is the use of the entire complex of digital channels through which a brand/company/product is promoted or attracted to an audience’s attention.

Digital marketing (or digital marketing) has recently begun to be mastered by domestic marketers, although it has existed for a long time. It is also called digital marketing. This is the marketing of goods and services, focused on using digital technologies to attract and retain customers (consumers).

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The term digital marketing began to be widely used in the 1990s. At the same time, in the 1980s, used digital marketing techniques were in practice, but this term was not used. For example, ChannelNet (at that time, SoftAd Group) was developed and implemented. An advertising campaign for car manufacturers: inserts were placed in magazines, which readers had to cut out and send to manufacturers by mail. In return, they received a free test drive and a floppy disk with advertisements for different car brands. It was already digital marketing because it used digital media.

Not surprisingly, digital marketing is closely intertwined with internet marketing. This misunderstanding is even logical since digital includes all the tools of conventional Internet marketing. But the vital difference is that digital goes beyond just online advertising and uses digital channels that are not always related to the Internet. It’s trite:

  • TV ads (digital channels only)
  • Applications
  • SMS mailing
  • “Second screen”

After this paragraph, you might think that digital is “all marketing.” However, it is not. In this case, we do not use traditional marketing channels. We only use digital channels. What is the fundamental difference, you ask?  “Why are you selling me some game here?” – may be quite a logical question from the reader of this article. Digital channels differ from traditional ones in that we can collect clear, objective, and relevant data. And in modern realities, the ability to “give the client understandable and clear numbers” is vital for companies that provide services.

What Does Digital Include?

  1. The Internet and devices that provide access to it (computers, tablets, smartphones, etc.).
  2. Local networks. Internal networks of companies – extranet.
  3. Mobile devices. It’s about installing branded applications or organizing WOW phone calls.
  4. Digital television. The main point is integration with applications on the phone, second screen or second screen technologies, synchronization with Internet advertising.
  5. Interactive screens, POS terminals This type of digital media gradually replaces traditional outdoor advertising.
  6. Digital gadgets – devices that can collect information and transfer it to other media. For example, “smart watches,” fitness bracelets, and others.
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In some books, the most important digital marketing activities today include:

  1. Search engine optimization;
  2. Search marketing;
  3. Content marketing;
  4. Influencer marketing (influencer);
  5. SMM marketing (on social media);
  6. Email marketing (direct mailing);
  7. Contextual advertising;
  8. Bulk SMS Services
  9. Advertising in electronic publications.

Let’s Do it Again, Thesis.

  • Digital marketing is not the same as internet marketing.
  • The main difference from any other type of marketing is ALL digital channels of interaction with the audience.
  • The main difference between digital channels and any other is the ability to collect precise and objective data.

Digital Agency Tools

Digital marketing agencies create local networks and distribute information through them. There are multiple devices on the network, and users can get helpful information by exchanging files and messages. Also, work is underway to promote it through digital television channels. For owners of Internet resources, they organize participation in seminars, forums, and other professional events.

The whole set of tools can be divided into three groups:

  1. Own resources (sites, pages in social networks that the business owns and can dispose of)
  2. Paid resources (everything a company needs to pay for)
  3. Rarned resources (word of mouth or earned media – free or purchased communication channels)

3 Main Methods of Digital Promotion

  1. SEO – website optimization to improve its position in search engines. It begins to act in a few months, but the effect is then stable.
  2. SMM – working with groups in social networks, including creating and posting content, organizing contests, and other forms of interaction with the audience.
  3. SERM – managing a company’s reputation by creating a positive image on sites with reviews.
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Why Digital Marketing is Good

This type of marketing reaches out to online users and people using tablets and mobile phones, downloading applications. This expands the audience. This approach allows you to attract an offline audience to the online marketplace and vice versa. For example, you are using an email campaign to invite a user to an offline event, such as a business breakfast.

Digital marketing allows you to collect precise statistical data about users since special services take almost all online actions into account. As a result, conclusions about the effectiveness of individual channels and the portrait of the consumer are more accurate.

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