These Are 15 Techniques To Make Your Android Safer In 2022

Today, the importance of mobile phones is huge all around the world. More than 60% of individuals are just using this device for the purpose of buying products and services. Not only this, but it is also helping gain information as per their convenience on the move.

We all have mobile phones with different operating systems. Out of all the operating systems, Android holds the upper hand in the number of users. It covers around 70% of the market globally. So, it is important that you learn to keep your Android devices safe and protected in every which way.

The Rise In Cyber Attacks

After COVID-19, businesses have made their employees work from home using their own devices. This has made the use of the mobile phone even more with so many company details stored in it. Since then, the rise of cyber-attack has also been quite big. It has surged by 400% since 2020 and still continues to grow.

So, it is important for all to learn the techniques that can help them keep their Android secure and protected all the way through. This is why we are here to assist.

Below mentioned are a few of the steps that can help keep your Android cell phone safe, secure, and protected from all kinds of cyber-attack. Let’s dig in:

#1 VPN

Another step that needs to be taken to keep your Android device secure and safe is to use VPN. With the help of a VPN, you would be able to encrypt internet connections. This means that your Android device is now as safe as the iOS one.

So, all you have to do is to get a VPN configured on your smartphone. With this, your device gets benefits from extra security to keep the internet connection safe and sound. But, make sure that you only choose a reliable VPN service provider for this step or else things can go wrong as well.

#2 Phone Locking Attribute:

The first and the most important step to be taken is using the phone lock attribute. It is one of the basic steps to keep your phone away from the access of all the others. Without a phone lock attribute, it can prove to be costly. You might lose all your data in your device if someone else gets access to your phone without locks.

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All you have to do is to lock your screen using the approach at your convenience. You can add numeric passwords, pattern passwords, or finger touch security. There are many attributes as well that can help you keep your phone locked when not in access. This needs to be implied at all costs to help you keep your Android device safe and secure.

#3. Use Google Play Store

The next and the most important step of all is making sure that you are only downloading applications from the Google Play Store. You must strictly prohibit using third-party app stores for any application as this can be a gateway for attackers, malware, viruses and other forms of attack.

With Google Play Store, you are going to benefit from a secure and safe application. They only post applications after testing their security. So, you must only use the respective platform to install any application and eventually keep your Android device safe.  

#4 Two-factor Authentication

You can also make your Android device safe and secure from cyber-attacks is by implying two-factor authentication. It can help you remain safe from websites and portals that are not safe to use. In fact, this step is not an option when cyber-attacks are rising every single day.

Using this approach can help you keep your accounts protected from cybercriminals. With the implementation of this set-up, whenever you log in to your account, it is going to send a code to your device, and you need to submit that to get access to the same.

#5 Anti-virus Software

Make sure that your Android device has capable anti-virus software installed in it. You never know when there is a small bug in your device that can make the entire system crash. With the help of anti-virus software, you remain alert about the malware and viruses and ensure that it is removed before anything worse happens. So, your Android security remains up all the time with the installation of an Anti-virus configuration.

#6 Do Not Use Public Network

Another important aspect that needs to be followed to keep your Android device secure and safe all the way through is not using public networks. We all love to use free Wi-Fi or connect with the Bluetooth available in public. But, doing this can literally cost you your data. So, it is a big NO for all to use public Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connections to protect their Android Device.

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#7 Using Find My Device Attribute

The find My Device attribute in your Android device plays a big role in protecting your device’s data. As and when you enable the respective feature, it ensures that the data is protected until and unless you find your device. So, it is a perfect attribute to use to keep your phone secure even when it gets stolen.

#8 Safe Mode Surfing

We all know Google chrome is Android’s default browser. But, if you open any unsecured website, then it can harm your device big time. There is an attribute in your device that allows you to surf in safe mode. You can check out on Google how your phone can enable Safe Mode browsing to keep your Android device safe and secure all the time.

#9 Biometric Tools

Using biometric authentication programs is also one of the most important techniques followed around the world to keep their device secure. This attribute integrates features look fingerprint authentication or face authentication, or retina authentication. With the help of this, you can give your phone and application an additional security layer that is going to be very difficult to break for the criminals.

#10 Block Permissions

The next step that needs to be taken to up the security level is restricting different types of permissions and notifications. Doing this, you completely block the platforms that are unrecognized in terms of website, applications, and even software. You must ensure that there are no third-party applications on your android device, and this can help you curb the unauthentic sharing of your private data.

#11. Regularly Update

It has been seen that there several users who constantly ignore the update notification. But, you need to understand that the update can help you have the latest security features added to your device to protect it from any issues. So, it is important that you update your device as and when required to keep it safe and sound all the time.

#12. Avoid Rooting 

We all know how rooting is loved by the Android users around because of the advantages it brings into your play. But, in doing so, the Android security model gets hampered in the process. The rooting applications have a lot more access to the device system. So, it is important that you avoid this approach as it can certainly compromise security big time in all Android devices.

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#13. Do Not Save Passwords

To avoid typing passwords, again and again, we all make applications remember the same. Not only does it saves time, but also, we don’t have to remember the password. But it is strictly prohibited to do the same because of security-related issues. It is also recommended to use complex pins or passwords for all your accounts so that there is no easy access to them.

#14 Multiple Accounts

Having multiple accounts on your Android device is also important. It allows you to confuse the hacker or criminal who eventually gets access to your system. It gets difficult for them to understand which account is real to get access to the information related to the device. Not only this, but it also makes it difficult to unlock the device as it is going to ask for multiple passwords.

#15 Backup

Last but not certainly not least, it is important that you have a backup plan to keep your device data protected on other devices or the cloud. Following this approach can help you remain prepared in case of any disaster. All your data remains safe because of the backup, and there will be no fear of hackers accessing your device. They won’t get anything to use.

Last Words 

These are the most important tips, techniques, and steps that need to be followed by every single Android users around the world. It is high time that we keep our devices safe and secure, with cybercrime rising with every passing day. You need to remain a step ahead of the hackers to ensure that your Android device is fully protected from all corners. Start following the above-mentioned tips now to avail complete security for your device.

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