Sources of Network Interference and How To Prevent It

You’ll fall behind in your tasks when you encounter network interference and suffer from lost data during loading times. The best way to counter this inconvenience is to understand how interference occurs and how to resolve it. Read on to learn about the different sources of network interference and how to prevent it for an efficient network that keeps you connected.

Thick Barriers

The signal from a router or other source of WiFi needs to travel through the air via radio waves. But if a large obstruction gets in the way, such as a wall or bulky item, the waves may distort and the signal weaken. This form of interference is common in locations with brick or concrete walls since these materials are particularly thick.

Place your WiFi source in areas with a clear path to your devices. Placing the router high in the same room as your receiving devices strengthens the connection. If a device needs to connect to the router more efficiently, use a wired connection, which significantly reduces interference and maintains a reliable connection.

Electronic Devices

The source of interference in your network could be from the devices within it. Cables and other technology emit electromagnetic waves that could cause interference in internet connections, especially in wired connections. Unshielded cables are susceptible to this form of interference.

Consider using cables that aren’t as affected by interference to maintain a clear connection. One of the benefits of using fiber optic cables is the reduction in interference thanks to their use of light to transfer signals. Ensure you also buy shielded cables to protect against incoming interference and any radio- or microwaves that could distort it.

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Multiple Access Points

The access point where you connect to the internet is essential to your network. However, if you have multiple access points, you may cause a weak connection because of the numerous signals moving in the air. When multiple signals are spreading through an area, they may begin to clash and disrupt their paths to the devices connected to them.

This type of interference is common in large office buildings where numerous sources of WiFi are present. Prevent this common source of network interference by keeping connected devices close to the source of their internet connection. This way, the signal has less distance to cross and fewer chances of interfering with other signals.

To keep your network functioning at its best, you have to reduce interference. By knowing these sources of network interference and how to prevent it, you can create a network that won’t lose connection anytime soon.