React Native vs. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): Decoding the Mobile App Frameworks

The mobile app development landscape has seen a surge in popularity for various frameworks, with React Native and PWA leading the way. React Native, a JavaScript framework, and PWA (Progressive Web Apps), a web-based technology, both offer unique advantages and cater to different needs.

In this blog post, we will delve into the war between React Native and PWA, examining their characteristics, advantages, and usefulness possibilities to help you create a knowledgeable judgment when it comes to formulating your next app with mobile app frameworks.

What are Progressive Web Apps?

Web applications that offer a user experience similar to native apps are known as progressive web apps (PWAs). These PWAs provide a range of features found in both web and native apps, including quick loading times, offline accessibility, push notifications, and the ability to add to the home screen. Regardless of the device or platform being used, PWAs ensure a seamless and enhanced user experience.

It’s a website that is developed using web technologies but it functions and appears like a traditional app. Thanks to advancements in browsers, service workers, as well as Cache and Push APIs, web developers can now offer users features like home screen installation, push notifications, and offline functionality

Between PWA vs React, Progressive web apps offer numerous benefits by leveraging the expansive web ecosystem, plugins, and community. Deploying and maintaining a website is often simpler compared to a native application in app stores.

Features of PWAs

The main functions of Progressive Web Apps are mentioned below:

  • Web App Manifest

The Web App Manifest of a Progressive Web App development is a key issue that permits developers to customize and enhance the person’s enjoyment. It is a JSON file that carries vital metadata about the app along with its call, description, icons, and other properties.

  • Service Workers

Service people are a crucial part of Progressive Web Applications, revolutionizing how customers engage with websites. These trustworthy workers play a vital role in delivering offline services. They act as an intermediary between the browser and the server, taking into account the seamless caching of utility resources and enabling offline admission.

  • Application Shell Architecture

Application Shell Architecture of Progressive Web Applications is a vital component that contributes to their awesome performance and consumer experience. At its core, the software shell is a minimum HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code loaded immediately whilst a PWA is accessed.

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Advantages of PWAs

Progressive Web Apps offer many benefits. That’s the reason why they received a whole lot of recognition in present few years. These benefits are :

  • Easy to link

In contrast to native mobile apps, progressive web apps are readily accessible through a direct URL, eliminating the need for setup or installation. This URL-based accessibility simplifies the process of guiding users to particular content by sharing direct links to specific pages and even pinpointing particular text within them. In the case of native mobile apps, prompting specific user actions often demands more extensive UI development and strategic in-app communication.

  • Offline Functionality

One of the most outstanding capabilities of Progressive Web Apps is their offline functionality. Unlike conventional internet programs, PWAs can be used even without an internet connection.

  • Lower Development and Maintenance Cost

Progressive Web Apps are revolutionary for enhancing websites at low cost. Unlike conventional local programs, PWAs are cross-platform and do not require separate improvements for each platform. Hire PWA developers will lead to better development of your mobile applications at a low cost. This reduces the need to invest in multiple development teams and also decreases the general development cost.

  • Enhanced User Engagement

One of the key benefits of PWAs is their capacity for more advantageous user engagement. PWAs can be established at once onto a user’s device, giving them the short and clean right of entry to the app without the need to navigate via a browser.

Disadvantages of PWAs

While Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have won recognition for their ability to offer unbroken and responsive consumer enjoyment, there are also a few risks associated with them. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Limited Platform-Specific Features

The limitation of PWAs is their inability to get entry to certain platform. For example, a PWA may not be capable of getting into a device’s biometric authentication device, inclusive of fingerprint or face recognition, which could be a convenient and steady manner for users to log in.

  • Lack of Full Access to Device Capabilities

Lack of full access in devices, that have deep integration with the tool’s hardware and software program features, PWAs perform within the constraints of net browsers. This approach shows that positive functionalities, including gaining access to device sensors or utilizing advanced digital camera functions, may not be fully handy in a PWA.

  • Performance Limitations
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One of the principal barriers is the shortage of the right entry to certain device abilities and APIs that native apps can make use of. For instance, PWAs won’t have admission to superior Digicam functionalities or push notifications on all gadgets. Another problem is the reliance on browser assistance and performance.

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source JavaScript framework meticulously crafted for crafting applications across multiple platforms, Such as iOS, Android, and web applications. while leveraging a unified codebase. Rooted in the foundation of React, it carries forward the renowned strengths of React into the realm of mobile app development.

Both ReactJS (for web) and React Native trace their origins back to Facebook, with React Native emerging as a solution born from a Facebook Hackathon project. This endeavor aimed to address a significant quandary within the company – the maintenance of two distinct codebases for their application.

The issue inherent in this dual-code-based approach was the duplication of efforts and the occasional need to solve identical problems through disparate means. Between native react vs PWA, React Native emerged as an elegant solution to mitigate these challenges, streamlining the development process and reducing redundancy.

Features of React Native

The main features of React Native are mentioned below:

  • Third-Party Library Support

React Native as a framework for mobile app development is extensive support for third-party libraries. These libraries provide a wide range of functionalities and additives that could significantly modify the development process and enhance the general user level. React Native’s open-source community is constantly developing and contributing to improvising these libraries, ensuring a sturdy environment for builders.

  • React Native Bridge

In the realm of performance, React Native introduces a revolutionary concept with its “bridge.” In contrast to web-based cross-platform solutions, React Native’s capability to incorporate natively written code sets it apart by delivering significantly improved performance.

Advantages of React Native

React Native is an effective framework that has revolutionized how we expand mobile programs. The benefits are:

  • Code Reusability

The idea of code reusability in React Native is made viable by using a single codebase written in JavaScript. This codebase may be shared and utilized across specific systems, with the ability to render native additives particular to every platform. This no longer only streamlines the development procedure but guarantees that the overall consumer enjoyment remains steady throughout one-of-a-kind devices.

  • Large Community and Ecosystem
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The React Native community has grown exponentially, becoming a vibrant and thriving ecosystem. With a huge and various network of builders and designers React Native has become a go-to framework for building mobile applications.

  • Cost-Effectiveness

The price-effectiveness of React Native has made it a widespread preference among organizations and mobile app innovators. React Native is an open-source framework promoted with the support of Facebook that authorizes originators to construct mobile applications using JavaScript. One of the key advantages of React Native is its capacity to jot down code once and install it on a couple of platforms, consisting of iOS and Android, substantially lowering development time and costs.

Disadvantages of React Native

While React Native has received a huge reputation for developing move-platform mobile packages, it does include its truthful percentage of risks. They are:

  • Platform-Specific Bug

React Native is dealing with platform-specific bugs. These bugs stand up while the code behaves otherwise on iOS and Android gadgets. It might be as trivial as inconsistent spacing or as important as crashing the entire software. The root cause of these bugs normally lies in the variations among the underlying running structures.

  • Large app length

React Native is the large app length it may generate. This situation may be for each developer and user, as larger app sizes can take up precious storage space on gadgets and potentially discourage users from downloading or using the app. The large app length is more often than not due to the reality that React Native bundles the JavaScript runtime in conjunction with the app, which may increase the general size.

According to the StackShare community, React Native has a higher level of acceptance and has been referenced in 719 company stacks and 810 developer stacks as opposed to PWA, which has been mentioned in 7 company stacks and 4 developer stacks.


We hope you found our blog post on the battle between React Native and PWA insightful and helpful in choosing the right mobile app framework for your project. Both frameworks offer unique features and advantages, and it ultimately comes down to your specific requirements and priorities. Whether you opt for the efficiency and native capabilities of React Native or the cross-platform versatility of PWA, both options have proven to be powerful tools for developing stunning mobile applications.