Progressive Web App Development: Benefits, Cost, and Features

If you have landed on this page then you must be contemplating whether investing in a progressive web app development for your business in 2024 is a good call or not.

If so, then you might have a lot of questions regarding the cost of developing it, its benefits, and what features make it an ideal solution for your business. All that we do in this digital age is ultimately driven by the desire to make operations simple, engage better with customers, and most importantly be able to beat competitors.

Luckily, a progressive web app development can address all of these concerns. But, you know what? Only a tiny 8% of companies actually put money into PWAs in 2021.

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Unfortunately, many companies missed out on the benefits of PWAs, while those that did invest in them reaped significant rewards.

It’s worth mentioning that those who’ve invested in PWAs experienced increased engagement, conversion rates, and improved performance on the web. Let’s explore some of those statistics too.

Progressive Web App Development Statistics 2024

1. According to BuiltWith, 20,310 live websites are using PWA solutions as of January 2024.

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  • Trivago experienced an outstanding 150% boost in repeat visits.
  • Twitter saw a 25% increase in the number of pages visited per session. 
  • BookMyShow’s PWA solution is much smaller in size than their Android app makes 54 times lighter, and even more lightweight compared to their iOS app, being 180 times lighter.

Similarly, many more statistics encourage businesses to hire a web app development company that helps them develop PWA. 

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Moreover, progressive web app development comes with a plethora of benefits and useful features that may fit perfectly into your business requirements. How?

Let’s explore some in this blog.

What is PWA?

Progressive web apps are built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that’s hosted on web servers and that runs in web browser engines.

— Microsoft’s definition of a PWA

In other words, PWAs are essentially websites that use modern web technology to deliver app-like experiences to users, directly in their web browser. They are designed to work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser, including both desktop and mobile devices.

Key Features of PWA

  • Offline Capabilities: One of the most striking features that makes PWAs a great digital product is their ability to function even when offline.  In fact, low network conditions do not impact its working efficiency.
  • Push Notifications: Initially PWA does not allow for push notifications, but you can use this feature. This feature lets you engage with your potential customers even if they are not browsing your site. You can send push notifications just like native apps, keeping users engaged and updated.
  • Home Screen Installation: Users can add a PWA to their device’s home screen just like a native app.
  • Secure and Up-to-date: Since they’re served through HTTPS, PWAs ensure a level of security for users, while service workers make sure the app stays up-to-date.

Benefits of PWAs for Businesses in 2024

1. Improved User Engagement: 

PWAs feel like a native app on the user’s device. This feature gives an advantage of easy interaction and engagement, as they provide a full-screen experience, fast load times, and the ability to send push notifications. 

Push notifications, in particular, are a significant benefit as they can be used to re-engage users with personalised content, reminders, and updates. With such functionality, it leads to increased retention rates. 

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2. Lower Development Cost

The next best thing about developing a progressive web app development is that it costs less than developing a native app. When you go for a native mobile app, most probably you will have to develop two versions – one for Android and one for iOS. 

This approach translates to more billable hours. Your development team has to contribute extra time and effort to build solutions for the respective platform.

Ultimately, if one is putting in more effort, he/she will ask for more capital.

Conversely, cross-platform PWAs can be built on your existing HTTPS website. It is much more affordable and quicker to develop a product, allowing you to launch it sooner.

3. Better Performance: 

PWAs load faster than traditional websites or apps. That means your product is easily discoverable. Besides, loading fast improves your site’s ranking in Google’s search results which brings more traffic to your site.

As an entrepreneur, you have to understand that the longer it takes for your app or website to load, the more potential customers you might lose. 

Furthermore, in a study, it is seen that most customers won’t wait more than 5 seconds for a website to load. 

Therefore, investing in PWA benefits you in having a better performance of your solution. In fact, big brands like Forbes, and ZEE5 saw an incredible result in having PWA for their business. 

  • ZEE5, a streaming platform, saw a 3x increase in loading speed and a 50% decrease in buffering time 
  • Forbes, a news website, manages to load its homepage in just 0.8 seconds.
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Cost of Developing PWA

While progressive web app development costs can vary depending on several factors, one significant thing is PWA can be built less than a native app.

Plus, once it’s built, the maintenance and update costs are typically lower than a traditional app, providing long-term cost savings. 

Moreover, the design and development process involves various elements like front-end and back-end development, user interface and experience design, testing, and project management.

  • For a simple PWA, you could expect to pay between $1,000 to $10,000. 
  • More complex apps with advanced features can cost between $10,000 to $50,000
  • While developing large-scale and enterprise-level PWAs can run into more than $150,000.

These costs also factor in the developers’ hourly rates, which can vary based on their skills, expertise, and location. Rates of developers for PWA can range anywhere from $20 per hour to $150 per hour.


With these features and advantages, the decision to invest in a PWA for your business should seem less daunting. Even if the trend in 2021 showed low adoption, don’t let that deter you. 

Trends change and progressive web app development is more than likely to gain increased recognition in the coming years. Investing in them now might just give you a headstart over your competitors. 

So, should you invest in a PWA in 2024? Absolutely yes! It’s an investment in the future growth of your business. Therefore, go ahead and hire the top Progressive web apps development company that helps you take steps for future growth. 

Hope this blog helps you in having a clear idea of PWA’s key features, its benefits, and even the cost to develop one for your business.