Software Product from Scratch Architecture: Estimation Strategy

There are two main vectors in the world of technical development – using ready-made templates and solutions, as well as custom, in other words, software product from scratch architecture. Many businesses opt for the second option since, in practice, it is much more profitable and also allows recouping costs in the shortest possible period of time due to automation, streamlining, as well as reasonable resource allocation.

The final amount of investments for the from-scratch product implementation covers a great diversity of aspects that we will disclose in this article to assist you in calculating the price maximally accurately.

Approximate Costs for the Product Building Depending on the Complexity

The more sophisticated and multifunction the software is, the higher the expenses for its implementation. This aspect is conditioned by the fact that the cost is also affected by the amount of time spent on software product from scratch architecture. Let’s define the parallel of the product complexity and the time required for its implementation. The deadlines determine the investments accordingly.

  • Simple solution: 500-700 development hours
  • Moderate solution: 700-120 development hours
  • Sophisticated solution: over 1200 development hours

In addition, it is worth accounting for the fact that the peculiarities of the domain may impact the development flow, raising, or on the contrary, decreasing the software architecture deadlines. In practice, we may outline the following price estimates set taking the sector into account:

  • Telemedicine: 75-250k and more
  • Finances: 90-300k and more
  • Supply chain: 50-250k and more
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To get higher precision, reliable tech vendors commonly request the following details:

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  • Project concept. The list of features is determined by the product and its purposes, which in turn affects the number of development hours as well as the price.
  • Functionality. This point refers to the previously mentioned statement. Aside from this aspect, the estimate transparency will be brought by the advanced features (in case you are willing to implement them) as well as the third-party integrations essential for your solution.
  • Prototype and design. It’s integral to take the visual component into the price calculation process, so the future interface concept and sophistication serve as another cost-affecting factor.
  • Market illustrations. Analysis of the most on-demand rivals in your industry may inspire you to realize some similar elements and features in your product. Extra components to implement add up to the final cost.

Truly credible tech providers traditionally assist their customers in assembling the essential information regarding the product to make the final outcome maximally reflect the demands set before software product from scratch architecture.

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Points Defining the Solution Architecture Cost

As we’ve mentioned before, standalone budget calculations associated with product creation have a vast number of factors. It’s time to get acquainted with the existing factors that help define the final investment sum in the solution implementation. word image 27414 2

Opening system

The number of OSs you would like to occupy substantially changes the price. Generally, the products are launched via the App Store or Google Play. Besides, some companies opt for applications accessed via the browser, this way covering all the existing platforms. To cut down costs for the product building available in a range of OSs, you should hire offshore developer competent in cross-platform app creation.

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Work to execute

The price will also vary due to the general task you need to perform. Mainly, they are as follows:

  • From-scratch architecture. Completing the whole roadmap from planning to the product deployment.
  • Refining the readymade product. Updates and enhancements of the already built solution.
  • Third-party services embedding. Expanding the current functionality with advanced tools’ integration.
  • Website architecture. Building a web solution for the entity.

Product complexity and tasks scope

The key aspect in the price forming process is the amount of work to complete. We may categorize project complexity as described below:

  • Modest. Such projects imply narrow modifications, renovations, and operation improvements.
  • Average. Simple, plain implementation of a product, with no advanced features engaged.
  • Major-scale. Complex projects incorporating access for a row of OSs and compatibility with various other external solutions.
  • Organization. The product with advanced functionality that must comply with set security and stability requirements.

Interface look

The requirements towards the software design will also be considered for the final price setting. Trendy UI/UX elements users interact with can substantially raise their engagement and satisfaction, so there’s no point in saving costs on them when creating software product from scratch architecture.

Software implementation (hours)

The number of hours multiplied by offshore development rates of the employed tech team delivers relatively high calculations’ precision. The digital toolkit applied for the product organization also affects costs.

Quality Assurance

Sufficient coverage of your solution with tests guarantees its seamless and smooth performance, as well as a prolonged life cycle. Therefore, testing services should also be included in your budget. Their costs depend on the architecture complexity.

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What is more, you should consider the following additional factors as well:

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Tech specialists’ expertise

We may categorize software engineers as in the picture below according to the proficiency, knowledge, and experience they possess. The high level of expertise required for the project may raise the expenses when creating software product from scratch architecture.

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Chosen employment model

When cooperating with tech partners, you are able to select one of the following options; let’s briefly outline the peculiarities of each.


  • Cost-efficient
  • Less reliable
  • Lack of guarantees
  • Time zone difference

In-house employees:

  • The highest expenses
  • Costs associated with rent, hardware, and software purchase and installation, facilities providing
  • Regular payroll
  • Physical accessibility
  • Excellent communication

Outsourcing companies:

  • Best value-for-money
  • Perfect connection and proximity
  • High credibility
  • Already gathered team with certified expertise
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Qualitative performance
  • Investments only for the completed scope of work

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The last aspect that should be considered is the physical situation of your tech vendor. The highest prices may be observed in the United States, as well as Australia. Yet, countries of Central or Northern Europe have great offers with a remaining flawless performance. To illustrate, Estonia has a vast pool of tech talents who will eagerly realize even more sophisticated solutions for you.

Wrapping Up

Custom architecture estimate is an extremely difficult process that requires solid expertise from a tech vendor, so the universal advice we would like to add is to conclude a partnership with truly experienced vendors. Thus, your software product from scratch architecture estimate will be transparent, clear, and accurate.

Yuliya Melnik is a technical writer at Cleveroad. It is a web and mobile app development company in Ukraine. She is passionate about innovative technologies that make the world a better place and loves creating content that evokes vivid emotions.