Social Media Marketing 101: How to Engage and Grow Your Audience

For today’s firms using a digital platform, effective social media involvement is an indication that you’re making an influence on the market.

Establishing genuine connections with current and upcoming consumers will help strengthen your brand offline and online. It becomes too simple trying to fit in.

For details on how to establish, manage, and measure participation on social media marketing and all of its commercial advantages, Continue to read.

What is engagement on social media?

Involvement on social media marketing is measured by likes, comments, and shares.

Getting more followers is always a good thing, but the true measure of social media success is an engaged audience compared with just a big one.

If you want to succeed as a business, you need to focus on quality as well as quantity.

For each social network to produce a positive brand experience, activity and engagement are required and build genuine relationships with both present and future clients.

Various measures are used to gauge social media participation, some of which may be as follows:

  • Shares or retweets
  • Using branded hashtags
  • Likes
  • Followers and audience growth
  • Mentions (either tagged or untagged)
  • Comments

When someone interacts with your account on social media, your engagement is essentially increasing. This may be determined in a variety of ways. For a comprehensive list of social media, metrics, and details on how to track them, go to this page.

How to strengthen social media interaction

The audience starts chatting with each other on their own, chances are that they might need a little motivation.

Fortunately, there are many strategies for social media marketing you can use to increase interaction and make your online party lively.

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Analyze your engagement first

Without knowing where you started, it can be difficult to measure your improvement progress.

Put on your data scientist hat (it looks awesome on you) and take note of any numbers that are significant to you, such as the number of followers you currently have, the typical comments and shares per post, or any other relevant data.

Following that, take care to maintain tracking frequently so you can keep an eye out for any changes in engagement that could give you crucial information about what is (or, more crucially, is not) working.

You may start more quickly by using these social media analytics tools.

Choose a strategy

Naturally, there isn’t a solution that functions for everyone. Since every business has a different set of business goals, every organization will have a unique social media marketing strategy.

For Example Domino’s Pizza , and Tiffany & Co. will have quite different engagement goals, which will have an impact on the content they post.

Depending on your brand and what your business offers, any of the following objectives for social media participation could be used:

  • Changing how clients understand your brand
  • Generating fresh client leads
  • Obtaining feedback on new products
  • Providing tips and resources to your audience

Recognize your audience

Conversational engagement is difficult if you don’t understand your audience.

A company’s preferred language, tone, and resources are probably going to differ from a gardening supplies store’s.

Understanding your audience will also enable you to:

  • which social media websites to use
  • When to release
  • content category
  • company voice

Create and share valuable content

It’s useful to know what kind of material works best for each network in terms of format, such as artistic photographs, posts or videos for Instagram, lengthy text for Facebook, etc.

Given that, don’t be hesitant to use your imagination while coming up with post ideas:

  • Contests
  • Asking inquiries
  • Polls
  • Requesting inquiries from your audience
  • Test their understanding
  • Highlighting customers
  • Instagram Stories filters

Observing and learning are often the best ways to determine whether the content is effective. Become a content scientist. Experiment, watch how things go, make adjustments, and try again.

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Stay current

Thinking of what to talk about in conversation? Just participate in an ongoing discussion. A great technique to quickly connect with an audience promptly is to comment on current events and trends in a way that ties in with your business.

Viral memes, major sporting events, holidays, and popular culture trends can all serve as excellent justifications for posts.

Continue the conversation

Although some people view the conversation, it actually functions more like a sport when people are volleying questions and attention back and forth.

You must also engage in giving back online. Both proactive and reactive involvement are important for brands to practice.

Responding to direct messages, incoming mentions, or comments is what reactiveness entails.

Display your hand sign

When you believe a genuine person is on the other end, engaging with a brand is far more engaging with a hand sign.

Several organizations encourage their online community personnel to directly approve of their posts.

Smarter scheduling

To keep your posts fresh and active in social viewings, post frequently—ideally one to three times per day. It’s crucial to post at the proper moment every day to ensure that your adorable meme receives the most exposure possible.

You may use social media marketing tools to plan and prepare your posts in advance even though you can’t be at your computer all the time.

Set aside a regular time (daily or weekly) for post-creation and scheduling. You can also do the same for responding to comments proactively and reactively. Once that is finished for the day, you can concentrate on the remaining portions of your task or enjoy more memes.

Several other Hootsuite dashboard tools will help you increase productivity and make sure you monitor engagement:

  • Streams: Instead of monitoring each social network separately, use streams in your dashboard to view all incoming messages from all of them at once.
  • List: For convenient monitoring and active engagement, set up each of your Twitter lists in a stream based on specific businesses, events, or hashtags.
  • Tags: To simply add good engagements in your weekly or monthly reports, use this tool to tag and track them.
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Aim higher than the feed

Although shares and comments are wonderful public displays of interest, there are other ways to know that your audience is paying attention.

If you want to engage your audience successfully (and track their statistics), you should utilize private chats, such as direct messages or story interactions.

4 tools to improve social media engagement

Just being consistent on social media won’t do everything. You need to be engaging and creative too. Below are the four tools that will help you in improving your social media marketing for engagement with your graphics, content, and analyzation!

Image editing

With Adobe Spark, it’s easy to crop photographs to fit the exact specifications of different networks. In addition, you may immediately edit photos in Hootsuite Compose by adding text and filters.

Editing videos

Due to their high degree of engagement, research shows that videos generate 1,200% more shares than images or text. There are several video editors available, but the iPhone’s Clips software makes it incredibly simple to combine different sequences, add music, and include text frames. There is a somewhat comparable Android app named Funny.


GIFs are essentially the language of the internet right now. You may add some humor to any conversation by searching for terms like “excitement” or “dog” on Giphy, which offers a large collection of animations.


Hootsuite Insights is the simplest way to get a comprehensive picture of your engagement efforts. Even studies on specific topics or keywords. While this is happening, Brandwatch offers thorough reports that capture the whole discourse surrounding your brand and industry.

Final Thoughts

With this we come to the end of an article on how to engage and grow your audience. While you are strategizing for social media marketing, it is essential you keep your target audience in your mind. And create content as per that! With that, you’ll have an mind-blowing growth in your audience!