SEO Copywriting: Please Google and the Internet User

In the field of natural referencing (SEO), we all agree: content is king. Indeed, the content strategy has become the real sinew of war to promote the proper interpretation by Google of a site.

But how do you produce good SEO copywriting while creating links with consumers? The copywriter from the best SEO company in Mumbai will provide you with a method and tips for producing qualitative content, both for Google and for the Internet user.

1. Define the objectives of your writing

Wanting to produce SEO copywriting is your credit, but what is the purpose of it? What topic do you want to discuss and why?

Is it for the promotion of a new product or service? Is it to respond to a recurring request made to your after-sales service? Is it to talk about your activity in trade shows for example? … This reflection will help you to clearly determine the subject and to have a first draft of what you want to communicate in this content , but also the tone you are going to use. You are not going to write a tutorial like you are going to write a product page.

1st example: Writing a product category page

Your company has new expertise or a new range of products. You want to make it known to your customers and prospects.

You therefore know that the editorial staff will have to be particularly marketed, by following your editorial charter. You do not have any? It’s time to have one! It will also be necessary to support them in their choice, to explain the functionalities to them, etc.

2nd example: Writing an FAQ page

You sell a carpentry product and you have a limited after-sales service. You have identified a recurring question that generates a large number of calls to your after-sales service, saturating it and preventing it from processing more specific requests. At the same time, forums deal with this problem, which disperses the audience and inevitably, which complicates the management of responses.

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You therefore have two challenges: reducing the number of calls to the after-sales service, but also recovering the audience which is diluted in the forums, but also with dealers and repairers.

So you know that writing an FAQ page is necessary. In this case, let’s imagine, you have to accompany the customer through an adjustment procedure. Well, succinct list writing is a must.

2. Choose the right search phrase or keyword for your SEO copywriting

You’ve got your topic, you know what to say, now it’s time to find the search phrase or keyword that could help you rank well on the search engines with the right target audience.

Find keywords

The first step is to brainstorm terms that you use internally, but that your customers, prospects and competitors can also adopt. Sometimes your internal language is not that of the majority.

Once this is done, you can rely on Google suggestions and other tools available online like the Keyword Planner, Übersuggest, Ahrefs, etc.

Choose the keyword closest to your activity

Now it’s a matter of choosing the search phrase that generates the most monthly searches, with more or less competition, but which also best meets your business .

For example, you sell tools, especially squeegees. “Raclette” will generate a lot of traffic but will essentially refer to the raclette recipe which is starting to accompany us during this winter.

It is obvious that there is no point in fighting for this keyword as a tool seller …

3. Master SEO copywriting practices

Throughout writing, you should keep in mind good and bad SEO practices which, for some, are more common sense than anything else. Make way for the commandments in web marketing sauce!

Keyword stuffing, you won’t practice

The keyword stuffing or stuffing keywords, is a practice of excessively repeating the keyword in an editorial. Google does not like this practice because it considers it to be an over- optimization and a winning combo: it is also perfectly indigestible to read . Just by reading your text aloud, you will probably notice a heavy effect.

You can tell yourself that from a keyword density (number of occurrences of the word divided by the total number of words) of 8% (or even 5%), you have done a little too much.

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Words in hot zones, you will mention them

Place the keyword in SEO content strategically, embedding it in hot spots:

  • the H1 (or main title),
  • the hook,
  • lower titer levels (H2, H3, etc.),
  • the metadata (Title and Description).
  • Then, scatter the keyword in paragraphs, and you can highlight them more in bold text (<strong> tag) to allow it to be associated with an important passage.

Duplicate content, you will give up

Each page must have a different purpose, a different semantics. Therefore, each content must be original. Plagiarism has never mixed well in student work, it will be the same on Google.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that a page must bring added value to the already existing content.

Content that is pleasant to read, you will

Reading on a screen is not the same as reading on paper: concentration is not the same, and neither is perception.

Several tips to help the reading of your SEO copywriting:

  • ventilate SEO writing through the use of titles,
  • avoid justifying your content (cough) so that the Internet user can find their way more easily in the text,
  • use terms that your target will understand,
  • add adapted CTAs (click to action),
  • use various media to enhance your content: videos, images, audio why not,… Don’t forget to optimize the name of the image file and enter the alt tag!

Obviously, be careful not to make mistakes in French (syntax, conjugation, spelling). In this case, I can only advise you to bring in a third party for the proofreading. Indeed, this one would have more perspective on the proposed content and could thus not only see the faults, but also could be more critical of what is written.

As you will have understood, this is not a question of filler text, but of optimized writing that will appeal to Google but also to the Internet user in order to promote engagement and loyalty .

The case of e-commerce

We regularly note a problem exposed by customers: content that is certainly rich but dense is not necessarily suitable for the user experience for an e-commerce site. However, the content allows the correct interpretation of the site: the more words there are, the more extensive and richer the semantic field, the more Google will be able to interpret the page and thus understand what requests it could respond to.

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So how do you do it?

  • Use of an accordion system (read by Google),
  • Setting up a paragraph before the products, and a second text location at the end of the page, after the products, etc.

Internal mesh, you won’t forget

An ideal SEO copywriting is content that fits into the internal mesh of your site. Think of your site as a spider web where pages connect to each other in a logical and consistent way.

Within your content, do not hesitate to make links, via an optimized anchor, to other pages whose theme is the same as that of your current content.

Metadata, you will inquire

Once the content has been produced and before uploading, don’t forget to fill in the metadata (meta title and meta description), highlighted in the SERPs (search results). It is the business card of a page, which will make the Internet user want (or not) to consult it.

4. Check the results of your essay

Once published (and shared), I invite you to closely follow the statistics of the page on Google Analytics (or comparable tool): number of sessions, number of users, source / original medium, bounce rate, time spent on the page,… Keep an eye on the “Organic” channel to observe the statistics associated with search engine traffic and observe the evolution of the page as a landing page.

At the same time, follow your positioning on the keyword with tools such as Ranks, SemRush, etc.

Depending on your findings, you may need to correct and refine your writing to improve your visibility on this keyword.

Internalize or outsource your SEO copywriting?

Now you may be wondering if it is more interesting for you to internalize or outsource your SEO copywriting. To do this, I invite you to think about several things:

  • Do you have a mature and therefore autonomous service for the production of an essay as part of an overall SEO services strategy? If not, you might need the help of agence SEO agency.
  • Do you have in-house staff? Writing takes time and should not be overlooked.
  • Do you have trained staff? If so, so much the better. If not, don’t worry, SEO writing training is possible.
  • Is it more profitable to use a service provider or to produce it in-house?

Also See: Key Secrets of Content Marketing Strategy for Digital Marketing Success

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