On Demand Tutoring App Development and It’s Cost

Technological advances and digital modernization have changed the field of academics. Opposite to traditional methods of teaching and learning, students are able to learn and teachers able to teach from the comforts of their home. Students are able to enroll themselves into a variety of courses through on-demand tutoring app development that connects them to tutors who deliver the sessions and lectures.

On-demand applications are on the rise in every sphere of human needs where education is no exception. From food, groceries, transportation to courier services and online tutoring, every territory of our lives has been enmeshed by the on-demand revolutionary advancements. Although technology has been creeping into our lives for a long time, academics remain a space not really ventured by technological novelties. Nevertheless, the smartphone application development began to be too enticing to not give in. As a result, on-demand tutor apps are coming to the forefront it is important to read more here about the best tutoring app development and identify the advantages of this technology.

Whether you are the student or the teacher, on-demand tutor applications have been developed in such a manner that it caters to the needs of both kinds of users. The tutoring app development offers several intricacies and filters for the student to find and request an online tutor of their preference for a course or subject they need guidance in.

Feature Framework of On Demand Tutoring Apps

Table of Contents
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On demand tutor applications have a basic set of features that makes it easy to use, even for kids. However, it is pertinent to note that there are distinct applications and features for teacher and students that together make the complete environment of the app. The exact cost involved in the development of an on-demand application depends on a multitude of factors as well as the size of the app. The approximate cost range would be starting from 15,000$ up to 150,000$ and more.

From the Student’s Standpoint

Since the students will be the mass users of the on-demand tutorial app development, it must be developed in a manner that is simple to use and gains popularity in the market.

  1. Easy Process of Registration

With a few clicks, students can create their own account with the app by signing up using their email addresses or social media accounts. Once the registration has been completed, students can log in to their accounts for future use.

  1. Search for Tutors

The next criterion is to browse for tutors based on factors like location, course, topic, subject or examinations. Filters are available so that students can optimize their search process and find a tutor of their choice.

  1. Tutor Review

Once students have narrowed down on a few teachers, they can look into their profile to understand their specialization, their experience and much more. Here, users will also find feedbacks and reviews given by other users and students.

  1. Tutor Booking

Having checked the ratings and reviewed the tutor profile, it is time to choose one and make a booking with the teacher, enroll in a particular course to start the preparations.

  1. In-app Chat Facilities
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On demand tutor applications allow students to communicate with their respective teachers through the in-app messenger. Students and the app users can put forward their queries regarding timings, fee structures and other details while teachers can adequately address the same making the teaching-learning process much more effective.

  1. Feedback Submission

Students can submit their reviews and ratings on on-demand tutorial apps based on their experience that shall help future students to make a more informed decision.

  1. From the Teacher’s Point of View

The second most important category after students would be the tutors who avail themselves the on-demand tutoring mobile applications to further their profession as a teacher.

  1. Profile Creation

Just like the student’s user panel, teachers are able to set up their profiles where they need to fill in all the information regarding their field of knowledge, past teaching experience and other elements that make up for a good portfolio.

  1. Booking Modifications

Teachers teaching via on demand tutor apps have the flexibility to modify their bookings as well as alter the timings as per their convenience.

  1. Accept/Reject Requests

This feature of on demand tutoring app development to accept or discard the request for a new session or a course made by students.

  1. Check Earning

The app allows the tutors to check their weekly or monthly income based on the number of classes or courses they have served for. This makes it easier for the teachers to maintain a record of the same.

  1. Communicate with Students

The teachers are able to maintain a steady flow of communication with or her students regarding all matters of the schedules, the syllabus and so on. This makes the educative process even more intensive for the students.

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On demand tutorial applications offer a smooth learning process and an effective teaching experience. In this modern and global world, easy accessibility is something that people keep searching for. On demand teaching applications and the need to learn more here to know about Tutoring, App Development is much required to stay in this competitive and hustling environment.

Online tutoring is no more a luxury but a necessity today when we are unable to step out of our homes due to the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. Technology has to come to meet our requirements and offer customized solutions to our everyday problems.

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