How to View Current And Previous Google Doodles in Google

Google’s home page often features amusing animated google doodles in honor of holidays and other special occasions. If you use the search engine on a regular basis, you may have observed that Google’s logo appears in a variety of formats depending on the situation. If you click on the Google logo, you will be taken to the search results page for the special occasion that the search engine is currently honoring.

The Google logo is transformed into a ‘doodle’ on special occasions such as holidays, and anniversaries, and to pay tribute to notable individuals. You might get lucky and find a fun game on the actual Doodle if you look closely enough. We believe that you should consider yourself fortunate because Google Doodles are removed from the primary search engine page after twenty-four hours. On the other hand, there are additional approaches to examining older doodlings. This post will show you how to watch the most recent Google Doodle as well as past doodles, some of which you may have missed.

Google will occasionally post interactive Doodles, which allow visitors to interact with the company’s logo in order to play a game or view a video. To participate in the Google Doodle Games, navigate to the “Interactive” area of the archives and click on the appropriate link.

The archived collection of historical Google Doodles is the most convenient way to view older versions of the search engine’s logo. Simply navigate to and select the ‘Doodles Archive’ option from the drop-down menu. The Doodles are displayed in backward chronological order by default, which means that the most recent Doodle will appear first, followed by the Doodle that came before that one. You can look for a certain Doodle by using the search bar and entering either the event for which it was created or the date on which it was released.

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In addition, Google holds a competition every year for countries all around the world using its Doodle tool. Since 2009, Google has run a contest in India called “Doodle for Google.” As part of the competition, students in Grades 1 through 10 from all around the country submit their creative doodles based on a particular topic. This tournament is open to children of all ages, and the victor is selected based on votes cast by members of the general public.

The shortlist of contest finalists is announced by a special jury, which includes some Google executives. The winner of the competition is decided by public vote once the results of the poll are tallied.

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How to View the Most Recent Google Doodles?

Simply going to the homepage of Google is all that is required to see the most recent Doodle that Google has created. On pages that display search results, you may also see certain doodles displayed as the header for Google. When the cursor is moved over the Doodle, the event that it is commemorating will become visible. If you click on the doodle, you will be taken to the Google search results page pertaining to the relevant holiday or event. You may learn more about it by looking through the results of the search.

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Closing Words on How to See Previous & Latest Google Doodles

You can view the most recent Google Doodle as well as older ones that you may have missed on the day they were initially published by following these instructions. The Doodle Archives not only store the collection of historical Doodles, but they also provide morsels of information on the background and significance of each Doodle. We hope you found the information shared in this article useful. Follow us on social media so you never miss any tech updates.