How to Get Backlinks: 10 Winning Strategies for Link Building

Do you suffer from “backlink building” anxiety? Do you have no idea where to begin when it comes to creating backlinks? I am sure you have heard just as many (if not more) horror stories as successes, and your inbox is probably full of emails from link-building services that offer to increase rankings in 24-48 hours or less that end up spamming Google.

After all, getting backlinks is not easy, and even most SEOs fail to get backlinks because they do not know the right things to do. However, you need not give up trying and succeeding because there are plenty of other sources. 

You will learn to leverage your existing skills to build high-quality backlinks to your website that are of high quality. This article acts as a guide, walking you through everything you need to know about for you to start understanding how to get backlinks for your website. 

Let us talk about these 10 winning techniques to Get Backlinks: 

  1. HARO (Help A Reporter Out)  

HARO (short for Help a Reporter Out) is a free service that connects journalists with sources.

The site provides journalists with access to over 70,000 sources. The sources include companies, individuals, and organizations that have opted in to be available for press inquiries. 

HARO has been in operation since 2009 and has been used by news outlets like Forbes, Inc Magazine, CBS News, and more. 

HARO can help you get backlinks from high-domain authority publications and position you as an expert in your industry. Here is how you can take benefit from HARO: 

  • Sign up for HARO’s daily email address list of reporter requests.
  • Respond to link opportunities that are relevant to your expertise or business. 
  • Include the journalist’s name and the publication they write for in your response email.
  • Include a quote from yourself or email of your team mates. This quote will be featured if your source is selected. 
  • Provide links to relevant additional information on the topic if needed (your website, blog post, etc.).

Here are some tips for responding:

  • Be helpful and friendly.
  • Highlight relevant link to past work or case studies.
  • Do not simply send a press release – write a response that answers the question. You will also be able to pick up traffic from people who go directly to the HARO website.

Key Takeaway: You can get high-quality backlinks from top media sites like Inc., Entrepreneur, The Huffington Post, Forbes, etc.

  1. Create Link-Worthy Content

In terms of search ranking factors, backlinks are still crucial. Your content strategy will perform better in search results if it is relevant and valuable. 

It would be best if you started by creating link-worthy content. If you would like to earn quality links for your website, you need to produce high-quality content. Furthermore, if you want to earn links naturally, your blog content marketing needs to be link-worthy — that is, valuable enough that other content creators want to link to it.

Be willing to create link-worthy content. Some websites are more popular than others, and they attract thousands of visitors every day. To get them to link to your content, you have to be able to offer something unique and valuable. It could be a valuable resource or a piece of content that should be shared with a larger audience.

Create Link-Worthy Content
How to Get Backlinks: 10 Winning Strategies for Link Building 6

This tactic can work in two ways: 

  • You can create a list of the best resources in your industry and ask bloggers to share it on their blogs. You can offer them a guest post opportunity in return.
  • You can list the best resources in your business and include other blogs and your website. This way, you will encourage bloggers to link back to your website.

Key Takeaway: If you want to succeed with search engine optimization, you need to learn how to get high-quality types of backlinks and create an effective link-building strategy.

  1. Reviews and Testimonials

You can also use reviews and testimonials to get valuable backlinks. Other sites often link back to the page where they found their information. For example, if you left a great review of a SaaS tool on another site, it might be more likely to link back to your review if they write their blog post.

To find sites that accept reviews and testimonials, search for things like:

  • “Submit a review” keyword.
  • “Submit a testimonial” keyword.
  • “Write a review” keyword.
  • “Write a testimonial” keyword.
  • Replace “keyword” with your actual target keywords.
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This technique has three advantages:

  1. They are more likely to link to it.
  2. You do not have to worry about duplicate content issues or having a page about them on your site that is not entirely about you.
  3. It is easy for them to review and approve the testimonial before publishing it. It is also easier for you to post it in the appropriate place on their site if you do it this way.

Key Takeaway: This method will allow you to get some valuable backlink and improve your relationships with clients, customers, and suppliers – so it is a win-win! 

  1. Steal Competitor’s Backlinks
Steal Competitor’s Backlinks
How to Get Backlinks: 10 Winning Strategies for Link Building 7

Competitor backlink analysis is one of the most valuable SEO resources. The information in this section will help you get a quick overview of how your website compares to other websites, both locally and globally. 

In case you notice that your competitor’s traffic increases rapidly, don’t delay and take action immediately!

If you need backlink profile for your site, why not try to get the same ones as your competitors? You can use SEO tools like Open Site Explorer or Ahrefs to find out which sites link to your competitors. Ask them if they would like to link to your site.

You can also learn from your competitors’ statistics:

  • How many links do they have?
  • Where do the links originate from? (e.g., social media sites, blogs, forums, etc.)
  • What anchor text do they use?  (i.e., keywords in the hyperlink that’s pointing to their site)

When you know what works for them, you can build a similar strategy for yourself.

There is an SEO lesson for you:

You can start ranking right now if you know how to get backlinks. Right?

Of course! However, how do you go about it?

Here is the thing:

Getting a link from any website is excellent, but getting a link from a website that already links to a competitor.

Why? Because that site is one step closer to linking to you. For example, if we wanted to rank for “broken link building,” we would want a backlink from Backlinko (a competitor). Why? Because Backlinko already links to other websites about broken link building. So if we could get on Brian Dean’s radar, there is a good chance he would link to us. Moreover, that would help us rank for “broken link building” even faster.

Key Takeaway: This helps to stay ahead of your competitors and skyrocket your website for quality traffic.

  1. Blogger Outreach 
Blogger Outreach
How to Get Backlinks: 10 Winning Strategies for Link Building 8

The best way to get organic backlinks from high-authority websites is by doing blogger outreach. If you do not know what it is, it is the process of contacting website owners and letting them know about your content. The goal is to have them link to your piece of content from their website.  

In an article or in the bio of an author, you may include one or two links to your website. The quality of backlinks matters then the quantity. One of my favorite methods for building links has always been guest articles.    

Here is the best example to learn more about blogger outreach: A great article from the one of the best digital marketer “Neil Patel“: The Ultimate Resource Guide to Blogger Outreach and Guest Blogging

And for a good reason: 

  • Guest posts help you build relationships with other bloggers in your niche (and get more organic traffic from their sites).
  • They can lead to tons of quality backlinks when you reach out to the right people. 

The Problem? Most guest bloggers stuff their posts with self-promotional links, making them look spam. 

However, that doesn’t means that guest blogging is dead… 

I am talking about this because a few months ago, someone asked me for guest blogging advice, and I could not think of anything more compelling than blogger outreach. 

It is not just bloggers who will help you with blogger outreach but also journalists and PR agencies (specifically SEO companies) who work with influencers and have relationships with them.

If you have a website, you want backlinks. You may even be willing to pay for them. However, are you willing to write to them?

How does writing for someone else’s blog help you? Isn’t it just giving away your services? Like the old joke: “I do not know how he makes a living; all he does is give things away.

Yes, if that is all you do. However, if done right, it has three advantages: 

  1. It gets you backlinks; 
  2. It introduces you to new people who may link to you in the future; and 
  3. It gets people reading your work who will then read more on your site.

The goal of blogger outreach is to gain backlinks from the high authority websites or blogs relevant to your industry or niche.

However, how do you find relevant blogs that accept guest posts? Furthermore, how do you convince them to publish a post from you?  

Here is how: 

  • Find Relevant Blogs in Your Niche
  • Before sending any emails, you first need to find a list of relevant blogs in your niche.
  • To do this, go to Google and enter the following search term query:
  • Blog + “your keyword” +, “write for us”
  • For example, if I wanted to write about online marketing, I would type in:
  • Blog + “online marketing” +, “write for us”
  • Open and Find Email
  • Finally, Send Your Email Pitch 
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It will return a list of blogs that write about online marketing and accept guest posts. You can also add terms like guest post guidelines or contribute to narrowing down the results to find more relevant websites for guest blogging outreach.

Key Takeaways: This technique shows Google that your content is va

luable and ranks it higher in search results for relevant keywords.

Also Read: How to Optimize Your Website to Improve Google Core Web Vitals

  1. Skyscraper Technique

When you are looking for a new approach, try the skyscraper method. For years, the “skyscraper technique” has been a staple of link-building experts.

The Skyscraper Technique was created by Brian Dean – an expert from Backlinko, and he shared how his organic search traffic was effectively increased by 110%. The Skyscraper Technique is a method that takes a lot of work upfront but can deliver a ton of value.

The idea behind the technique is simple:

  • Do a Google search for pieces of content in your niche.
  • Open the top 10 results in tabs.
  • Read each result and make notes about what is good, bad, and missing from each article.
  • Write a better and in-depth version of it with more information.
  • Reach out to every person linked to the original piece and tell them about your new, updated article. 

Furthermore, that is it! 

That simple process is the backbone of link-building strategy. Moreover, it has worked wonders across numerous niches over the years.  

You can use this technique to acquire some high-quality link juice backlinks for your company or business! Try it and found out yourself if it works for your website too. 

Key Takeaway: But it is not relatively as easy as that. After all, you cannot just email a blogger and say, “My post is better than yours!” It would be best if you were a little more tactful than that. 

  1. Resource Page Link Building 

Resource pages link building feature lists of resources on a specific topic. Typically, each resource will include an image, title, and short description. Some may also feature ratings or reviews, but this is less common. 

The great thing about helpful resource page link building is that all you have to do is find the right pages and submit your information. It does not even require writing any content! 

  • The website owner is likely interested in your content because it is relevant to their audience.
  • The website owner is likely to add a link to your content because it is a valuable resource.
  • The website owner is likely to keep the link to your content updated because it is a valuable resource.

There are, however, some types of content that have proven especially effective for building links. These include the following:

  1. List Posts
  2. Infographics
  3. Research reports
  4. Interviews, Q&As, or case studies with experts in your industry or niche
  5. Resource pages on topics related to your business or industry 

Finding resource pages is not difficult. You need to know what to look for. Here we go with some ideas on how you can find resource pages. 

Use Google Queries 

You can use the following queries in Google to find resource pages that you can get backlinks from:

  • Intitle: keyword intitle: resources
  • Inurl: keyword intitle: resources
  • Allintitle: keyword resources
  • Resources keyword 

Just replace “keyword” with your keyword, and it should give you a good starting point. Once you find some excellent resource pages, check to see if they allow guest posts or not. If they do, you can start pitching them and then, wait for the response. 

Key Takeaway: Resource page backlinks are my favorite kind of link building. They are easy to find, they are usually easy to get, and they can send you boatloads of visitors if you do it right. 

  1. Broken Link Building 

Broken backlink building is a method of link building that can help you create backlinks and get better rankings. Broken link building is all about finding pages with broken links (404s), convincing the webmaster to replace them with a link to your site, and then going out and building more links to it.  

It will provide you with an additional, high-quality backlink while helping the webmaster simultaneously. Link Building with broken links is an effective method of increasing backlinks and obtaining a higher ranking on the web. 

Broken Link Building 
How to Get Backlinks: 10 Winning Strategies for Link Building 9

Here is the good example of broken link building: Broken Link Building Made Easy

  1. You need to find websites with broken links. Use these link building tools to complete this task, such as the Google search engine, the Xenu Link Sleuth tool, or the Check extension for Chrome.
  2. Once you have found a website with broken links, you will need to find a replacement link to offer. You can either create a new page on your website with the same information as the broken link or find external links on a website with similar information to link to.
  3. In this case, you should contact the owner of the website and notify regarding the broken link. You can email outreach to them directly or use a tool like the Broken Link Finder.
  4. Once they have fixed the broken link, you can notify them and let them know about your replacement link.

Key Takeaways: This is a tactic that can skyrocket your site’s referral traffic and search engine rankings. 

  1. Use Case Studies 
READ ALSO:  8 Perfect Backlinking Tips to Rank Better On Search Engines

A great way to get backlinks is by publishing case studies.

If you aren’t already using case studies as part of your link building strategy, you are missing out on one of the most effective link building techniques.

I’ve found case studies particularly useful for getting high-quality backlinks from relevant sites in competitive industries. But like any marketing tactic, it’s important to use them the right way.

Case studies are more than just a bunch of facts about your product or service. They should tell a story about the client and their experience using your product or service.

Case studies are a great way to prove that you are an authority in your industry and can be used to help generate more traffic and backlinks.

Here is the best case study to get high-quality backlinks: SEO Case Study – How I Improved Organic Traffic By 210%

When we were thinking of a way to say thank you to all the people who have helped us with the startup, I remembered Paul Graham’s article, “How Not to Die.” He recommends writing a case study for your project or startup and using it as a way to get backlinks from other pages. 

An effective way to get a lot of backlinks is to write a lot of case studies and post them on your blog. The process is:

1. Find an interesting customer

2. Write up a case study

3. Post it on your blog

4. Contact people linking to similar content and let them know about the new resource

5. Repeat

Note that this strategy only works well if you have something truly remarkable to offer. If you don’t, your content will fall flat and no one will link to it or share it with anyone else.

So what makes a case study suitable? 

Here are three tips for writing a great case study: 

  1. Make it comprehensive: The more details you include in your case study, the better. If you have some examples or screenshots of your results, include them in the document.
  2. Make it visual: Case studies look better when they contain images and screenshots. When writing a case study, include enough images to make it interesting to the visitors or audience.
  3. Make it easy to read: Nobody has time to read an eight-page case study these days. That is why we try to write our posts in a way that makes sense even if you do not have time to read them from beginning to end — our readers can skim through the post and still understand what it is about.

Key Takeaway: Case Studies Are A Great Way to Show off The Value of Your Product or Service 

  1. Brand Mention
Brand Mention
How to Get Backlinks: 10 Winning Strategies for Link Building 10

One of the best ways to get backlinks is through brand mentions.

What are brand mentions? A brand mention is when someone refers to your business, product, or service without linking to your website. For example:

“I bought a pair of Nike shoes.”

“A pair of shoes I bought from Nike.”

The first sentence is a brand mention, while the second sentence is a backlink. The number of backlinks you have will be less than or equal to the number of brand mentions you have. For example: If you are mentioned 100 times and linked 10 times, you will have 10 backlinks (assuming no one links more than once).

Here is the best example of using Brand Mentions for your company or business growth: How to Effectively Mention Brands in Sponsored Content (Study)

Why are brand mentions noteworthy?

Brand mentions are essential for several reasons. 

  • First, Google Search has shown that it gives more weight to branded links than unbranded links. 
  • Second, Google Search and Google News show results based on author link authority. 
  • Third, social media marketing is all about building relationships, and relationships are built through conversations with industry experts and other brands. 

For these reasons, the number of links is not as important as the number of people talking about you.

You can find brand mentions using various tools such as Ahrefs and BuzzSumo. You can use an online tool that searches for specific keywords (e.g., “SEMrush”) or search for branded links to find mention of your brand that may not contain a link.

Key Takeaway: Google also uses brand mentions as an SEO ranking factor.


Just as every website owner is different, so are their needs. The tactics that we have presented above should help you identify potential problem areas for your link-building campaign. You will need to create different SEO strategies for each website and in the meantime, keep experimenting with different techniques until you find what works best for your situation. Ultimately, if you can stick to these basic principles, it is well worth the effort!

We hope you have found the tactics mentioned above to be helpful in your efforts to grow your online niche. A backlink is an essential component of a successful SEO campaign and can help keep your site relevant in this ever-changing online landscape. So, if you are looking for new ways to connect with other web admins and bloggers – or if you need backlinks for your website – remember the tips from this article. Furthermore, as always, check out our blog for more tips like these!

Which link-building tactics have you used? Let us know in the comment section below.

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8 Perfect Backlinking Tips to Rank Better On Search Engines

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