7 Tested Ways to Earn Backlinks In 2021

How would you feel if you saw one of your webpage links on another website? Won’t you feel delighted? Even surprised (if you didn’t expect to see it there)? For sure! That backlinks not only gives you credibility, authority, or a vote of confidence but also can drive traffic to your website and enhance its rank on search engines.

Backlinks are among the key ranking factors in search engines. The businesses that don’t have any backlinks linked to their webpages have low ranks and traffic. As per an Ahrefs study, nearly 91% of all pages don’t get any traffic from search engines as they don’t have backlinks. In this scenario, many businesses and professional SEO services companies are trying to build robust backlinks and keep pace with the current trends.

Are you looking to earn backlinks from trusted and reputed websites? There are seven ways you can do that in the current scenario and build the strong credibility of your business.

1. Create high-quality content

There is no other way to go about it. High-quality content gives valuable information to your target audience and provides solutions for their problems. While creating content, endeavor to make it engaging and interesting for your readers. Know their search intent and what products or services they are looking for. Make the content visually appealing and take care of the formatting, length, grammar, spelling, and readability.

If the topics offer you the scope, do intensive research and find data and statistics for authority. You can target specific niches and provide more information about them. If possible, create multimedia content, including videos, infographics, charts, and snapshots. Last but not least, edit and review before publishing the content. Hiring a professional SEO services company can help you create great quality content.

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2. Impactful and appealing infographics

Your webpage is more likely to be linked to other websites if it has useful infographics in it. Infographics are more attractive and appealing than simple text or photographs as they use statistics, data, and numbers to tell stories. As per HubSpot, social media users shared infographics three times more than they shared any other type of content in 2021.

In the last four years, the use of infographics among B2B marketers has increased by leaps and bounds. Useful infographics have played a key role in generating huge traffic and high-quality backlinks. You can take the help of professional SEO services to create useful and attractive infographics.

3. Approaching third-party websites for guest posting

Guest posting is writing and publishing content for another brand or person’s blog or website. This is a sure-shot method of building backlinks from their blogs and websites to yours. This also gives you an excellent opportunity to showcase your knowledge and expertise in your industry and niche.

The first step towards effective guest posting is to select the websites and businesses you want to write for. The key is to focus more on quality than quantity. After finding suitable websites, create high-quality content that is extremely relevant for their visitors and target audience. A good guest post will generate traffic to your site.

4. Request backlinks from well-known businesses and influencers

One of the easiest ways to earn backlinks is to build a robust network with influential people and businesses in your niche and ask them if they can help. You can build a rapport with them by engaging with them on social media and commenting on their posts.

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You can also present your products or services for free to build familiarity. Nurture the relationships and know their audience. Remember that your links target the audience of your partners and make an effort to add value to their lives as well.

Also, keep in mind that the established businesses and influencers may have their content calendar and schedules, so give them adequate time to help you with backlinks. Some professional SEO services businesses and content creators can help you in this step.

5. Broken link building

A broken link directs to a webpage that is no longer accessible or active. They have been found in many webpages, including the websites of 135 Fortune 1000 companies and articles of The New York Times. They affect search engine rankings negatively and harm a website’s SEO. You can, however, use such links to earn backlinks to your website.

You can use online broken link checkers to find broken and dead backlinks in other websites, contact the owners and provide relevant links to your webpages instead of the inactive ones. You just have to ensure that you have similar content to the backlinks.

6. Leverage unlinked brand mentions

Unlinked brand mentions are online mentions of your brand (or anything directly related to it) on websites and publications that don’t link back to your webpages. Many businesses find the online mentions and turn them into links, and you can use the strategy to build backlinks to your website. Many tools can help you find the mentions of your business.

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You can contact the editor or owner of the publication or website and request them to add a link. If they have mentioned your business, they are interested in your brand. You can explain how the link can add value to the article and provide relevant information to the readers.

7. Conduct a link gap analysis

A link gap analysis can help you identify the websites that link to your competitors’ webpages but not yours. If a website has provided backlinks for one or more competitors, then the chance of linking to your website is also good. You can use an online backlink gap tool to find out the websites linking to your competitors’ webpages.

After that, you can contact them and give them a good reason to link out to your webpages. You can also conduct an analysis of your competitors’ backlinks, find out the ones with the best content, and create even better ones.

To conclude,

Backlinks are crucial for the rankings of a website, and nearly all top websites use the right mix of the above steps to build robust backlink strategies. Suppose you are a business looking to leverage backlinks. In that case, you can try some of the methods yourself or hire a professional SEO services company to help you get high-quality backlinks for your business.

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