How Do Google Core Updates Affect the SEO of Your Website?

Undoubtedly, Google’s algorithm is one of the concealed mysteries in this world. Almost every blogger’s biggest fear is getting his website hit by the Core Updates of Google. Recently, Google has constantly been rolling out new updates to keep its algorithm even more secret.

In this article, you will learn how Google Core Updates affect your website. Moreover, we will tell you a few steps to recover your website from core updates.

About Google Core Updates

When Google makes significant changes to its algorithm and ranking systems, it is known as Google Core Updates. Though, there are many other minor updates that Google releases per year, however, core updates are released only 2-4 times per year.

In 2022, two core updates were released which affected nearly thousands of websites.

Why Google Releases Core Updates?

Since Google takes responsibility for the information on its search engine, it’s important to maintain the authenticity of the content that is published.

And to keep authentic content on the top, Google makes certain changes in its algorithm so that the website owners keep the content updated with only relevant information. With the help of a core update, Google vanished the search results that aren’t useful for its readers.

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In exchange, those search results are replaced by rich information which Google thinks is valuable for its readers.

The main purpose behind these updates is to enhance the users’ experience by providing them with the necessary information related to their queries.

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How Do Core Updates Affect The SEO Of A Website?

When a core update is completely rolled out, many bloggers start to see changes in their rankings as well as traffic. The positive effect will boost your ranking and the negative effect will doom the ranking.

A core update means you need to make some important changes to the content of your website as per the guidelines given by Google. If you don’t perform those actions, you’re likely to get hit by the update.

With each Google core updates, Google’s algorithm completely changes, hence, people start noticing the red traffic lines as well as ranking. In some cases, Google penalizes websites that can have long-term ranking effects.

Google prefers only valuable content for readers. And if your website does not fall under that policy it’s going to vanish from search results.

Signs That Your Website Is Struggling With Core Updates

  • Instant traffic and rankings down
  • Articles vanished from search results and SERP
  • Article indexing issues
  • Keyword dancing i.e. position bouncing drastically
  • Any changes made in the content take time to reflect

How To Recover From Google’s Core Update?

To recover from a core update, you need to know what the core update is about. Whenever a core update is released, Google mentions everything about it in its blog. Furthermore, it tells bloggers to add additional information to their articles to enhance the user experience.

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Actions To Perform To Recover From A Core Update

  • Add the information given in the core update
  • Update old articles with unique and relevant information
  • Add images, videos, and other media to make the content more authentic
  • Perform internal linking of your articles
  • Always refer to authentic sources in your articles
  • Focus more on improving the user experience
  • Outreach brands in your niche for authentic backlinks
  • Keep patience, and wait for changes to reflect

Additional Actions to Recover Website from a Core Update

There are various methods by which you can improve the SEO of your website. The exact methods for recovery are unknown to everyone. However, you can give every possible try to put your website on a right track.

Remove The Unwanted Information

If you have written an article that contains unwanted information than required, reduce the word count. Sometimes, Google doesn’t want intruding information on specific things.

For example – If the user wants to know “How to tie a tie?”, he won’t read the 2000 words article for it. Instead, the user will look for a straightforward demonstration of it.

Most bloggers tend to lure after tons of backlinks. They don’t check whether the website they’re linking to has quality or not. Moreover, websites with tons of spam backlinks tend to get penalties from Google via spam updates. Hence, it’s advisable to get only quality backlinks from high-authority websites.

Write Content For Users, Not Just For Search Engine

Since Google wants marketers to enhance user experience, it’s mandatory to write information that is beneficial to users. Most bloggers write content just for the sake of ranking. Therefore, after the update, they end up getting bad SEO results.

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Analyze Your Competitors

In case you don’t see any better results, analyze your competitor’s articles to know what is making them rank on top and make changes according to that. However, make sure you maintain your content unique.

Final Words

Google has released many core updates, and it will continue to do so in the future as well. If you want your website to perform well even after the algorithm updates then you will have to make constant updates to the content of your website. Big brands like Bloomberg, Forbes, etc. hardly get affected by core updates. And the reason is they focus more on finding better ways to improve the user experience with authentic content.


Can I recover my website from Google Core Updates?

Yes. You can easily recover your website from a core update by making necessary changes to your website as per the core update guidelines.

How long does it take to recover from a Google core updates?

Well, this is impossible to answer because it depends on several things related to your website. Moreover, you won’t know what exactly is causing the rankings down. To figure things out, you need to make every possible changes that you think would be right to recover your website.

Can I prepare my website for upcoming Google core updates?

You can’t. It’s because, with every core update, Google refreshes its algorithm with new guidelines. Hence, the previous ranking factors of the algorithm vanish which can impact the SEO of any website.