SEO vs PPC: What is Best for Your Business?

SEO and PPC are two fundamentals of Digital Marketing. If a person has knowledge of these two, they can run their e-commerce business successfully. But how does a business choose between these two? And which one should you focus on? If you have these questions, this guide will explain the difference between SEO vs PPC according to companies providing SEO and PPC services in India.

Ten years ago, when online marketing wasn’t much on-trend, people didn’t know how influential it could be in the future. Those businesses that changed at the right time and started operating online were the ones to have a successful business in the present time.

But don’t be demotivated. However, this isn’t the end! The pandemic in 2020 has forced many businesses to go online, but not all are using PPC or SEO in their operation. Moreover, not everyone knows that these things exist. So, there is a chance for you of securing a good position in your niche.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This is a very critical factor of long-term business success. It includes various online and offline activities that tell Google or any other search engine about your website and organically rank it in front of the people who are searching using a related or a specific keyword.

What is PPC?

PPC stands for Pay Per Click. A pay-per-click model is one in which advertisers are paid for each click they receive on their ads.  This allows for appropriate spending of the allotted budget and targeting people with specific demographics.

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PPC services include display advertising, social media advertising, video ads, and more. In simple terms, it means that you pay a search engine to show your product or service in front of people looking for your product or services.

Difference between SEO vs PPC

  • The key difference among them is the results. PPC generates quick results, whereas SEO takes a long time to produce results. This doesn’t mean you should solely focus on PPC and don’t put any effort into improving SEO.
  • Research has proved time and again and again that PPC is an effective plan for the short term. However, SEO overpowers PPC if you aim for the long term.
  • SEO brings organic traffic, which is free traffic that you are getting from the search engines. On the other hand, PPC brings in paid traffic – paying search engines, or social networks to show your ads on top of SERP and gain more clicks. In the short term, this is useful, but it will get expensive in the long term.
  • According to companies providing SEO and PPC services in India, you pay for a click and generate leads using PPC. In contrast, SEO has a series of processes that involve link building, website optimization, backlinks, website audit, and several other tasks that gradually improve overall site performance.
  • Finally, the time that it consumes. PPC is quick-in and quick-out. You pay, get the result, and go! Whereas, in SEO, you have to keep doing every task repeatedly for a long time to see any notable results.

Results of SEO

  • Awareness

SEO focuses on ranking for particular keywords. So when a person searches using a keyword, the search engine algorithm will analyze your website’s keyword and show your website in SERP, which increases your brand awareness.

  • Branding
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SEO entails content creation. To have a better ranking in SERP (Search Engine Result Page) you need to create valuable and quality content using a keyword. Then, when a person searches using that keyword and reads your valuable content, it improves the brand value in the eyes of that customer. And in business, the customer is everything!

  • Credibility 

When your site appears in the organic results of a SERP, it can help you gain credibility in front of people looking for a solution to their problems. Many consumers avoid advertisements and focus on organic search results instead.

  • CPC (Cost per Click)

Search engine traffic obtained through natural search is free. However, building up that level of visibility will take time and money, but there are no charges for impressions or clicks.

  • ROI

Organic search engine traffic can deliver a better return on investment than traditional types of paid media, and it can surely outperform PPC in the long run.

  • Sustainability

The organic traffic you get will not disappear when the paid search marketing has ended, unlike the organic traffic.  In this case, organic traffic might be a way for your business to remain viable when the marketing budget is limited.

Also Read: SEO Service vs PPC Campaign: Which Is Better?

Results from PPC  

  • Position on the Page

Paid search content dominates positions above-the-fold on the page. On desktop and mobile, sponsored search advertisements will always appear, even if a user scrolls past them. Desktop users will see four ads and mobile users three.

  • Improved Ads

PPC adverts are exactly that: advertisements. As a result, you have significantly more granular control over your marketing messages and more space to deliver them. In addition to calls and locations, website links, pricing, and bullet points (callouts), there are a number of other means of dominating the page.

  • Visual Products
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Wherever you sell a product, Google offers visual shopping advertisements that allow users to see what they’re clicking on before they buy. By providing an option that is not available in organic search, an ad can significantly increase click-through rates.

  • Budget

PPC provides for precise budget management. Set a predetermined limit on how much you are willing to spend per day and the ads won’t cross that limit, giving you strong money management.

  • Targeting

A PPC campaign allows you to engage with potential customers in a very targeted manner. By using time of day, search phrases, day of week, geography, age, language, device, and audiences based on previous visits, you can show personalized ads to a very specific or very broad group of people.

  • Speed

While organic visibility takes time to build, a PPC campaign can be set up in days and scaled up in weeks. The fastest way to generate traffic is to use paid search engine advertising to get in front of buyers at the exact moment they are ready to buy.

  • A/B testing

A/B testing use to test different ad groups and check which one is performing better. You can do split-test advertising, landing pages, and place call-to-action buttons to determine which ones are getting better results. Data obtained for this purpose can be used in all other digital (and traditional) marketing campaigns.


Both PPC vs SEO are important parts of the success of the business. That is why companies providing SEO and PPC services in India suggest their clients invest both in them to reap great profit in the present and the future.

Also See:

SEO Service vs PPC Campaign: Which Is Better?