Most Common Misconceptions About 3D Printing

The modern world is full of technological advancements with high-powered capabilities and strong industrial motives. One thing that’s changing how the industrial world moves forward is 3D printing because it’s robust and ethical enough to resolve production qualms. Many misconceptions surround 3D printing, and we’ll discuss the most common ones here.

You Can Make Anything With a 3D Printer

A 3D printer carries the power to create and produce just about anything, given the proper justifications and circumstances. In general, not everything is 3D printable. It might be useful in resolving production demands, but it is not one-size-fits-all. Materials and object specifications play significant roles in how well something can turn out via 3D technology for printing.

3D Printing Only Works With Plastic

Many assume plastics are the full spectrum of 3D printing, but this common misconception about 3D printing couldn’t be farther from the truth. It works with a wide range of materials, including titanium, stainless steel, fiberglass, and even sugar. This variety allows applications of all industrial intents to participate in 3D printing capabilities.

The Print Technology Is New

This sounds like a new concept because 2D document printing is where most of us leave things. However, 3D capabilities are 30-plus years old and will continue to grow. While it is relatively young compared to other technologies, 3D printing power is not new and expands in function and application every day.

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All the Printers Work the Same

Without much knowledge or experience with the technology, it’s easy to equate a 3D printer to a typical document printer. Countless people assume all 3D printers are the same, but eight different 3D printer variations offer unique results. One of the trends to watch in 3D printing is enhanced customization, and printing variations will bring this to fruition.

The primary objective of the printed project will determine which printer is necessary. A few different versions include the following:

  • Stereolithography
  • Selected Laser Sintering
  • Binder Jetting
  • Fused Deposition Modeling

With these debunked myths about 3D printing, you’re one step closer to understanding the powers behind the technology. From houses to handheld objects and everything in between, don’t underestimate the strength and demand for this technological advancement.