A Handbook To Launch An On-Demand App In The Market

The on-demand app market saw a spike in recent years. When smartphones became an easily accessible device, we could witness an increase in the number of smartphone users globally. According to a statistics report, in 2020, there will be around 3.5 billion smartphone users in the world. Seventy-seven percent of the US population have smartphones with them. Experts have also predicted that by 2023, the number of smartphone users will increase to 4.3 billion. 

These numbers are evident enough for us to understand the scope of the mobile app market. With no further delay, let us get on track and have a look into various ideas for launching your on-demand app in the market. 

Why have on-demand apps created such hype in the market?

According to the psychological approach, it is understood that individuals who fall under the demand category will always have a pile of demands. Service providers, on the other end, play the role of suppliers. When there is a demand in an area, as a supplier, the service provider has a golden opportunity to earn more. But the efforts he puts into reaching them is where the real game starts. 

Without knowing the origin of demands, they cannot approach their target market. On-demand apps clear up this challenge by establishing a forum for service providers to find their potential customers effortlessly. Instead of setting up an office and inviting customers, this is a blissful reality check that enables them to avail their services in no time. 

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How to successfully start an on-demand business?

For quite a long time, entrepreneurs have been going crazy over starting their journey in the app market. Are you one of those budding entrepreneurs? Here’s a checklist to follow for launching your on-demand app. 

Identify the stream or service you wish to focus on

Before commencing your business plan, remember the on-demand market is a collective term that includes numerous services. These services have been coined so because they are something that is quite often demanded by people in high ratio. There are ample services available in the market, which you can opt for your business model. This is similar to the Uber for ‘x’ model that suits different types of business models. 

Let us have a look at the list of services that you can ever give a thought for your business,

  • Taxi-hailing services 
  • Laundry services 
  • Food delivery service
  • Grocery delivery 
  • Alcohol delivery 
  • Flower delivery 
  • Babysitting 
  • Handyman/home services 
  • Beauty services
  • Pharmacy delivery 
  • Courier delivery 
  • Hotel booking services 

You can consider these services to include in your on-demand app. Again, it is upto your feasibility and market performance you can choose your service model. 

Make it simple and easy for the users

When people wish to get their services through your app, it is because of their preference towards utmost convenience. This is where you have to understand their demand and sophistication towards availing services. Jot down the convenience standards you can offer to your customers. 

  • Live tracking is one of the best options that users get from on-demand apps. This helps them track their service providers in real-time. Most of the time, customers find it hard to locate their service providers. This is where their struggle starts. So, try to bridge them in your app.
  • When the entire world is under the fear of infections, contactless delivery is the only way to safeguard yourself. Hence, you should try to include various payment options for the users in your platform.
  • Thirdly, as customers are on the demand side, they always have their opinions on the services they get. Therefore, encouraging them to give their reviews and ratings for the services they avail of. This gives them a feel of personalizing with the app. 
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Choose your delivery assistants. 

Delivery assistants constitute an important part of the on-demand app market. Their crucial role turns out to be the face value of your app. So, select the appropriate delivery fleet that can assist you in delivery. In case you are planning to start your taxi app, the drivers are your delivery agents. If you are aiming for a delivery app business, you cannot function without them. So hire them at the earliest and train them up. 

Apply various technical features to your app

Developing a feature-rich on-demand app will invite more users to your app. So spare much time discussing the important features to include in your app. These features will impact the functionalities of your app. Consider opting for replicated models of already existing apps, as they will give you an idea about how various apps function. Some of the important features are,

  • The easy registration process attracts a large number of users. 
  • Live tracking for the users to locate their service providers and orders.
  • Diverse payment options to enhance maximum participation from the users
  • Improve the communication standard between users and service providers through options like in-app chats and in-app calls. 
  • Push notifications for the users to notify them about important updates. 
  • Review and rating option

How about developing a Super app?

Super apps or multi-services apps aim at targeting a large number of users. Here, they focus on providing a plethora of services to the users. They act as a single platform and offer various on-demand services to customers. The popularity of Super apps is reaching different countries, and they are ready to welcome such apps. It’s high time for you to cue up your ideas and thoughts to develop a robust app. 

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If starting a Super app is in your thoughts for a while, then this should be on your list. In such cases, you can initiate your on-demand business with a Gojek clone app. Opting for a ready-made Gojek clone app will minimize your burden of spending too much time on app development. With this app, you can establish your forum to provide multiple services to the customers. 

Wrapping up,

Are you ready to face the market with your on-demand business app? Then, all you need to do right now is to collect ideas from various sources. Elucidate them and combine them to develop your well-developed Gojek clone app.

Also Check: Gojek Clone App – Launch A Most Powerful Super App With White-Label

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