7 Best Ecommerce Marketing Practices for 2022

The eCommerce market is expected to grow even bigger with an estimated projection of $6.54 Trillion in 2022– which is an added sweetener to the already goodness baking in the eCommerce market. Despite the COVID pandemic, it didn’t pace down rather showed a staggering growth.

To carve a slice of profit in this uptick and to stand out from the competition, it is essential that you take your marketing game up a notch. However, we know doing so is easier said than done. The internet is filled with outdated suggestions and quick fixes that make tall claims but rarely stand tall .

That’s why we decided to bring you something fresh. A list of tactics we have tried and tested ourselves. They worked for us and are sure to work for you. So, let’s dive in as we break down these eCommerce strategies in front of you.

7 Proven Ecommerce Marketing Strategies that Yield Results

First Things First: What’s your distribution & fulfillment plan?

Irrespective of the scale and size you’re starting with, you should have a clear, concise idea about what you’re trying to achieve and how you shall fulfill the distribution plan, which should evolve as your business grows. Stretched across packing to shipping, or if you’re planning out with a small team or leveraging a third-party fulfillment shop, you’ll have to ideate the fulfillment processes of your consumer and market demands with the forthcoming push.

Once you’ve jotted down and ticked all the boxes, leverage ample time tweaking the plans with your team, refining, unfolding, and making necessary changes with time and requirements.

Social Media – The Heart Of a Flourishing eCommerce Marketing Strategy

Social media marketing has turned the tables for eCommerce marketing, making it one of the primary and most efficient marketing tools to consider in 2021 and beyond.

This is more relevant since platforms like Facebook and Instagram provide specific linking to pages and target specific audience groups.

Thus, utilizing the potential of social media for your eCommerce business can generate positive leads, increase website traffic, and convert those leads into customers almost without costing you a hole in your pocket.

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But before you get going, arm yourself with the prerequisites to win this game-

  • Learn your audience’s buying habits- Who are they, how old are they, what are their likes and dislikes?
  • Pick your best platform- Which platforms have the highest engagement and advantage in terms of eCommerce business.
  • An eagle’s eye on your competition- What are your competitors doing to lure their audience? No, don’t copy them, but learn their tricks to create your marketing funnel.

Determine your sales & lead generation strategy.

This is where you hop on your creative hats since you’d require stepping off from the one-size-fits-all approach and curating your lead generation strategy respective to your niche , the presence of your market audience, and what interests & engages them. But there’s good news too- the market for your business and the ways you generate prolific leads is an endless sea, given- you recognize where to hit the hammer right.

Before the buzzwords from the digital marketing world make your head spin, create your conversion funnel, which directs your consumers from awareness to taking action. The process can be – Awareness- Interest- Desire- Conversion- Re-engage.

Despite the generic step-by-step process, the plan and methodology of running each funnel segment should run specific marketing strategies uniquely for your buyer persona. You intend to usher the potential buyers through that funnel.

High-Quality And Unique Content is A Robust And Cost-Effective Way For Lead Generation

Content is the primary aspect of driving any marketing strategy. The prime intention of producing content within the eCommerce marketing strategy is to educate and inform your target audience, who have the potential of turning into customers. By educating them about your products and services, you establish a thought leadership towards your niche industry and promote brand awareness.

The content itself, being a product, engages and draws attention. Therefore producing and promoting high-quality content, including blog posts, infographics, social media posts, images, videos, etc divided thoroughly with a consistent brand voice within several social media platforms will hook and engage your audience with your brand.

The valuable content you share with your audience will positively influence and impact your relationship with them and eventually increase traffic to your eCommerce store . So focus on educating them and provide something informative and interesting at their table; it can be guided, answering their concerns, etc.

For example, if you’re a clothing brand or a cosmetics company, share content on transformative fashion trends or sustainable, eco-friendly makeup. If you sell groceries or healthy packaged raw-food materials, share content and educate them regarding extracting nutrition through home-cooked meals, weight loss tips according to different body sizes.

Once you’re successful in sending content (infographics, carousels, social copies, videos, etc.) and your audience finds them informative to read, they’ll establish a connection with your brand.

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To achieve this eCommerce marketing strategy well:

  • Understand what content requirement your target audience has.
  • Utilize your target audience’s language.
  • Understand what sort of content you can create the best.
  • Promote the content uniformly across all channels

Learn from Mentors as Well as Competitors

Learning from competitors doesn’t mean blindly copying their marketing tactics. Instead, it is taking insights for your successful business output. Before you jump in the game, you require studying, asking, and seeking from the big fishes how the industry works and what can work best for your eCommerce business. You can seek big companies or mentors who have built and scaled a successful eCommerce empire, preferably amid the same industry.

Seek out for-

  • How do they initiate the process?
  • Did they hire an ad agency?
  • Which marketing channels generated the highest ROI in a short time?
  • Which technology proved best in tracking data?

As they always say- The wisest one learns from others’ mistakes before their own. You can do the same.

Retargeting Remains One Of The Most Efficient eCommerce Marketing Tactics.

Shopping cart abandonment rates have risen by 69.57 %. Despite your consumers landing and showing interest in their favorite products, there’s a ton of possible reasons why they abandon the purchase halfway.

The reasons can be Surprise costs during the checkout, High prices, or shipping prices.

Whatever the reason, retargeting is a proven ecommerce marketing strategy to get your lost customers back to your site to complete the halfway purchase. However, before that, you are required to figure out the prominent reasons for your customers abandoning the purchases. This way, your retargeting efforts will be directed in a positive direction. It includes running retargeting ads across multiple platforms. By realizing the reasons for abandonment, you can leverage Artificial Intelligence for tailored retargeting ads across numerous platforms to remind customers of their favorite products and pull them back to finish the checkout process.

Personalized Emails Increase your Online Shoppers’ reengagement.

A Statista report highlights 49% of users prefer receiving promotional emails from eCommerce websites. Email marketing, despite being old as an oak yet still one of the most underrated marketing strategies to multiply sales, reach the target audience and follow up on abandoned shopping cart rates.

If done right, email marketing can generate consistent ROI for the business, as research indicates that every $1 invested in a profitable marketing strategy can generate an average ROI of $42. Your emails shall inform about promotional and special offers, sales, and discounts on favorite brands. However, you are strictly required to follow personalization on your email market to flourish good results. How to get started?

  • Create your email list
  • Plan out the content to send.
  • Swear by personalization
  • Use automation
  • Analyze results.
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eCommerce SEO aids Expanding Your Market And Reach

87% of consumers now conduct online searches for products. (Retail Dive)

Not only should your content be optimized for search engines, but your website should also be. Using keywords is vital for your online store and the products enlisted to be shown in the SERPs when online users conduct related searches.

  • Determine your target audience- Use tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz, etc., to pull the key terms.
  • Use appropriate keywords- Ensure including them on your products, descriptions, title tags, and short URLs.
  • Don’t fall back on unique product descriptions- Inform all essential components, including shape, size, colors, to ensure a pleasant experience.
  • Customer reviews are a must- They are excellent organic keywords, plus they ensure trust in your product and your brand. .

Additionally, don’t overlook the importance of making your eCommerce website mobile-friendly. .

Test your waters- Refine & expand your eCommerce marketing strategy.

It’s getting fun, isn’t it? Witnessing some positive momentum and willing to fan the flames?

What we mean here- by this time, you’re aware of what’s working for your business and what’s being a lost cause. Which ecommerce marketing strategies need improvement, and which rooms are still open with opportunities. Believe it- You’ll never exhaust all your options.

Bonus Tips:

Once you’ve settled on positive ROI and are ready to ramp up your budget, here are some bonus points for the cherry on the top-

  • Joint ventures and partnerships – Competition is good but collaboration will take you a long way in today’s e-commerce landscape. It’s time you start looking for brands with whom you can collaborate and co-create content that works for both brands.
  • Increase the average order value (AOV) – Don’t let customers settle for less. Instead, utilize discount codes to lure them on larger purchases. The more they spend, the more you can earn.
  • Referrals – Benefit your existing customers by referring them to friends, which will reward them both and eventually you too. Not only will this keep your existing customers satisfied but you will also earn more customers. In the end, it’s a win-win situation.
  • Rethink Loyalty Programs – While customer loyalty is still a thing, now it is much difficult to maintain. It’s time you rise above the same traditional approach and bring something fresh onboard. One thing you can do is to offer immediate rewards instead of accumulating points as 80% of people believe they want immediate benefits in loyalty programs.

Did we offer you fresh insight and answer all your questions? If yes, please let us know in the comments.

Also Read: 7 Tips Towards Successful Ecommerce Website Development


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