What’s The Best Product Development Method For Startup Entrepreneurs?

How should you go about designing products that will generate sales? You might think that this is just common sense, but the truth is that many founders make less-than-optimal choices when it comes to product design with the best product development method. Some decide to ignore customer feedback and focus on what they think customers want. Others create a never-ending list of product features to impress their users or stakeholders. If you find yourself struggling with this question, I’ll give you the answer in a second.

What’s the Best Product Development Method?

Before I reveal what your best product development method  is, let me first tell you about my own story. My startup is called Locket (www. Locket.co), and it’s about rewarding users for checking in at work so they don’t have to go through the mindless ritual of clicking on Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp when they get back from lunch or after leaving the office for home so as not miss out on anything from friends and family who might be trying to reach them since they were away from their phones during these times. On a more serious note, what we’re trying to do is essential.

I love building products  that are impacting people’s lives in some way or the other. I truly enjoy working hard on my product ideas till I can see them materialize into real functioning apps (or webpages) that people interact with every day and provide value for them. However, after struggling with this question, I’ll give you the answer in a second.

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Before I reveal what your best product development method is, let me first tell you about my own story. My startup is called Locket (www.Locket.co), and it’s about rewarding users for checking in at work, so they don’t have to go to work. Through Locket, companies can reward their employees with real cash for simply checking into work. We’re an excellent product development method that lets people earn money while they sleep!

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I was working on a startup before I joined Locket, and it was called Grooveshark Here (www.Grooveshark here.com), where we would sync the sound from your mobile device to any TV or speakers in your house wirelessly using Bluetooth technology. Our product won numerous competitions, including the International Business Model Competition in Barcelona, and even made it to the final round of a match out in India, but since we couldn’t get it going without venture capital, we had to shut shop. Anyway, let me tell you how I joined Locket.

Harsh had approached me about doing some mobile development stuff at Locket, and I was like, “You bet! Who doesn’t want to build an awesome product development method that people will use?” He put together a couple of simple apps for Android phones (for example, the Unlock app), and I was pretty impressed with how easy it was to develop these apps using their SDK.

But what fascinated me was how they used location-based technologies to detect whether or not you had seen an ad before showing it to you again on your lock screen. One fine day, he showed me the prototype of the Engagement Ads feature, which looked cool but wasn’t very useful just yet since there were no advertisers. That is when I came up with the idea of using app promotion ads instead. I showed Engagement Ads to other people in Locket, and they were just as excited about it as I was. So, here we are!

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How does the Engagement Ads feature work?

The Locket comes preloaded with apps that have signed partnerships with us. We run these promotions on an opt-in basis via Engagement Ads which you can choose to see or not. It’s ultimately your decision. Once you decide to see them, each time you switch on your phone, a random ad will appear on the lock screen and some engagement metrics like how many people engage with that ad spot within 24 hours (the metric we use to rank the ads). If you engage with the ad (meaning that you click through, like, or dismiss it), you get credit towards discounts on those apps. You can also see what others are engaging with and what offers they see by clicking on Discover in Locket.

You can opt out of Engagement Ads at any time by going into your Settings > Customize Look > Show Offers. We’ve kept this option off by default because we wanted everyone to be able to enjoy how beautiful our lock screen is first before worrying about monetization; but rather than bombarding you with promotions without giving you a heads up or choice, creating Engagement Ads seemed like a natural compromise.

Also, if you want to engage with an offer but aren’t interested in the next ad, you can swipe left on the ad.

Hopefully, that clears up some concerns! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

The Locket Team

For the last couple of days, Android Police has been covering what looks like a new type of lock screen experience – one that is heavily reliant on ads. The app is called Locket, and once installed, it replaces your existing lock screen with its version that shows full-screen advertisement banners (and no unlocking widgets) every time you turn on your device’s display. It also claims to give users credits for engaging with these advertisements, which they can then redeem towards discounts for Facebook games.

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