Top 7 Reasons To Switch To VoIP Solutions

  • Is your current communication solution scalable?
  • Are you looking for cost-saving communication solutions for your business?
  • Are you looking for communication solutions that give mobility?

If these questions instigate you to reconsider your current phone system’s capabilities, switching to VoIP solutions is time. As per a report by Research and Markets, the VoIP solutions market will become $102.5 billion by 2026. It indicates VoIP’s massive potential, giving businesses a competitive edge. 

Let us understand what VoIP Software Solutions are and why your business needs them. 

What is VoIP Solution?

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. It transmits voice and video files (data packets) in digital signals via the internet. With VoIP solutions, you do not have to be tied up with wires to communicate. Instead, you can answer calls from anywhere. 

The signals will remain digital if the receiver uses digital communication solutions, like VoIP or cell phone. However, if the receiver uses standard phone lines with an RJ-11 connector, the digital signals get converted by the analog phone signals.

This communication through digital signals breaks the boundaries of geographic locations. In fact, since the rise of globalization, WFH, and the hybrid work model, VoIP has acted as a bridge to connect the world with the internet. VoIP lets you share and work from anywhere.

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Why Does Your Business Need VoIP Solutions?

If you are still wondering about the efficacy of VoIP software solutions,  explore the following top 7 reasons to adopt VoIP for your business.

Benefits of VoIP
Benefits of VoIP

1. Mobility

Today, the workforce is distributed worldwide since the businesses are spread across diverse geographic locations. A VoIP solution lets you answer client calls from anywhere via smartphone or computer. With VoIP, you no longer need to use wired telephones and stay available at the desk.

It is a game-changer, especially for businesses with little budget or employees working remotely from different parts of the country.

The benefit of mobility with VoIP solutions development is broader than just remote communication. It also simplifies the internal team and external communication. You also get features like DND, automated messages reply, and notifications turned off to customize your availability and manage your work-life balance.  

2. Cost Savings with VoIP

Having a traditional phone line within your system is a costly affair. Long-distance or high-volume calls can make you pay hefty charges. Additionally, regarding scalability, traditional phone services are always expensive due to hardware and installation charges.

Thankfully, VoIP Software Solutions exist. It requires limited equipment. Additionally, the equipment cost remains zero for hosted VoIP solutions. That’s why small businesses that use VoIP save up to 45% on average.

3. Easy Scalability

A business that still uses the wired telephony solution and is worried about scalability should adopt internet-based calling, i.e., VoIP Solutions. Unlike the traditional phone system, you don’t have to worry about clumsy wires and cables. All you need is the assistance of your VoIP solutions provider to boost the VoIP capacity through some changes in programming.

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4. Increases Productivity and Collaboration

Imagine a scenario where your employees are tethered to the telephone lines. If they wish to talk to each other, they will have to leave their desks or communicate. It drops employee productivity.

VoIP Software Solutions, on the other hand, allows you to message, chat, and talk endlessly via VoIP call without having to leave your place every time. It improves employees’ productivity and the company’s workflow.

The latest productivity statistics by CISCO reveal that small businesses experience 77% improved productivity with VoIP Solutions.

The advanced features of VoIP solution, like screen sharing, instant messaging, and call conferencing, helps employees collaborate quickly and effectively, thus boosting productivity. Other features like call waiting, forwarding, and voicemail help businesses maintain professionalism and render a good user experience.

5. Easy to Use

One of the best benefits of VoIP software solutions is the ease of use. You do not need in-depth technical knowledge to understand the know-how of the VoIP system. You can easily use it via desktop or a mobile application with an easy dashboard. VoIP lets you efficiently manage outgoing messages, call distribution rules, office hours, etc.

As per a report on VoIP-ease of use, 67% of employees find it much easier to handle phone calls using VoIP solutions.

6. Easy to Integrate With Other Businesses

Every business has some particular set of software around which they function. Hence, it becomes crucial to see if  VoIP Software Solutions can integrate easily with the current business requirements. Many companies like Ecosmob Technologies offer premium features wherein you can easily include critical applications of your business environment—for instance, a client database, CRM, payment system, etc.

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7. Packed with Features

Regarding features, the traditional phone system can no longer replace VoIP solutions development. It has a wide array of features that benefits all kind of businesses, big or small.

  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
  • Menus and directories
  • Find me/follow me
  • Menus and directories
  • Conference calling
  • Video conferencing
  • Call recording
  • Call Transfer
  • Music on Hold
  • Call Barging
  • Call Flipping
  • Caller ID
  • Call Blocking
  • Voicemail to Email
  • Call Monitoring

Each feature makes the business more straightforward to manage for the employer. Companies get real-time analysis of the workforce and business performance.

These features not only bring professionalism but also help in building better business strategies. Many companies offer customized solutions that allow you to have VoIP software solutions crafted per your business model and requirements. It helps in getting the most out of a solution.

Wrapping Up

Getting VoIP solutions is a smart choice for accelerating your business growth. It improves the business ROI and lets the business focus on its primary goal rather than juggling with a traditional communication system that kills time and degrades productivity. Moving to a customized solution is a cherry on top as it is designed exclusively per the business demand.