The Most Interesting Career Paths in 3D Printing

Choosing a career paths or profession will always be a never-ending struggle. Do you want to do something with your degree? Or do you realize that many job offers are dead ends? One industry that’s on the up-and-up is the world of 3D printing. Exploring the most interesting career paths in 3D printing may open some doors you otherwise wouldn’t have known existed.

Computer-Aided Design

The manufacturing industry relies on computer-aided design (CAD) software to print a prototype of a 3D object, with the automotive sector being the most prevalent user of these technologies for career paths.

Digital files for customizable 3D models with the precise form, proportions, and texture of structures are possible thanks to various CAD tools, such as AutoCAD or Onshape. These tools also provide full instructions regarding materials, substrate, and the printing technique. 


With 3D printing, you don’t need a hard hat to get into the construction field. There are several ways in which 3D printers may reduce expenses, including the time and money saved on building projects. Often in the building industry, employees buy raw materials before determining exactly how much they need. Using 3D printing allows construction crews to save money by just buying the number of materials they need. Compared to the average quantity of waste produced at a construction site, the amount produced by a 3D printer is little. This is because it only uses the precise number of materials required to complete a project. 

The Law

A 3D printer can make virtually an exact duplicate of an item. Because of this, discussions and legalities about copyright infringement are widely popular, leading to opportunities for becoming an attorney. Although this venture is in the infancy stages, a thorough understanding of copyright laws can help you become an expert adviser or litigator with cases involving 3D printing.

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However, if scouring through thousands of pages of legal precedent isn’t your bag, then you can use 3D printing in other phases of the law. One of the wildest applications of 3D printing is recreating crime scenes with three-dimensional diagrams that can help determine findings the eye can’t see.

Modern Medicine

Since additive manufacturing can create lifelike reconstructions of grisly crime scenes, why not use it in a more positive light? 3D printing is rapidly expanding into the medical and dentistry sciences. Improved surgical tools, medication delivery systems, and prostheses are only some of the uses of 3D printing in clinical research.

As newer technology develops and we gain a better understanding of its capabilities, there are endless opportunities and interesting career paths in 3D printing. Who knows what the future holds, but it won’t be boring!