Top 10 Reasons Why You Have a Lack of Applicants

Since the beginning of time, managers and recruiters have assumed that obtaining a large number of applicants would be simple whenever historically high levels of unemployment are experienced. Despite the fact that the United States is now facing record-breaking unemployment rates, it is simple to find numerous press reports highlighting how numerous small to medium-sized businesses across the country are struggling to find the necessary talent to reopen their businesses and restore their pre-pandemic production capacity to its pre-pandemic levels of production capacity. You can also look at the website link for best-recruiting agencies in Dubai.

One example of the challenge of contemporary recruitment is the fact that many small firms are having trouble attracting their now jobless former workers back to their companies. Recruiting is exceedingly tough in several businesses, such as the restaurant industry, at the present time.

Almost all of the industry’s laid-off former workers have now shown a reluctance to seek available positions in their previous field of employment. If you anticipate filling your available roles as quickly as possible throughout the next company expansion. For starters, you must completely comprehend why so many prospective candidates have a variety of valid reasons to refrain from applying for available positions.

By surveying a representative sample of candidates, you may learn about the real reasons why formerly active applicants are no longer willing to submit an application. If you don’t have time to conduct a poll, you may still ask your prospective candidates to list their own limiting issues.

You will find a complete list of the economic and demographic reasons that are prompting competent candidates to refrain from applying for available positions in the sections that follow.

Let’s Dive into the top 10 Reasons why you have Lack of Applicants

  1. An inadequate amount of attention is paid to referrals

Despite all of the excitement around artificial intelligence, people are still the most effective technique for identifying elite talent. According to the data, putting a strong emphasis on employee recommendations is by far the most effective strategy for recruiting a large number of high-quality applications. Referrals account for more than 40% of all new recruits, so you have a major issue on your hands here.

Starting with making it a monthly obligation for your top-performing staff to generate at least three high-quality recommendations, you can build momentum. Encourage your staff to attend professional gatherings and to bring back names of people who they think would be good referrals. And don’t forget to provide your most visible personnel with electronic and print recommendation cards to hand out to high-potential customers and clients. Additional recommendations should be sought from each new recruit and their employment references, as well. If you work in retail, you may even ask your consumers for suggestions.

  1. Unless the content of your job advertisements is data-driven, they will fail to attract qualified applicants
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Your job listings are likely to be the first chance for candidates to learn about your company and your position, unless you have a strong employer brand already established. The majority of job advertisements are written on the fly. Your job advertisements will not be distinguished unless you utilise data to identify the content of the postings.

As a result, they will not have a high drawing and excitement value since they will not cover the appropriate “job attraction criteria.” According to CareerBuilder’s research, “75 percent of applicants think that the look of a job ad influences their decision whether or not to apply.” The key search phrases that top candidates employ while attempting to find all relevant job vacancies on a job board must also be revealed by your investigation.

  1. Your job positions are being advertised in an unproductive manner

When determining where to post job opening notices, most businesses look at prices or prior patterns. A more effective strategy is to collect data from a representative sample of prospects in order to discover where and when they are most likely to view a job ad in its entirety. Additionally, when you have made a hiring, poll new workers during their onboarding to identify which job boards or job advertising sites produced the biggest number of qualified candidates.

  1. Outsiders will not be able to detect the enthusiasm that exists at your company throughout your study

After prospective candidates have seen your job advertisements, they are likely to follow up by searching for further information on the Internet. Even while you know that working at your business is thrilling, it is frequently really difficult for outsiders to “feel that enthusiasm” when they are doing research on your company, which is unfortunate.

Consequently, carefully check your corporate and social media websites to ensure that they seem real and that they provide information about your fascinating job and outstanding team members. Each of your “job excitement and appeal” reasons should be highlighted. Furthermore, clearly demonstrate that your labour and your goods make a positive influence.

Even once you have piqued the interest of prospective applicants, it is quite simple to turn them off by putting them through a difficult application procedure. Consequently, if your application cannot be finished in five minutes or if your prospects are unable to complete their application completely from their mobile phone, you are likely to lose a considerable number of prospects.

  1. Entry-level applications are reduced as a result of poor student recruitment

If a large amount of your hiring occurs at the entry-level, you must succeed at attracting students. Create a separate dedicated website for college and high school recruitment to get things started. Following that, the most successful strategy is to transform your present student workers and interns into “brand ambassadors” while they are still at the university.

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Your recruiters are only “order takers” – they are not involved in the hiring process. The “direct sourcing” efforts of your recruiters should generate at least one-third of your applicants, according to industry standards.

Furthermore, if your recruiters mainly “post and pray,” this will not be possible. As a result, your recruiters must have adequate time available to proactively discover and reach out to candidates who have not yet seen your job advertising, as well as to respond to their answers as fast as possible. Recruiters and sorcerers are continuously scanning LinkedIn, specialty job forums, and the Internet for resumes of applicants who have not yet “discovered you.”

  1. Your organization hasn’t put up a strong talent pipeline

The most qualified applicants may already be working, and hence are not actively seeking new employment opportunities. As a result, the greatest companies pre-identify at least 20% of their potential workers and, over time, develop connections with them via participation in an online talent network. Talent communities provide you the opportunity to establish trust with prospects who may be just marginally interested at the moment.

These communities also provide you more time to market these prospective possibilities since they are closer together. Top former workers, as well as “silver medalists” who finished in second place in past positions, should be included in your hiring pipeline.

  1. The Internet employer brand image of your company has not been proactively handled

Prospects will proactively check employer comment sites l before officially applying to see what workers and former applicants have to say about your company.

Therefore, the finest companies encourage their staff to actively publish good things and to respond to any negative comments that have been written (Amazon even rewards its employees for taking the time to post positive comments).

  1. The lack of a data-driven recruitment strategy will affect you in every aspect

It is impossible to properly identify poor recruitment areas and then make the mandated adjustments that are required to continuously increase both the number and quality of your applications without taking a strategic data-driven strategy. Hiring managers may discover that they demand an excessive level of experience, which is a big element that unnecessarily reduces the number of candidates who are truly qualified for the position. Obviously, data collection and analysis are important components of the process of continuously enhancing sourcing and messaging.

You may also be unintentionally excluding some of your most qualified applicants.

Even if you get a big number of high-quality candidates, you may unintentionally lose a significant number of them if you do not react to their application within a reasonable amount of time. If you do not reply to top-quality candidates for high-demand positions in a timely and enthusiastic manner, and do not arrange an interview as soon as possible, you may discover that they are no longer available within 10 days in this very competitive employment market.

  1. If your industry’s reputation has been tarnished, the majority of prospective employees will look for opportunities in other areas first.
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If you are presently recruiting for an industry that has been particularly severely impacted by furloughs and layoffs, you should be aware of the following: (including retail, restaurants, hospitality, construction, entertainment, transportation, etc.). It is past time to acknowledge that the current downturn, as well as the resulting furloughs, have undoubtedly tarnished the reputation of your sector.

And the damage may be so serious that the majority of the experienced personnel who lost their positions in your business would only consider returning after exhausting all other options in a more stable field, such as the financial sector. In order to rehire and retain your finest former workers, you must take recruiting action.

You will need to provide far more in the “job attraction areas” that have arisen as a result of the epidemic than you did before. Some of the other attractive aspects that have been shown to be beneficial include: substantially higher income, a more consistent schedule, more work/life balance, enhanced job security, and more opportunity to grow.

  1. The unemployment offices in each state are overburdened.

When states are experiencing regular levels of unemployment, the personnel at state employment offices will actively check on each client on a weekly basis to determine whether they are actively pursuing new work prospects on a periodic basis.

However, as a result of the pandemic’s impact on their workforce, the jobless are now given no active incentive to apply for various positions that are available. As a consequence, employers are getting fewer applications from jobless individuals. No corporate action can be taken to alleviate this situation, and there is no corporate action that can be taken.

Concluding Remarks

Very few businesses take the time to halt and do a fast audit in order to determine the underlying causes behind their inability to attract enough qualified applications. Most companies review their sourcing and application funnels, they discover the same exact bottlenecks, despite the fact that every company is a bit different. So, if you don’t have a lot of time to discover the bottlenecks that are preventing your company from growing, it is recommended to utilise this checklist as a rapid evaluation tool. This easy approach might result in an increase of up to 20% in the number of applicants you get.

For more information you can look at the website link for best-recruiting agencies in Dubai.

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