Simple Tips to Help You Improve Your Web Design in Vancouver

Do you want your website visitors to leave immediately upon visit? Want to make it hard to find what you’re looking for? If not, do you want your visitors to stay on your website longer and click or buy your products and services? If so then we are discussing 13 simple tips that can help you to improve your web design in Vancouver.

1. Create a stylish company logo and link it to the website.

Tiffany Monholon, senior content marketing manager at the online marketing firm ReachLocal, said, “Logos play a very important role in creating a brand identity. So, you need to place it on your website so it’s eye-catching. “It should be placed in the top left corner of every page. It’s also a good idea to link the logo to the homepage so that visitors can easily navigate the web design in Vancouver.”

2. Use intuitive navigation.

“There are many examples of placing navigation menus in the form of vertical menu bars along the top of a site,” says Brian Gatti, one of the partners at digital marketing firm Web Design in Vancouver. Sidebar), please provide a second navigation menu.”

Why is intuitive navigation important? “A confusing navigation layout makes people leave the page,” Gatty said. is best placed at the bottom of the page.”

3. Don’t clutter.

A senior digital marketing strategist Paolo rain run of “many cases recently put too much of the image to select the image information is too much the brain is about to stop the information processing,” he said.

Visitor “To keep it on the site, you shouldn’t put too much action or visual clutter (eg lots of graphics, photos, animated GIFs, etc.) to keep your visitors focused on the most important information,” he said. As one of the ways to reduce it, you can consider restricting the links or options in the header or footer,” he added.

Here’s another tip to keep your pages concise. Ian Lurie, CEO of Internet marketing firm Portent, Inc., advises, “Keep paragraphs concise. On most websites, paragraphs should be no more than 5-6 lines long.”

4. Provide visitors with a ‘place to breathe’.

Hannah Spencer, graphic designer at Coalition Technologies, a web design in Vancouver and online marketing agency, said: “Put enough space between paragraphs and images so that visitors have more time to absorb more of the features your site or company has to offer. You have to make it happen,” he advised.

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Paul Novoa, founder and CEO of Novoa Media, said, “You need to manage whitespace throughout your layout so that users can focus on the content and control the flow of users. “The more concise the situation, the better. Managing the whitespace can improve the user experience and increase revenue from your website.”

5. Use color strategically.

“You can use neutral colors while creating Web design in Vancouver. It makes your site look more elegant, clean and modern,” says Mark Hoven, web design director at Egencia, the expedia group’s travel business unit. Titles or important graphics “Using a small colored dash on the page can drive visitors to the content that matters most.”

It is also important to use colors that complement your logo and match other marketing materials.

6. Invest in quality, professional photography.

Jane Schwartzroth, Director of Public Relations at Fahrenheit Marketing, said: “Visitors to your website can recognize plain photos in less than a second. Then they will think your company is ordinary. But your company is not ordinary. You have to invest in photography and show it to visitors.”

“We advise our customers to invest in professional photography and buy professional photos in bulk,” says Gatti. A photo of poor quality or irrelevant to the message you’re trying to convey is worse than no photo at all.

One more tip with regards to photography. Eli Kuri, co-founder and CEO of Woopra, a service that analyzes customers and visitors in real time, said, “If you want to draw attention with a particular content or ‘button’, include a photo of the person staring at the content. Do it. People tend to immediately look at other people’s faces. They also pay attention to the object that person is staring at.”

7. Choose and use a font that is easy to read across devices and browsers.

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a font. People visit and check websites using mobile devices as well as laptop computers. “Some large fonts are easy to read on computer monitors, but they don’t scale or render well on mobile devices, so they often lose their intended look and feel,” Novoa said. He advises to use fonts that are commonly used a lot.

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Ethan Zippin, CEO of Groove Commerce, said, “Choose an 11-point font that is easy to read. If you are using a web font, you should use no more than two similar fonts for faster loading times.”

“If you’re using a fixed-width design, you should use a font size that can hold up to 15-20 words per line. For a non-fixed-width design, it’s 900-1,000 pixels, 15-20 words per line.” Use a font size that can fit in.”

8. Design every page as a landing page.

Michael Freeman, senior manager of search and analytics at ShoreTel, Inc., which provides hosted VoIP, cloud-based PBX services, and enterprise phone systems, said, “Most websites are designed by the user through the home page. “I assume you’re navigating the site after you’ve come in. But in reality, in most sites, the majority of visitors start navigating from a page other than the home page,” he said.

9. Focus on the fold.

When asked the most helpful design tips, all designers immediately responded: ‘Place the ‘appeal’ at the top of the website, along with a phone number and email address (if you want to get customers to call or email).’ Aaron Watts of Leadhub, a web design in Vancouver and SEO (search engine optimization) service company, said, “In the case of a homepage image, instead of a slider that fills the width, it takes up about two-thirds of the width and puts the contact information on the fold. We recommend that you use images that you can put in.”

10. Use a responsive design that automatically adjusts to how your site is viewed.

“You can improve the user experience by designing a responsive site that adapts to the browser size rather than developing each site individually for each device,” said Jamie Frecherov, director of online marketing at Wixon Jewelers. This user experience leads to more site visits and more conversion rates.

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11. Forget the flash.

Darrell Benata, CEO of, said: “Due to the ongoing conflict between Adobe and Apple, Flash as the Internet standard is coming to an end. If there is an alternative, what reason is there to use a flash that consumes a lot of bandwidth?” He said to use HTML5 instead. “The number of webs supporting HTML5 is increasing,” said Benata CEO. “It is also search engine-friendly and can be used without plug-ins on many mobile operating systems. Flash does not.”

12. Keep in mind the button.

“The ‘Submit’ or ‘Send’ button at the bottom of a web form can be the most disgusting part of a web design in Vancouver,” Watters said. He emphasized that when designers design a form’s ‘submit’ button, they should design it so that visitors can click on it. “When a visitor hovers their mouse over the submit button, you need to change the color, gradient, opacity, and font,” he said.

13. Test the design.

Lindsey Marshall, director of production at Red Clay Interactive, an Atlanta-based interactive marketing agency, said: can

Mike Johnson, director of user experience at interactive production company The Nerdery, said: “A design decision is, after all, only a hypothesis. Through user testing, A/B comparative testing, analysis, and real user feedback, design needs to be improved.”

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