Top 13 Software Development Trends to Watch Out for in 2022

With the rise in demand for custom software, the need for software development is increasing with each day. Developers are keen to incorporate new features in the field to improve its scope and efficiency. Such software development trends are taking the world by storm, and we’ve mentioned some of them below.

  1. Cloud Financial Management or FinOps

In its truest sense, FinOps is a merger of words financial and development that stresses the collaboration of the business and engineering terms. It refers to cloud financial management – an operational model that includes cross-functional teams to collaborate and manage cloud costs.

It engages various systems and practices within an enterprise to estimate the latter’s capability and its relevant cloud costs. By leveraging FinOps, companies can revel in better cloud cost management and make much-informed decisions. T

hey are empowered to offer financial accountability to cloud spending and manage their costs and needs accordingly. To sum it up, cloud cost management or cloud financial operations looks for ideal cost-effective ways that amplify cloud usage and efficacy.

During the end of the last decade, many companies around the globe are using FinOps to take proprietorship of their cloud usage through viable practices.

In this way, each department, be it IT, finance, marketing, or production can work together to boost their product/service delivery while maintaining their cloud cost.

  1. Distributed Computing

Distributed computing, as the name suggests, refers to a model in which each part of a software system is distributed amongst various computers. The consolidated unit facilitates resource sharing and includes examples such as the internet, WWW, and email.

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In software development, distributed computing is a trend that is rising with full glory. It has empowered companies to share data conveniently and manage power processing accordingly. A company that utilizes distributed computing has a variety of computers serves connected as one The Evolution of Web

The web of the world wide web as we know it is in a race for constant evolution. Its progression has transitioned from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and now on to Web 3.0.

While the first update dealt with desktop browser access and relevant infrastructure, the second referred to the advent of social networks and the mobile-first approach.

The current era belongs to Web 3.0 and is dominated by AI-driven service, decentralized data architecture, and edge computing infrastructure.

The latest web technologies have made their way into the software development and IT industry as well. It consists of:

  • Interaction between the content, hardware, and software that we use to communicate with.
  • Computation – the logic that fuels this interaction.
  • Information – the outcome obtained from the efficient and secure communication between various functions.
  1. NFT Tokens

Non-fungible Tokens are the latest development in the cryptocurrency era that has incorporated itself well into the software development process. NFTs are distinct hence, no two NFTs are the same and hence, are commonly used as a common payment method for blockchain-based payments.

It is a safe, fast, and reliable way to make transparent payments between a company and vendors.

  1. Cloud-Native Technologies

Cloud-native technologies refer to the methodology that deals with the design, execution, and operation of projects. Such workloads are developed on the cloud and utilize the potential of the latter’s computing model. In the software development world, cloud-native technologies have empowered the development and execution of scalable projects. Such applications are useful in modern private, public, and hybrid cloud niches.

  1. Revolution in IoB

Internet of Behavior (IoB) refers to users’ interest and interaction with a variety of applications. They utilize the data obtained and incorporate them into wearable devices, internet activity, and other domestic electrical gadgets.

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IoB works simultaneously with the Internet of Things (IoT) to track and assess the data obtained from the population’s activity, social media preferences, and transactions.

  1. Low-Code and No-Code Development

Low-code and no-code development is a trend that will take the software industry by storm in 2022. Today, many companies are leveraging the trend to amplify speed and productivity.

As the name suggests, it also empowers the developers to create an entire application without writing a single code. Thus, the trend has helped non-technical individuals to benefit from it.

While applications that are derived from the drag-and-drop approach are not scalable but are feasible for a shorter time and demand a limited scope.

  1. Microservice Architecture

Microservice Architecture allows a small-scale development team to develop, execute, and maintain their services conveniently. Each service that they offer is independent and is distinct from their codebase and thus convenient to manage.

Therefore, it is widely leveraged to update any service without rebuilding or redeploying the entire application.

To sum it up, microservice is an unconventional approach to developing single-function modules with a straightforward interface.

  1. Employment of Infrastructure as Code (IoC)

Another trend that is gaining significant interest is the adoption of infrastructure as code (IaC). It is a kind of a process that allows companies to manage computer data centers through machine-readable files.

In simpler words, infrastructure as code helps enterprises manage their entire IT infrastructure and render it autonomous through different configuration files. For developers, it offers assistance by simplifying the management, analysis, and provision of resources.

  1. Cybersecurity with DevSecOps

DevSecOps is an amalgamation of the terms: development, security, and operations. It is an automated design and approach that incorporates security as one of the shared liabilities throughout the IT lifecycle.

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It deals with security measures that are built-in rather than exist superficially across the perimeter of various data and apps.

DevSecOps allow early identification of prospective security risks so that vulnerabilities are dealt with at the earliest stage possible. It strengthens the security standards and helps companies detect and eliminate bugs quickly throughout the development lifecycle.

  1. The Advent of Kubernetes

Kubernetes is also known as K8 or Kube and is an open-source system. It’s used to automate processes such as deployment, scaling, and management of various containerized applications.

It is also employed to deploy websites and mobile applications with complex codes without wasting much money or time.

For the development phase, Kubernetes computerizes various components of the deployment process. Hence, it helps developers work on the development of unique features rather than worry about server configuration.

  1. Blockchain Implementation

While blockchain is frequently associated with Bitcoin, here’s a little insight into the term itself. It is known as Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) that stores data in an electronic format and is distributed amongst the nodes of a computer network.

Blockchain is crucial to establishing and maintaining safe and decentralized transaction records in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoins. It prevents fidelity and improves trust with the third party.

  1. Outsourcing

The business world is nurturing outsourcing in the current era. Companies have stopped the process of hiring staff for a particular process and rely on third-party to do the job. Outsourcing development companies offer various services related to the software lifecycle, such as development, testing, deployment, and support.


These trends are believed to improve the way software is helping enterprises manage their routine activities. By leveraging them, both the developers and their clients will be able to reform the way they serve the world.

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