Mobile SEO Audit: What, Why, And How?

In the past few years, mobile technology has come a long way. Smartphones and tablets are now ubiquitous, and Internet use on mobile devices has overtaken use on desktop computers  in many countries worldwide.

With mobile search now accounting for a large percentage of all online searches, it’s more important than ever for businesses to ensure their website is optimized for mobile devices.

According to Google, mobile-first indexing is now being rolled out for all new websites. It means that Google will prioritize the website’s mobile version when it comes to ranking, so it’s essential to make sure your mobile site is up to scratch.

To achieve this, you can conduct a mobile SEO audit. Today we’ll look at what it is, why you should carry one out, and how to do it. But before we dig deeper, let’s take a quick look at some mobile SEO statistics.

Mobile SEO Statistics

  • Mobile devices are now responsible for over 50% of all web traffic (Source: StatCounter)
  • Local information is more likely to be searched for by mobile searchers than desktop searchers (Source: Google)
  • In a survey of 67% of mobile users, an easy-to-use website increases their chances of making a purchase  (Source: Google)
  • 61% of mobile searchers are unlikely to return to a site that isn’t mobile-friendly (Source: Google)

As you can see from the above mobile SEO statistics, it’s now more important than ever to ensure your website is mobile-friendly. If it isn’t, you could miss out on a lot of traffic and potential customers.

What is a Mobile SEO Audit?

It is a process whereby you assess your mobile website to see how well it is optimized for search engines. The audit aims to identify areas where your mobile site could be improved and make recommendations for fixing any issues.

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For instance, it might identify that Google isn’t indexing your website or that your mobile pages are loading slowly. These are issues that need to be addressed if you want your mobile site to perform well on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Manually or with the use of specialized mobile SEO tools, it can be accomplished. The following sections will provide a more detailed overview of both methods.

How is it Different From a Desktop SEO Audit?

It is similar to a desktop SEO audit in many ways. Both types of audits aim to identify issues that could hold back your website’s performance on the SERPs.

However, there are some key differences between mobile and desktop SEO audits. For instance, it needs to consider the fact that mobile devices have smaller screens and slower internet connections than desktop computers. In light of this, it is necessary to design your mobile site differently from your desktop site to be effective.

In addition, it needs to assess how well your mobile site is optimized for mobile search. This includes looking at factors such as whether your mobile pages are mobile-friendly and whether Google is indexing them.

Why Should You Carry Out a Mobile SEO Audit?

You might consider doing a mobile SEO audit for several reasons.

First and foremost, as we’ve already seen, mobile search is now incredibly important. The lack of mobile optimization on your website could prevent you from receiving a large volume of traffic and potential customers.

It can help you to identify any mobile-specific issues that could be holding back your website. Once you know what these issues are, you can then take steps to fix them and improve your mobile SEO.

It can also help to keep your website up-to-date with the latest mobile SEO best practices. Technology and mobile devices are constantly evolving, so it’s important to ensure that your mobile site keeps pace. Regular audits can help you identify areas where your mobile site needs to be updated.

Finally, it can give you an insight into how well your mobile site performs compared to your competitors. By carrying out an audit, you can see where you need to improve to keep up with the competition.

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Mobile SEO Audit: How to Conduct One

As mentioned above, one way to do it is to use mobile SEO tools or manually. Let’s take a closer look at both methods in turn.

Carrying Out A Manual Mobile SEO Audit

The first step is to assess your mobile website if you want to carry out a mobile SEO audit manually.

Start by looking at your mobile site’s design and layout. Is it easy to navigate around? Can a mobile device read the content easily? Is it loading quickly on mobile devices?

Next, take a look at your mobile site’s content. Is it mobile-friendly? Is it well-optimized for mobile search? Are your mobile pages being indexed by Google?

Finally, check your mobile site’s performance on the SERPs. Are your mobile pages ranking well for relevant keywords? How can you make your mobile SEO more effective?

Carrying Out A Mobile SEO Audit With Tools

In order to perform an audit of your mobile website, you can make use of several mobile SEO tools.

These tools can help you assess your mobile site’s design, layout, content, and performance on the SERPs. They can also help you identify any mobile-specific issues holding back your website.

Some of the best tools include:

Which tool you use will depend on your specific needs and requirements. However, all of the above tools are effective at helping you assess and improve your mobile site’s SEO. If you’re unsure which tool to use, you can also hire a professional SEO auditing company to audit you.

Mobile SEO Audit Checklist

We’ve created a checklist to help you complete a mobile SEO audit. This checklist covers all the key areas you need to assess, including your mobile site’s design, layout, content, and performance on the SERPs.

Use this checklist as a guide when carrying out your mobile site audit.

Mobile Site Design And Layout:

  • Is your site easy to navigate around?
  • Is its design and layout mobile-friendly?
  • Does your site work well on all mobile devices?
  • Is it responsive?

You can use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool to assess your mobile site’s design and layout.

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Mobile Site Content:

  • Is your mobile content well-optimized for mobile search?
  • Are your mobile pages being indexed by Google?
  • Do your mobile pages rank well for relevant keywords?
  • If not, what can you do to improve your mobile SEO?

The SEO Spider Tool from Screaming Frog can be used to assess your mobile site’s content.

Mobile Site Performance:

  • Does your mobile site load quickly on mobile devices?
  • Is its bounce rate low?
  • Do mobile users spend a lot of time on your site?
  • Do mobile users convert well on your site?

You can use HubSpot’s Website Grader tool to assess your mobile site’s performance.

Mobile SEO Best Practices

Once you’ve conducted an audit and the next step is to implement mobile SEO best practices for any areas that need improvement.

Some of the best mobile SEO tips and tricks include:

  • Improve your mobile site’s design and layout: Make sure it is easy to navigate around and that its design and layout are mobile-friendly.
  • Optimize your mobile content: Make sure your mobile content is well-optimized for mobile search. Use the right keyword density, include mobile-specific meta tags, and use mobile-friendly URLs.
  • Increase your mobile site’s performance: Make sure it loads quickly on mobile devices and has a low bounce rate. You can also improve mobile conversions by implementing effective call-to-actions and mobile-specific landing pages.
  • Monitor your mobile SEO: Keep an eye on your mobile SEO with tools like Google Analytics and Search Console. This will help you to identify any mobile-specific issues that could be holding back your website.

By following these mobile SEO tips, you can improve your site’s SEO and make sure it ranks well on the SERPs.

A mobile SEO audit is a vital process that all businesses should carry out on a regular basis. It can help you identify any mobile-specific issues holding back your website and ensure your mobile site is ranking well on the SERPs.

By carrying out a mobile SEO audit and implementing mobile SEO best practices, you can improve your mobile site’s SEO and ensure it provides a good user experience for mobile users.

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