How to Use Google Trends for SEO Purposes?

Have you ever experienced difficulty in generating original and appropriate content for your website or blog?Do you ever desire to possess a device that could inform you about the current trending topics that people are searching for? Well, my friend, you’re in luck! Google Trends is here to save the day (and your website’s traffic).

If you’re targeting audiences in Toronto, it’s essential to incorporate location-specific keywords into your SEO strategy. For instance, by including SEO Toronto in your website content, you can increase your chances of appearing in search results for individuals searching for SEO services in the Toronto area. But wait, what is Google Trends, you may ask? Is it a new ride at Disneyland? No, it is not a magical or expensive tool, instead, it is a potent and cost-free resource that enables you to monitor the popularity of particular search terms over a period. If you haven’t already employed it to enhance your SEO strategy for “SEO Toronto,” then you’re overlooking a substantial amount of potential traffic.

First things first, let’s get familiar with the layout of Google Trends. Upon arriving at the website, you will immediately notice a search bar located at the top. Here, you can enter any desired keyword or topic of your preference. Once you hit enter, you’ll be taken to a page that shows you the popularity of that search term over time, as well as related queries and topics.

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For example, let’s say you run a food blog and want to know what people are searching for right now. You might enter “vegan recipes” into the search bar, and you’ll see a graph that shows you the popularity of that term over time. You can also see related queries, such as “vegan meal prep” and “vegan breakfast ideas,” as well as related topics like “plant-based diets” and “vegan lifestyle.”

They say that knowledge is power, but with Google Trends, knowledge is traffic. And who doesn’t love a good traffic jam (as long as it’s on your website)?

Utilizing Google Trends for keyword research is one of the most valuable methods to employ. By entering a keyword related to your business or website, you can see how popular it is over time and whether it’s currently trending up or down. This can aid you in recognizing the suitable keywords to aim for in your content, as well as the ideal timing for its publication to generate the greatest impact.

For example, Suppose you manage a travel blog and aspire to compose an article regarding “solo travel.”” By entering that term into Google Trends, you can see that it’s been steadily growing in popularity over the past few years, and is currently at its highest point ever. This means that now is a great time to publish content related to solo travel, as it’s a hot topic that people are actively searching for.

Another way to use Google Trends is to get ideas for fresh and relevant content. By exploring related queries and topics, you can identify popular subtopics that you might not have thought of otherwise. This can help you come up with new blog post ideas, YouTube video topics, or social media content that’s guaranteed to be of interest to your audience.

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For example, Suppose you are operating a fitness blog and wish to compose a write-up on “strength training.”By exploring related queries on Google Trends, you might notice that “kettlebell workouts” is a popular subtopic that people are searching for. This could inspire you to write a post specifically about kettlebell workouts, or to include more kettlebell-related exercises in your existing content.


Why did the SEO expert cross the road? To get to the first page of Google search results!

If you’re a local business owner, you can also use Google Trends to boost your local SEO game. By entering location-specific keywords into the search bar, you can see how popular they are in your area, as well as related queries and topics. This can help you identify which keywords to target in your local SEO strategy, as well as which topics to write about to attract local customers.

For example, let’s say you run a coffee shop in Seattle and want to boost your local SEO strategy. By entering “coffee shops Seattle” into Google Trends, you can see how popular that search term is in the Seattle area compared to other cities, as well as related queries like “best coffee shops in Seattle” and “Seattle coffee culture.” This information can help you optimize your website and local listings for those keywords, as well as inspire you to create content about Seattle’s coffee scene to attract local customers.

Real-Life Case Study:

One great example of a company that successfully used Google Trends to boost their SEO game is Red Bull. In 2012, Red Bull noticed a spike in Google searches for the phrase “stratosphere jump” thanks to Felix Baumgartner’s record-breaking jump from the stratosphere that year. Red Bull seized the opportunity to create a live event around Baumgartner’s jump, and used Google Trends data to optimize their online content and advertising for that search term. As a result, they saw a huge increase in website traffic and social media engagement, as well as a boost in sales of Red Bull energy drinks.


In conclusion, Google Trends is a powerful tool that can help you boost your SEO game and attract more traffic to your website or blog. Whether you’re using it for keyword research, content ideas, or local SEO, Google Trends provides valuable insights into what people are searching for right now. So don’t wait, start using Google Trends today to ride the wave of popularity and take your online presence to the next level!

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