The Design Process: From concept to Final print

Painter creates whatever comes to their minds by splattering shapes and colors all over the canvas. A graphic designer also works as a painter but they are more strategically driven and creative.

A brilliant graphic designer follows some crucial design process and steps before beginning the actual design. These steps help them to produce the exact design their clients asked for. To make a perfect design according to the client’s requirement it is necessary to follow logical flow.

In this blog, we will cover some important steps that a designer should follow to produce high-quality design. Let’s jump to these crucial techniques that are necessary for every design and designer.

8 Important Steps Of the Design Process

Below, we have mentioned some important design process and steps. Let’s explore the design process steps:

  1. Briefing
  2. Research
  3. Generating ideas
  4. Sketching
  5. Design development
  6. Presenting the design
  7. Revision
  8. Delivery

This is the procedure that every company graphic designer follows. If we look at Different Design agency in Dubai, Qatar, the UK, or any other part of the world they have some standards when it comes to graphic design. Let’s elaborate on every step in detail.

1.Creative Brief

Firstly, you will receive the brief requirements from your client. After that, you will analyze all the requirements and send a proposal having solutions and necessary changes( if required).

Also, some clients do not know graphic design and they don’t know what they require. In this scenario, you need to ask a few questions to get clear requirements. For example: You may ask

  1. Who is your target audience?
  2. What theme and message do they desire to portray?
  3. Overall budget
  4. What special design do they need
  5. Other special requirements
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The more creative your brief will be the more it will be easier to design.

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2. Research

Good research is very important for an extraordinary design. You need to conduct in-depth research against your customer’s requirements. Your research must include:

  1. Brand identity
  2. What people say about the brand
  3. The unique characteristics of the brand and product
  4. What is the targeted product of your client? (For example: If your client is targeting a mango juice product, then you need to know the behavior of consumers towards this product.

3. Generating Ideas

Multiple methods can assist you in generating ideas such as mind mapping, word association, and mind mapping. The most popular method is brainstorming. In this method, you list down everything that comes to your mind and then refine the best one later.

All you need to be is creative and have some problem-solving skills to generate unique ideas from relevant sources because you know your clients best and what they require. So, be good at generating ideas to produce the best outcome.

4. Begin With The Sketching

To select the best feasible idea start sketching with a pencil on paper. This step can be also done at the time of brainstorming because it involves the process of generating creative ideas.

Design Development

So, the official method of designing is through computer software. This will let the client visualize the design. But remember, this is not the final design or result. You need to create multiple variants so that the client can pick the best one.

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This step lets you provide more creative suggestions and make it simple for the client to select their favorite elements from every design and combine them into one.

Presenting The Design To the Client

Now, it’s time to explain and present your design options to your client. Your client may ask for some changes and alterations in this step and you will have to adjust the design according to the new requirements.


At this stage, designers get stressed or feel drained because of the continuous adjustments and modifications. There are high possibilities of conflicts with your client. But, it would help if you were patient, flexible, and calm. Good communication is important as it will save you from multiple revisions. Different designers have different policies for adjustments. Some designers charge for doing revisions.

Final Delivery

Once your mockup design is approved now you can start using tools like AI, Canva, Photoshop, AutoCAD, etc to create an actual design that will be the final design you will deliver to your client.

Tips To Stay Focused While Designing

Graphic designing may seem a creative and fun-filled task but at the same time, it is draining when you are dealing with multiple tasks. At some point, you might feel your mind has lost the capability to generate creative ideas.

Here are three effective tips that will help you stay focused while designing.

  1. Make a proper list of all of your tasks.
  2. Take breaks between work.
  3. Continuously ask for feedback.

So, these are a few tips that will surely help you to stay focused while designing. If you are looking forward to hiring a designer for your design then you can look for any Printing company in Dubai that is serving customers with exquisite designs you may contact them to get the best design of your life.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the five stages of designing?

  • The five stages of design are:
  • Emphasize: This helps in understanding user needs.
  • Define: It defines and identifies the problem.
  • Idea: The idea for the problem or need.
  • Prototype: Transferring your idea into a solution.
  • Test: It involves testing your final design.

2. How can I be best at designing?

Here are a few tips to enhance your graphic designing skills.

  1. Participate in different competitions.
  2. Read books to learn more skills.
  3. Get enrolled for new courses.
  4. Review your old designs.
  5. Get yourself surrounded by other designers.

3. Why designing is considered difficult?

There are three reasons why designing is considered difficult. Designing is not like algebra there is no perfect and best solution for design. No solution is unique, and neither is 100% correct. However, some feasible solutions are better than other solutions.

The Ending Notes

Once you have made a perfect graphic design process from beginning to end you will soon get the reward for your hard work. So make sure you follow all these 8 steps of your design process to create outclassing designs. Remember, to get feedback as it will help you in producing flawless design.