A Detailed Comparison of Drupal with WordPress

Comparison of Drupal with WordPress – Along with the availability of different content management system (CMS) platforms, selecting the best one for your website requires research and internal alignment.

Because each CMS platform has strengths and weaknesses, choosing the suitable CMS (based on your business requirements) is more essential than ever. While the Drupal vs.

WordPress debate rages on, and the number of Drupal supporters and WordPress defenders continues to grow. Decision-makers have to choose at the end of the day. And as long as you have the option to choose between platforms, you will consider various factors.

So let us get started on them!

What Exactly is Drupal?

Drupal can be classified as a powerful open-source content management system (CMS) that was first introduced in 2000. Drupal, known for its extreme flexibility and customization, is the driving force behind many of the internet’s websites and controls a significant portion of the CMS market.

While Drupal has a small market share, it is primarily used by premium and large-scale enterprises, universities, and so on.

In addition, Drupal has been a preferred CMS among leading brands, including Tesla, Nasdaq, the Economist, and many more, because it is focused on bringing continuous innovation with cutting-edge features twice a year.

What Exactly is WordPress?

WordPress, a free and open-source CMS, was launched as a blogging platform in 2003 and has since become the most popular CMS worldwide. Because WordPress is preferred by many individuals and organizations for website development, it is known to power most websites on the internet.

WordPress simplifies managing your website, creating content, and improving functionality by providing a plethora of third-party plugins. In addition, it comes with an interactive dashboard that makes it simple to navigate the website’s backend, allowing users to move more quickly.

WordPress allows you to create any website without code, manuals, or restrictions. This CMS has been favored by many famous brands, including Mercedez, BBC America, and the Walt Disney Company, for its ability to help businesses grow without boundaries.

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secure drupal hosting
 A Detailed Comparison of Drupal with WordPress 2

Drupal’s Benefits:

  • Speed: Speed is an essential factor in keeping your audience’s attention. Drupal increases maximum response speed, allowing users to create high-performing pages with a fast index. You can check about Fast Drupal Hosting
  • High security: This is the primary reason for moving to Drupal. Drupal has been used to build several government websites, including the White House’s official website.
  • Simple Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Drupal is a good choice for businesses that want to rank their websites through SEO. The platform includes numerous modules, such as Yoast SEO, that simplify optimizing the site’s content.
  • Multilingual: The multilingual function has been a core feature of Drupal since version 8. Drupal’s base settings include 100+ languages for organizations that want polylingual pages. Furthermore, as is commonly observed, multilingual websites outperform websites with English as their primary language.
  • Taxonomy: Every website owner’s top priority is data. Drupal can reliably store a large amount of data, from in-depth nesting to categorizing in a common data catalog. Such features are still lacking in other open-source CMS.

WordPress Benefits:

  • Cost Of development: WordPress works well for small-to-medium businesses, eCommerce, publications, startups, and nonprofits. WordPress can meet these requirements at a lower development cost.
  • Easiness of Use: If you consider yourself a non-technical user, WordPress can help you get your business off to a good start. In minutes, it can transform your website from blank to attractive, user-friendly, and functional.
  • Extensibility: You can quickly transform your website with many free plugins and free themes. It is simple to extend your WordPress site without requiring custom development.

Which is easy to Install: Drupal or WordPress?

It is necessary to install the required CMS before beginning to build a website with Drupal or WordPress (as per your choice). Also, before installing the CMS, ensure all requirements are met. While both Drupal and WordPress offer quick installation, there are some differences to consider before deciding.

Which is more user-friendly?

Drupal may be difficult to learn, but it is not difficult to use. While it may take some time for beginners and novice developers to get used to this platform, they can easily navigate the interface once they understand the various dropdowns and how they are organized.

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In addition, following the introduction of the Layout Builder in Drupal 8, some aspects such as content editing and page creation became more accessible, making the platform more user-friendly.

Furthermore, Secure Drupal Hosting has a robust community that allows you to learn anything anytime. Finally, you don’t need to look further than Navicosoft as your hosting provider! Our diverse and experienced team of specialists provides end-to-end consulting to assist you!

On the other hand, WordPress simplifies the process of going from “zero” to a “fully functional website” in less time because it is user-friendly and straightforward to understand. Consequently, you can very easily create a blog and publish it regardless of whether you’re a newbie or have some coding knowledge.

Using WordPress, it is simple to find a theme relevant to your niche and have a functional website in a single day (obviously, this is not possible for complex projects). Then, review the menus/options and investigate the various interfaces to update how your website looks and feels.

Which is More Secure?

Every company prefers to use a secure and safe CMS for its website. You would never buy a house without locks on the doors, and you will never consider using a web building platform that compromises security. So whether you go with comparison of drupal with wordPress, you’ll end up with fortified systems that can keep intruders at bay (in most cases). However, when it comes to security, Drupal has no competition.

Drupal is regarded as an ideal CMS platform for financial institutions and government organizations worldwide due to its ability to provide in-depth security and enterprise-level security reports. Indeed, many universities now prefer Drupal as their education content management system.

Drupal includes a team of intelligent security experts who work to improve security by consistently identifying vulnerabilities and developing security patches. In addition, they continuously test and provide core and module updates, making it simple to identify and correct vulnerabilities.

Drupal also publishes security advisories (related to vulnerabilities) on its website, which aids in the prevention of code fractures. Passwords are securely encrypted in the database using the SHA512 function, making them impossible to decrypt.

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Drupal provides various security modules that add a strong shield of protection to the website to ensure that the Drupal core is free of vulnerabilities and loopholes.

On the contrary, there is no doubt that WordPress itself is secure, but its massive third-party plugins are the major source of the platform’s vulnerabilities. Because this CMS platform has millions of active users, it has become even more critical to implement proper security measures to ensure maximum security.

Which one has better customer support?

Your CMS platform must have good support because you want something more substantial than just a blogging platform. But, without a doubt, the complexity of your website can cause problems and get you into trouble. Hence, you must pay great attention to customer support. So, which one has better support?

Drupal comes with an active online community that includes extensive documentation, user groups, support forums, chat rooms, and various other resources.

You can quickly solve problems with the help of such resources without spending a single penny. Furthermore, Drupal is well-known for offering a marketplace connecting users with relevant developers. This makes it easier to seek professional assistance.

WordPress has a large online community that is known to be extremely helpful. Before you plan to build your site on WordPress, it is recommended that you join official forums as well as support groups. In addition, numerous online resources, podcasts, tutorials, and informative video guides are available to help you learn more about WordPress.


There are a few benefits that both platforms have in common. Drupal and WordPress, for example, both offer eCommerce capabilities and have been redesigned to be more platform-agnostic. Similarly, Drupal and WordPress can be decoupled.

While WordPress is useful for small businesses with limited resources, Drupal is the best choice for large companies. If you fall into the latter category, you should immediately consider migrating to Drupal. 

Do you still have questions? Then, don’t look any further! Instead, contact the Navicosoft experts to create exceptional, best-in-class experiences to get secure Drupal Hosting.

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