Going Extra Mile – 6 Ways To Improve Your Mobile App UX

A mobile app project starts and ends primarily with the concerns corresponding to users. A successful mobile app and a failed one differ primarily on user experience quality (UX). This is why every app needs to go all out for improved user experience for best mobile app UX development irrespective of niche and business.

What are the most authentic and time-tested ways to improve the app user experience for developing mobile applications? Let’s explain them here below.

Seamless Onboarding

The real objective of app onboarding is to engage the users instantly and show the app’s value proposition as soon as a user lands on the app for the first time. The onboarding experience shows how users can use the app to fulfill what they want with as little effort and time as possible.

We have come across a variety of onboarding strategies. There is progressive onboarding that encourages users to come back again. There is also instant onboarding to help users understand the app function quickly.

The focus of onboarding, irrespective of the different strategies, should be ensuring user retention and reducing app abandonment. Reducing user efforts to a minimum and facilitating simple app usage to get things done are the two most important aspects of great onboarding.

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Make use of Native Component.

People feel less confused with native design elements that they often encounter while using their smartphones. So, make sure that your app offers native iOS components to help him navigate easily for an iPhone user, and you should do the same thing with Android users. So, in case you are building a cross-platform app, make sure you incorporate iOS and Android native elements in their respective versions.

Maintain Design Simplicity

The users hate obstacles in pursuing certain goals while using an app. Often, the complexity of UI/UX design elements and many additional features create obstructions or distractions for them. Your app must get rid of this extra load for a superior user experience.

Make sure the app only offers features that are essential for the app objective. Maintain the user flow and navigation so that users with little effort can access the features and content they need. Reduce the cognitive load to a minimum and leave sufficient white space around content and buttons to engage user attention.

Give Priority to Familiarity and Consistency.

Users hate riddles when trying to get something done. Since apps are used as tools for everyday uses, they don’t want to rake their brain on confusing design elements. This is why it is important to maintain familiarity throughout the mobile app UX design. To make a solid impression with the app, it is also important to maintain a consistent design approach.

Offer Only Bite-Sized Content.

Mobile screens are smaller in size, and users on the go generally take glances at them to grasp the key points quickly. Naturally, they hate reading long text blocks and watching a long video taking over a few minutes.

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So, for an engaging app user experience, always offer byte-sized content. It is also important to boost mobile app UX readability to allow users to Make the head and tail of content with glances. In the case of audiovisual content, use small and instantly engaging video content.

Reduce the Steps

Users hate to fill up forms, and they dislike answering too many questions. This is why an mobile app UX with a great user experience should not offer a registration form with more than two form fields. On top of that, you must allow users to use the app as a guest or log in with their social media credentials that take just a single click. The same principle goes for a smooth checkout process as well.

Minimum User Efforts

Another crucial way to boost user experience is to reduce the search efforts of the users. The autocomplete feature can reduce user efforts in filling up search fields. The visual search also can be highly effective in the case of e-commerce apps with a huge repository of items across multiple categories.

User input can also be reduced to a minimum level by allowing payment through digital wallets and integrated payment solutions. To reduce user abandonment rates, it is important to reduce the number of form fields to a minimum and only ask for the relevant information. Small micro-interactions like instant error notice, spelling suggestions, and autocomplete can further improve user experience.

Personalized User Experience

Personalization of mobile app UX user experience has emerged as a key aspect to engage users individually and turn them into loyal users. Personalized user experience is only possible when the user experience is completely aligned with the user preferences.

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Personalization of the user experience can be carried out by allowing users to choose the type and timing of push notifications as per their needs. You can also allow users to choose a quick access menu for faster access to what they need. Some apps also allow users to use their custom display themes. Allowing users to use dark mode and different font sizes are other ways to allow personalization.

Providing Customer Support

The ultimate way to offer an improved user experience is to provide users ready to access customer support. The app can offer live chat support to address customer issues and chatbot support to address common issues. The app should also provide a prominent click-to-call button to connect customer service. For some apps involving a lot of technical queries, a dedicated FAQ section can also be helpful.


The leading and successful apps across industries have tested all the tips mentioned above and practices to improve app user experience. You can make more value additions. But these UX elements stand as irreplaceable for any successful app.

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