Step By Step Guide To Build A Spontaneous Voice Chat App Like Clubhouse

Elon Musk enters a chat room after an invite-only audio chat app goes viral. According to Pitchbook, Clubhouse Voice Chat App, launched in March 2020, is now valued at $1 billion.

The app is currently only available on iOS, but an Android version is in the works. The Clubhouse has 2.4 million downloads as of this writing, half of which came in January 2021.

In addition to Elon Musk’s influence, Clubhouse’s popularity shows that there are still opportunities in the crowded space of social media apps. Unique and user-friendly apps can stand out from the crowd and attract a large user base.

This article will help you to build a seamless voice chat clubhouse clone app.

Voice-only social media app where users can join rooms and chat via voice. Once registered, users are taken to a list of spaces created by other members.

Rooms is an intimate community centred around the creator, and you can join and participate. Users are muted upon registration but can unmute themselves at any time to join the conversation.

The Clubhouse is a unique social media app that requires an invitation to join.

Why Is Clubhouse So Popular?

It may not be for everyone to use a video-based service like TikTok, as screening can be scary for camera-shy users. A clubhouse is a voice-only software that appeals to users who are tired of video interactions. Additionally, voice chat enables you to be more relaxed and natural.

Demand for other means of connecting users amid the COVID pandemic is one of the reasons Clubhouse has been such a success. It enables accessible communication with the community without requiring video or text.

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The Clubhouse’s charm stems from its privacy. The app does not record any conversation. If you want to participate in a discussion, you must be present when it happens.

Essential Features of Voice Chat App Like Clubhouse

  • Onboarding 

New users will be asked to fill in their names and upload a profile picture when signing up for the app. After that, users are free to join as many rooms as they want.

  • Fodder 

The feed displays a list of rooms that may be of interest.

  • User Profiles 

In the Clubhouse, no formal introduction is required. Only a name, a profile picture, and a short description are needed.

  • Club 

Clubs are groups built around a common interest. They help gather people who share a similar good.

  • Search

Allows users to view topics and people they are interested in.

  • Upcoming For you

Calendar of upcoming events such as panel discussions. Users can choose to be notified about specific events.

  • Activity

Audit trail of your account activities. In Clubhouse, you can see who’s following you, new members, and upcoming events.

  • Notifications

It allows you to be notified of important events, such as starting a new conversation or adding new members to a room.

Steps To Build An App Like Clubhouse -Intuitive Voice Chat App

If you’re looking to build a voice-based platform like Clubhouse or the Discord clone app, here are six steps to help you get started.

Step 1 – Conduct Market Research

You never want to be just another clubhouse or existing social media app. Your voice chat app should be unique, functional and solve real-world problems. As a result, you should put 100% of your focus on market research.

Please take advantage of the opportunity to research how competitors’ apps work and how users respond to them. Examine their strengths and weaknesses to see if there is an opportunity for your app to gain a competitive advantage.

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You can identify the marketing strategies that have led to success for your competitors and adapt them to your plan with correctly done research.

Step 2 – Conduct Target Audience Research

How well you understand the target audience, you are marketing to will determine the success of your app. You must protect information about potential app users, such as demographics, preferences, and issues. For this, you should focus on getting to know your audience at the grassroots level rather than relying on numbers.

Face-to-face interviews with potential users are an effective way to gather valuable information for app development. You can ask interview questions to know about the problems of the users and come up with solutions. When the app launches, participants will most likely have a ready pool of users.

Step 3 – Create User-Friendly And Intuitive Design

You can’t make any mistakes in a crowded app store. Priority should be given to the user experience and ease of your voice chat app. Few crashes, and users are having trouble navigating the app to kill the app’s chances of success.

To attract and retain app users, visual appeal is not enough. You will need a better understanding of what the user expects from the app and will be able to deliver it.

For example, Tinder prioritizes speed in the early stages of development. On the other hand, getting quick results for matches is meaningless if they are not relevant. Despite a slight delay in results, Tinder’s algorithm has been tweaked again to provide better matches. This is how it has become the most popular social dating app.

Step 4: Create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

You might have a long list of features you’d like to see in the voice chat app. However, it is not feasible to build the app from the ground up with all of its features. It’s expensive and may cause a delay in time-to-market. Instead, you should create an MVP and test out the core concepts as soon as possible.

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MVP is a working app with only the most essential features. MVP omits features that may improve the user experience but are not necessary for the app to function. By issuing an MVP, you and your development team can focus on core issues that affect app functionality and marketing appeal.

Step 5: Begin Your Marketing Campaign

It would help if you tried to get the words out before the app went live. Having a strategic marketing plan would be beneficial. You want to reach out to influencers and ask them to try out the app and tell your followers about it. 

It also helps in building a website and publishing blogs relevant to the target audience. To collect a list of customers, use the email capture form. The list can be used to notify customers when the app is released. Don’t forget to improve the visibility of your app on the Apple and Google App Stores.

Step 6 – Collect Feedback

Once users have had a chance to try out the MVP version, you’ll want to watch any issues and see if the app serves its purpose. There’s nothing better than getting feedback from users trying the app to point you in the right direction.

Instead of relying on analytics, users should be interviewed for feedback on their app experience. Thanks for the feedback; you’ll be able to point out issues and areas to improve in the next release.

Social media is a rapidly changing field. To ensure that your app remains relevant, you should incorporate feedback into your long-term voice chat app maintenance strategies.


The Clubhouse has demonstrated that there is still room for new social media applications, especially in light of the lifestyle changes of the pandemic. The key to success is to develop one that is specific, focused, and well-targeted.

Also Read: What Does Voice Search Mean for App Development?

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