Why Not to Invest in Stock Market, But in Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is very volatile compared to other types of investment schemes whether it is stock market or mutual funds. So, why to invest in cryptocurrency.

Here are some things to know in to invest in Cryptocurrency but not in stock market:

  1. Because of huge return on investment.
  2. No income taxation by government .
  3. No GST on crypto exchanges but in stock market.
  4. Different brokerage prices decided by crypto exchanges.
  5. Very low brokerage compared to other investment channels.
  6. Totally impossible to hack your cryptocurrency wallet.
  7. Can start your own cryptocurrency mining company without any cumbersome paper work.
  8. No age limit whether you do trading or mining. Yet in India many crypto exchanges has made compulsory for KYC for which you should be above 18 years, still you can register on foreign crypto exchange but your bank might not support the transaction between you and crypto exchange.
  9. No registration fees and taxation from government for cryptocurrency miners.
  10. No need for especial commercial electricity connection you can do with your domestic electricity connection. Which can save you from extra bills.
  11. No need for especial hardware components just you need graphics card, some PC, electricity, internet. XII. You can use your mobile phone data no need for Broad Band service XIII. No staff needed.
  12. No need for accommodation for starting a company.
  13. No specific amount or minimum amount required to invest according to your pocket from Rupees 1 to 1 Million $.
  14. No need for taking license of crypto mining company unless you want to become a franchise of any crypto exchanges.
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Crypto exchanges are self-regulated still you can challenge them in court, yet they can option for supreme court of India if High Court of state gives any non sensible decisions.

  • Cryptocurrency is accepted world wide where Indian Rupees is still not considered as a medium of exchange.
  • No need to be a techy in the field you can start with just watching tutorials on YouTube and Facebook or from official website of the crypto exchanges.
  • No need for KYC or paperwork until or unless you are doing transaction from an Indian bank or Indian crypto exchange.
  • No formal education needed to be crypto miner or to start training in cryptocurrency.
  • There are different types of cryptocurrency which works in very different manner from each other.
  • Every cryptocurrency is not volatile every cryptocurrency has different fundamentals of working.
  • No charges by the cryptocurrency if you start mining but in addition you will get certain amount of cryptocurrency being transferred from one person to another or in other manner you will get commission depending upon the cryptocurrency.
  • Cryptocurrency is exempt to be taxed in the countries where it is considered as crypto assets.

Whereas stock market of India BSE OR NSE is over regulated if compared to neighboring countries like China, Russia, Nepal, Pakistan, Shri Lanka, and Maldives. If you notice last month government banned F&O trading for IRCTC and in second wave of corona virus government banned short selling for more than 1 month and even normally you cannot do short selling for more than one day as market will come to close your shares will be automatically buy on the closing price when market is being closed no matter what is the price.

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High brokerage charges for both intraday stock market trading and delivery trading by the broker.

Capital gain tax with brokerage if you are investing for more than 1 day and your profit sore up from 3 Lakhs you will be exempt LTCGT [ Long Term Capital Gain Tax ]. Means you also have to file ITR [ Income Tax Return ].

To much cumbersome paper work if you want to start trading you have to do KYC and have to open a Demat Account. Which requires heavy registration fees and transaction fees.

Update your identity on yearly basis in order to keep on trading as stated by national stock exchange ( NSE ) of India.

You should have heavy knowledge of financial institutions and their financial instruments. Keeping yourself update from working of company and keep on reading their balance sheets of different companies. Updating yourself from quarterly report of credit rating agency example Moody’s.

Requires a big amount of money to invest in stock market which is out of pocket for so many middle class and upper middle class family. Time for seeing new rules and regulations on business sectors. It takes to much time and controlled by government and Indian government take decision by taking political gain in mind rather than people’s gain or country gain.

Even after reading this article you have doubts on cyber security, then you can take basic knowledge of cyber security technical Sagar all hacking courses for free in these courses all the basic knowledge related to cryptocurrency and it’s protocol is given after doing this course you will have a deep knowledge on working of cryptocurrency.

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Also Read: A Guide for Beginners to Invest and Trade in Best Cryptocurrency of 2021

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